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Vol. 7, No. 1, Sep, 1950



     Our fourth national convention at Detroit proved to be an outstanding success, a fitting climax to the work of the Detroit Chapter this year. The Association greatly benefited from the work of these men and will, fortunately, continue to benefit thereby.
     We look forward now to the fifth convention, scheduled for Pittsburgh. The trend of our reunions will be to the East, in order to facilitate the participation of those living in that part of the country. I believe that Pittsburgh is well situated for the next convention and should attract many who for one reason or another could not travel as far west as Chicago, Detroit, or Indianapolis. By a like token, Pittsburgh should appeal to those in the Midwest.
     The CUB is published bimonthly by the 106th Infantry Division Association. Subscription price $3.00 per year includes membership in the association. Editorial offices at 236 North Genesee Street, Waukegan. Illinois. Back copies available. 25c each.

     Yep, we know that 1950-51 membership cards were sent out late. We're sorry, but you know how it is. If we got your dues renewal, you're on our records as a member and will get your card soon if it hasn't already reached you. Life has been sort of hectic this summer for several of your volunteer officers and we haven't been as prompt in answering correspondence as we'd like to be. For example, Bob Kelly (our new adjutant) had a big and time consuming job as convention chairman; Bob Rutt (ex-adjutant) moved this spring, has four young children (or is it five yet Bob?) and was active in the convention; Dave Price (CUB editor) moved and has a new son.

Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1950
     The Association is in pretty good financial condition. All bills are paid. We have about $1,125 in the Memorial Fund, about $40 in the fund to buy histories, and in addition have a "surplus" of about $1,150. Our assets are almost entirely in cash in the bank. In the fiscal year which ended on 30 June 1950, our income exceeded all of our expenses by $432.72 - of this, $338.67 was profit from the 1949 convention at Chicago; the $94.05 balance was profit from all other activities.
     The above paragraph gives a very brief summary of the detailed Treasurer's Report presented at the 1950 annual meeting in Detroit. Copies of the full report will be mailed to any member on request, as long as they last. A few other facts that can be gathered from the report are:
    1. Although paid membership dropped from 1,080 in 1948-49 to 860 in 1949-50, it continued to cost the Association exactly $2.89 in total expenses for each $3.00 of dues collected. President Gillespie told the convention that, in his opinion, membership and expenses had both levelled off to the point where we can hold our own for the next few years – then, as our fellows get older (and presumably richer) our membership and convention attendance should increase, that being the pattern experienced by Division Associations after the first world war.
2. No officer of the Association receives any wages or salary.
    3. Expenses for printing and postage (almost entirely for membership renewal bills) increased by about 20% last year. This item is something members can help to reduce - pay your dues when you get your first bill, and save us the cost and trouble of sending reminders.

     On July 16, 1950 the Battle of the Bulge Memorial was dedicated. It is in the shape of a five-point star, each point being 102 feet long. A circular gallery, studded with pillars, gives the monument the aspect of a large temple forty feet high. On the walls of the circular gallery, engraved, is written the history of the Bulge. Names of the principal American units, including the 106th, stand out in letters of bronze. The insignia of the units are reproduced on the walls in color. The monument is on Mardosson Hill near Bastogne, and was erected by the Belgo-American Association, G. Dedoyard, architect.


     The Detroit convention was tops! Unparalleled entertainment from Wednesday night to Sunday afternoon . . . financially successful, and attendance was higher than either 1948 or 1949. . . beautiful management by convention chairman Bob Kelly and our other Detroit hosts . . . an able and representative set of officers elected for next year. We can't tell you all about it in this one issue of the CUB because of space limitation, but here are some of the highlights -- more about it in future issues.

     On Wednesday night, July 26, more than 1/3 of the delegates had checked in. The Michigan Chapter held an informal party which lasted far into the night. By Thursday, 2/3 of the total crowd had assembled, and there was a guided tour of the Ford Motor Company plant in the afternoon. In the evening the moonlight trip on a cruise ship to Bob-Lo Island was a great success, complete with beer and dancing.
     Incidentally, speaking of dancing, either our wives are prettier year after year or your reporter is just getting more observant in his old age. Anyway, there were almost as many women as men registered. The girls were nifty in 1950.
     On Friday afternoon the gang went to Dearborn Village via chartered buses, for a sightseeing trip. (My spies tell me that a few of the lads and lasses stayed home from this trip to rest up from Thursday night's party in preparation for Friday evening's gay doings.)
     Friday night was the best party I've been to in four years of attending conventions. Speaking of attending all four conventions, we'd like to print a list of the people who've been to all of them. Send a postcard to the Editor if your name should be on this list.
     Friday's party featured free beer and very lively five-piece band. Plenty of slow dreamy numbers for dancing, group singing, square dances, polka, and jive. Everything -- that band really had the gang loosened up. The party was so good that it held the whole crowd until closing time-- and you who've been at previous conventions know that if a party isn't top-notch, the boys disappear into smaller bull-sessions.
     Saturday noon a fine dinner was followed by a short talk on Korea by Colonel Joseph Matthews who recently returned from a tour of duty there with military government. Illustrated with Kodachrome slides, this feature was of great interest because of the present state of affairs in Korea. Saturday afternoon's business meeting will be reported in the next issue of the CUB.
     Saturday morning the Memorial Services, stirring and impressive, were held at the new Detroit Veterans Memorial Building, with Fathers Cavanaugh, Boyle, and Hurley participating. A wreath was emplaced by Mr. and Mrs. David Woodson whose son was killed in action with Company D, 424th Infantry.
     Saturday night another excellent meal, followed by a party at which beer and set-ups were again provided free. Pfeiffer Brewing Company sent its pair of top-flight entertainers who kept the crowd in high good humor. The same orchestra we had Friday night was on hand again for dancing. The big party broke up about one o'clock, and then small parties got under way.

    "THIRD DOOR TO YOUR LEFT, GENERAL," or some similar vital information could be obtained from any member of the convention committee at any time. This scene is from the Bob-to Island cruise on Thursday night, the gentleman giving the directions is Bill French (Schnislein photo)

    Singing. Haven't sung so much for years. That Elbridge Marsh has one fine Irish tenor. Jim Wells swings a neat baritone, and Shirley Gillespie is another with a first-rate voice. Friday night's group singing was so much fun that your editor planned to take pencil & paper to Saturday's party to write down the words to some of the catchier and less printable tunes, but just after taking complete notes on all verses of Minnie the Mermaid in washable ink, someone spilled a beer on the note paper. Oh, well, maybe next year!
(Continued on page 8)


1950 Convention at Detroit




New CUB Editor
     Arvo Paananen, 236 North Genesee Street, Waukegan, Illinois will take over as Editor of the CUB, starting with the October-November 1950 issue. Paananen, who served with the 591st F.A. Bn. and is a funeral director in civilian life, has had considerable editing experience with local and church newspapers. Frank Anderson, co-editor with Paananen of the Chicago Chapter News, will serve as sole editor of the chapter publication starting with its September issue. The civilian CUB was edited by Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. of Mamaroneck, New York from August 1946 through September 1947. David S. Price of Loudonville, New York followed Livesey, and will be replaced by Paananen.

     THE NATIONAL AUXILIARY raised money during the year to purchase a special wheel chair for a veteran. Walter Langolf, veteran of the 102nd Infantry Division and a sufferer from multiple sclerosis, is shown receiving the chair at the Sunday noon luncheon from Mrs. Bertha Stiles of Chicago (1949-50 national auxiliary president) and Mrs. Robert Kelly (Michigan auxiliary president).

     THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER had a picnic and outing at Lake Josephine on August 20. Shown planning the affair at a meeting on July 12 at Jim Hatch's cottage are, rear row: Mrs. John Olson, Phil Gerlach, Shirley Gerlach, Penny and Bob Sandberg; front row: Helen Hatch. Rudy Schnizlein, Jerry Olson, John Olson, and Jim Hatch.

     CHICAGO CHAPTER auxiliary held a card and bunco party on June 2, and has a regular meeting set for September 8. Luella Meagher is president this year.
     DETROIT CHAPTER auxiliary did a perfectly dandy job of hostessing at the convention. Under the presidency of Elizabeth Kelly, they plan an active year.
     NATIONAL auxiliary had several meetings at the national convention, already has nearly as many members as it had all last year.
     Many thanks to the Auxiliary for its generosity in donating fifty dollars to the Memorial Fund. The men's organization will have to move pretty fast to stay ahead of the good works of the Auxiliary – last year they raised over $100 to buy a chair for a paraplegic veteran, and this year they'll have another project.

Co. F. 423d Inf.
     Live-wire Fox Company held three reunion dinners this summer, one at South Bend, Indiana on June 17, a second at Newark, N. J. on June 24, and the third at Columbus, Ohio on August 19. Attendance was 14 and 18 at the first two, with the Columbus affair unreported as this issue goes to press. The August issue of the COMPANY F GUIDON was a fancy 16-page affair, with a 6 page supplement.




      REGISTRATION DESK during the Friday Night Michigan welcome part, left to right: Mrs. Bob Rutt, Mrs. Bill Goodwin, Mrs. Merle Allen (new national president of the Auxiliary) with Merle (589th FA Bn.) standing behind her, Mrs. Peter Chiti, and Clifford E. Perras of Nadeau, Mich. receiving his membership card. Note that the Detroit hospitality extended to providing beverages for the girls on the desk.

     BULL SESSION on Wednesday, opening night of the convention. Around the circle from left to right are Tom Bickford, a mystery man we can't identify because all we can see are his drink and trousers, Russ Villwock, Bob Rutt, Jack Middleton, Bill French, Bob Vorpagel, and Dr. Fridline. (Schnislein photo)

     KOREA was the subject of Lt. Col. Joseph Matthews' feature speech at the Saturday luncheon. Seated, left to right, are Jack Gillespie. Bob Kelly, Bob Rutt, and Dave Price. (Schnislein photo)



CONVENTION (Continued from page 3)
     Officers were nominated, elected and installed on Saturday. The editor doesn't have a list of all of the national directors-- it'll be in the next CUB. But Ed Luzzie is our new president (Chicago, he'll be remembered for his management of the 1949 convention) ; Jack Middleton of New Jersey is vice president; Arvo Paananen of Waukegan, Ill. is the new CUB Editor ; Bob Kelly of Detroit our new adjutant ; Dave Price remains as treasurer; Father Boyle is national chaplain.
     Sunday was another day, and the story will have to be told by someone else-your reporter went direct to the airport after the Saturday night party and couldn't stay to take in the Sunday fun, darn it.

Thanks to the Printer
     The Cromwell Printer, 97 Beaver St., Albany, New York has printed the last nine issues of the CUB for the Association. We regret that the moving of the editorship to the mid-west will end this satisfactory business relationship. 106th men requiring photo-offset printing of any kind would do well to solicit a bid from Mr. Sutin at Cromwell.

     SGT. FRANK C. GARBER, 106th Signal Company, died on 21 May 1950 at Hines Veterans Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Frances, and son Frank C. Jr., 5333 So. Bishop St., Chicago 9, Ill.
     PAUL B. NOLTING, Company F, 423d Infantry, was killed in August 1947 when he was electrocuted in a freak accident while picking apples. Our information is from his sister, Mrs. Lucille Brewster, 1634 Prairie St., Vincennes, Ill.
     PVT. G. FREDERICK ANCHORSTAR, died of malnutrition on 30 March 1945 at Stalag IX-B, Bad Ord. Berga, Germany. His mother (Edna M. Anchorstar, Summit Station, Pa.) would like to hear from anyone who can give her information about her son.

Chicago Chapter
     The CHICAGO CHAPTER NEWS reports that the chapter will raise funds for next year by raffling off a television set at its December 16 reunion. Donations are 25c, with a 16 inch Motorola as the prize. Members wishing to support this enterprise can send donations to the Chicago Chapter care of Vincent Stiles, 1020 West 68th St., Chicago 21, III.
     WILLIAM P. DOHONEY, 1429 Berryhill St., Harrisburg, Pa. (422/C) was graduated in June as a dentist. He wrote that he expects military duty, but mail sent to his Harrisburg address will be forwarded.
     GEORGE VRANA, 1905 22nd Rd., Astoria 5, L. I., N. Y. (a medic) was in Yokohama, Japan when last heard from -- working as a civilian in the Army Central Exchange.
     WILLARD E. MACK, 442 Holly Ave., Madison 5. Wise. (106th Sig. Co.) is an agent with the Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Des Moines, Iowa. He has sons Johnny age 5 and David age 3.

     We'll have a new editor, and he'll bring you a snappy magazine -- he may have new features of his own to add, but at least there'll be: a revised complete list of our casualties; a list of newly elected officers, and the minutes of the 1951 annual meeting; more convention photos. Help out the new editor by sending in items and photographs!



     July and August are the annual billing months, as our mail is heaviest then. We're printing personal items in the order in which we received them, so if you have written us recently and your item isn't below, watch for it in one of the next issues.
     HAROLD J. ABRAMS (422/ Hq.), 163 Powell Lane, Upper Darby, Pa. is entering his second year at Temple Univ. law school. He's selling insurance (everything except life) and would appreciate boys in the Philadelphia area contacting him on their insurance needs ('phone Boulevard 4683).
     RICHARD ADAMSON (424/I), 178 ½ Grant St., Conneaut, Ohio was graduated from Ohio Univ. last February, was married in July, and is now selling life insurance.
     FRANKLIN BARLOW (DHQ), 30 Baldwin St., Hudson, Ohio is assistant export manager with Harris-Seybold Co. in Cleveland, has two fine sons--Byron and Donald, one going on three years old, the other about nine months old.
     HERBERT C. BLISS (423/F) writes from a new address at 264 W. Forest Ave., West Milton, Ohio. He's working in the Dayton post office.
     JOHN J. FISCHER, JR. (422/Svc), 6519 Crest Ridge Cir., Cincinnati 13, Ohio is an account executive with the brokerage home of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane.
     L. W. FRANK, (Hq. Btry, 591 FA Bn), 198 Hawthorne, Apt. 5, Memphis 12, Tenn. writes that he doesn't see much in the CUB about his battery, says he saw BERNARD LOCKRIDGE (Btry CO) recently. Frank is women's sportswear buyer at Levy's.
     JAMES D. JACKSON (422/F), Rt. 1, Horton, Ala. has just finished building a new home for his family, which now includes a five-month old daughter. He is postmaster at Horton.
EDMOND D. KELLY (423/D), 6W. 77th St., New York 24, N. Y., was married in June.
     JOHN M. LONGENECKER (422/I), 461 Maplewood Ave., Springfield, Pa.--and that's a new address for him -- reports that he's in the 79th Div. reserves, finished Univ. of Penna. in 1949, with ROTC training.
     HARRY F. MARTIN, JR. (424/L), 10 Craig Pl., No. Plainfield, N. J. received his B.S. from Rutgers in June, is now establishing a bookkeeping and tax service for small businesses.
     GEORGE F. PHILLIPS ( Red Cross, DHQ) writes from 37 Linden Pl., Uniontown, Pa. to say that he recently enjoyed a visit with CAPT. ROBERT LOWTHER, IG, who's now in the insurance business in Clarksburg, W. Va.
VICTOR C. RAUCH (592/C), 335 2nd St., Albany, N. Y. is with the U. S. Bur. of Internal Revenue in Albany.
     HYMAN SLAVIN (424/3d Bn Hq), 24 William St., Newburgh, N. Y. is employed in the post office. Among members of anti-tank platoon whom he's seen recently are PAUL SOPENSKY of Waterbury, Conn., WALLY KRULEWICH of Astoria, N. Y., LT. BILL ABRIEL of White Plains, N. Y., and SGT. VINCE O'CONNOR of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
     ORVILLE T. SWISHER (106th Sig Co), Philadelphia, Mo. has just completed a new seven room house. He has sons Kenneth and Joe, four and two years old, owns his own farm, and raises registered Hereford cattle.
     HOWARD J. TERRIO (423/I & 424/ K), 718 Calhoun St., Columbia 2, S. C. is working in the Columbia plant of the Shakespeare Co. of Kalamazoo, Mich. He's a chemical engineer.
     FRANK C. WINSTON (424/Hq) 1228 No. Monroe St., Decatur, Ill. has a daughter, Jackie. He'd like to hear from his army buddies.
     LEWIS A. SHIRK, Box 74, Mifflintown, Pa. (Svc/422) invites anyone passing through Mifflintown (about 40 miles n.w. of Harrisburg) to stop in for a session of reminiscence.
     BRIG. GEN. HERBERT T. PERRIN writes from APO 403, c/o Postmaster, New York City. He's back in active service, and now stationed in Berchtesgaden, Germany. He writes "I hope the reunion was a huge success and that the Association's on firm ground. With all good wishes."


If you haven't paid your 1950-51 dues
Send $3.00 Note To
1387 Marlborough
Detroit. Michigan


The 1951 National Convention Will Be In PITTSBURGH


Index for: Vol. 7, No. 1, Sep, 1950

Index for This Document

106th Sig. Co., 10
589th FA Bn, 9
Abrams, Harold J., 12
Abriel, Lt. Bill, 12
Adamson, Richard, 12
Allen, Mrs. Merle, 9
Anchorstar, Edna M., 10
Anchorstar, G. Frederick, 10
Anderson, Frank, 7
Bad Ord, 10
Barlow, Franklin, 12
Bastogne, 2
Belgo-American Association, 2
Berga, 10
Bickford, Tom, 9
Bliss, Herbert C., 12
Boyle, Father, 10
Chiti, Mrs. Peter, 9
Dedoyard, G., 2
Dohoney, William P., 10
Fischer, John J., Jr., 12
Frank, L. W., 12
French, Bill, 4, 9
Fridline, Dr., 9
Garber, Frank C., 10
Gerlach, Phil, 7
Gerlach, Shirley, 7
Gillespie, Jack, 9
Gillespie, Shirley, 4
Goodwin, Mrs. Bill, 9
Hatch, Helen, 7
Hatch, Jim, 7
Jackson, James D., 12
Kelly, Bob, 1, 3, 9, 10
Kelly, Edmond D., 12
Kelly, Elizabeth, 7
Kelly, Mrs. Robert, 7
Kelly, Robert E., 14
Krulewich, Wally, 12
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 7
Lockridge, Bernard, 12
Longenecker, John M., 12
Lowther, Capt. Robert, 12
Luzzie, Ed, 10
Luzzie, Edward L., 1
Mack, Willard E., 10
Mardosson Hill, 2
Marsh, Elbridge, 4
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 12
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 3, 9
Middleton, Jack, 9, 10
Nolting, Paul B., 10
O'Connor, Vince, 12
Olson, Jerry, 7
Olson, John, 7
Olson, Mrs. John, 7
Paananen, Arvo, 7, 10
Perras, Clifford E., 9
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 13
Phillips, George F., 12
Price, Dave, 1, 9, 10
Price, David S., 7
Rauch, Victor C., 12
Rutt, Bob, 1, 9
Rutt, Mrs. Bob, 9
Sandberg, Penny & Bob, 7
Schnizlein, Rudy, 7
Shirk, Lewis A., 13
Slavin, Hyman, 12
Sopensky, Paul, 12
Stalag IX-B, 10
Stiles, Mrs. Bertha, 7
Stiles, Vincent, 10
Swisher, Orville T., 12
Terrio, Howard J., 12
Villwock, Russ, 9
Vorpagel, Bob, 9
Vrana, George, 10
Wells, Jim, 4
Winston, Frank C., 13
Woodson, Mr. & Mrs. David, 3