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The Cub
Vol. 57, No. 2, JAN , 2001

    3 March 2000 - Major Benjaman Frazier presents the WW II COMMENDATION MEDAL (for Valor) to Robert F. Sowell, "E" Co., 424th Infantry, for saving the life of a fellow soldier.
    Joining the Reserves in '48, he was appointed to 2nd Lt. In '50 he was called to Korea for five months as a Platoon Leader with the 5th Regimental Combat Team. After that tour of duty, he was rotated to USA as a 1st Lieutenant, See page 10 for story.

President's View
Marion Ray, President 200-2001
"D" Company, 424th Infantry Regiment
704 Briatrvood Dr,, Bethalto, IL, 62010-1168
Phone/Fax: 618-377-3674

    As I think back about those service years 1943 through 1945, it seems so long ago and yet when I look in the mirror and see my thinning gray hair, I'm so thankful that our Good Lord has been so kind.
    In December, 12 Golden Lions in my area accompanied by our mates, met for our annual Mini-Reunion. Some of us see each other during short intervals while with others, it's once a year. It is such a pleasure to get together and the time passes so quickly. During the quiet moments while eating the good food, my thoughts go back to those days when many of us were "Kriegies'" I pause and thank Our Lord for the many blessings.
    I sincerely hope that those of you throughout the United States who have had the pleasure of participating in one of our Mini-Reunions had some of the same feelings. Each year we seem to see a "new face." Someone who saw an article or announcement in the local newspaper, or has recently "found the association'" It's such a good feeling to see the smile on his face when he meets each of the other "Golden Lions." I know without doubt, each of you have had a similar feeling when meeting an old buddy or former "Golden Lion." We are in the process of putting together plans for our 55th Annual Reunion, which will take place in the suburbs of our Nation's Capital. I'm hoping that you can participate. We will hold our Memorial Services in Arlington National Cemetery, preceded by our laying a wreath at the Tomb of The Unknown. How many of you have ever thought that it just might be possible that the World War II "unknown" might have been a Golden Lion? I'm sure that many of you having attended a ceremony there at "The Tomb" can vouch for my statement, that it is a very solemn period of time. The changing of the guard brings you to attention, causes your back to straighten, your shoulders erect, and for many, a tear to the eyes.
    As you ride or walk through this majestic cemetery viewing the thousands of headstones, your mind has a tendency to roam and you think of the many men before us and after us buried there. I had the same feeling running through me during our 106th group visit during May of 1999 to the Henri-Chapelle National Cemetery in Belgium. There I found the graves of two of the men who were in my company. It was, to say the least, a very serious moment for each.
    To those of you who have visited our Nation's Capital, I'm sure there will be many things that you would like to see again. We tried to get permission for our group to visit The White House. We even tried to play some politics. Seems they have a limit to the size of a group of 50 and they don't give you authorization until two to three weeks before your planned visit. If some of you would like to visit the White House, contact your local Congressman and ask fora visitors permit for your party. A suggestion from one who has lived and worked in our Nation's Capital - take advantage of the wonderful room rates extended to our Association. Plan a few days early, or extend your stay and see some of the wonderful sights. You'll never see it all, but see as much as you possibly can. I'll be looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it there.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Chaplain's Message
Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990
TEL: 845-986-6376
FAX: 845-986-4121

The Season of Light . . .
    The season of lights (Chanukah and Christmas) has passed and we will be well into the new year and a new millennium by time this is printed. So many memories are evoked during December and January each year.
    The bitter cold up north here contributes to the process of remembering. So does the heavy snow. Retreating into the warm house, my TV assails me with old World War II movies, while the History Channel takes me back to those forests of long ago. Everything seems to conspire in such a way as to open up what Oscar Wilde called the "diary we all carry around with us.-
Zechariah 10:5,9 tells a story that seems like Our story:
    "They shall be as mighty men which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle and they shall fight because the Lord is with them ... and they shall remember me in far countries..."
    They do remember us in that far country where many of us shed our blood, endured the bitter cold, where so many died. That's why we have such deep affection for those people in whose forests we once shivered and slept and hungered. Many of them took great risks of our behalf.
    I recall abandoning my burning jeep on December 17 and with three others taking to the woods and roads to find St. Vith. We four would have walked right into a motorized column if a farmer had not suddenly appeared to warn us, and pulled us to a place to hide until the vehicles passed by. Then he disappeared as quickly as he came.
    I watched Steven Ambrose's replay describing the D-Day Museum in New Orleans just a couple nights ago. At one point he said that few World War II seem to realize that we saved the Western civilization as we know it today. I suppose by living in America, we tend not to realize so great a consequence, but the people of Belgium do. So do many other people on that side of the ocean.
    So it's okay to remember, even if some memories may be painful. It would be a terrible disservice to future generations to let our story perish. We are a part of the history of this nation, as were the Minutemen, the Rough Riders and the Dough boys.
    "Tell it to the generations following... This God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even unto death." (Psalm 48)


Memorial Service Sermon -- 54th Annual Reunion
Watchman, What of the Night?
    And the Watchman replieck Morning is Coming." (ti,dah 21:11) Watchmen ... now that's something we all know about. We've all been watchmen In the Night. I don't think any of us need to be reminded of how it sometimes strained the courage to be a Watchman. Surely you remember. There's nothing more scary, more lonely, nothing colder than the night watch ... staring into the darkness, seeing movement where there was none, hearing sounds that weren't there ... enduring cold and wind and freezing snow, There's very little that's colder, more scary, more lonely than the night watch.
    Writing about the Battle of the Bulge, Steven Ambrose said: "Just one night in Belgium in December 1944 was memorable. Ten, twenty, thirty nights was hell." Night lasted longer in the northern latitudes -16 hours.
    It was frequently below zero, with a fog blowing in from the north sea... when it wasn't snowing. When it was, the wind blew like a gale, driving pellets of snow in their faces. It was northern Europe's coldest winter in 40 years. Many GI's, without shelter, did not at-pt to sleep. They just stayed awake stomping their feet through the 16 hours nights - or they froze. The GI's went through worse physical misery than the men at Valley Forge. Washington's troops at least had tents. Some had huts, or fires to warm by and provide some hot food. And Washington's troops were not engaged in continuous battle. But the conditions in the Ardennes during those weeks were as brutal as any in history."
You remember the cold, scary, lonely nights when we were called to guard duty. We all had our turns as watchmen.
The prophet Isaiah wrote, "Watchman, what of the night?" And the watchman replied: "Morning is coming."
    Morning... Daylight... watchmen have always waited impatiently for morning when the darkness flees and the enemy can at last be seen. But morning, when it came, always brought a new set of dangers, for morning always brought new orders.
Tom Clancy defined orders this way:
In the infantry the enlisted do most of the

    fighting and dying. Command means ordering a crowd of enlisted men with loaded weapons, who didn't ask to be there in the first place, to go forth and charge up the when even the most dense among them can figure out that about half of them are going to get killed or wounded.
    If the dense, uninitiated replacements could figure that out. So could the veteran fighters. Did you know that on D-Day, the high command insisted that only a limited percentage of the first waves should be experienced infantrymen? They reasoned that an experienced infantryman is often a terrified infantryman. The longer you fight a war, the more you figure that your number is coming up tomorrow. That affects an infantry soldiers performance. Charging up a hill or storming a beach when you suspect your time is up, saps the courage. One of the 424th's soldier's, from his hospital bed, talked about his outfit's courage this way - He said: "We were short of food, medical supplies, ammunition: nobody expected to live anymore." Once that point is reached, everyone just goes on fighting, living day-by-day, hour-by-hour. You can only stay scared just so long - then there's no such thing as being scared. You just shrug it off and do whatever you have to do.
    General Patton defined courage a little differently, he said that courage is fear that has said it's prayers. By either definition, it was from within himself that each one drew the courage to do what had to be done. Patton said it of us and Montgomery echoed his thoughts. Even after the 106th's guns were silenced and ammunition exhausted their courage never failed. Well, more than 55 years have passed since those terrible months when we endured the unendurable. Whether we were wounded, captured, or left to fight on, we were miserable and frozen and exhausted most of the time, and hungry more often than we like to remember. We were young, strong and resilient, but there's not a man among us who would have wanted to go through it again. We prefer to forget it. Yet once each year we come together specifically to remember... and for a brief few days seem to find some sort of solace together.


Memorial Service Sermon -- 54th Annual Reunion
    Though not one of us would want to stand night watch again, every one of us is proud that once in our youth, we stood and stood well. Our greatest regret is for those of our comrades who didn't return. These, and the friends who have departed from us during the years that have intervened, are the ones we come together to honor and remember. Our being here is a reminder of the intense loyalty that we had for one another in those days... a loyalty upon which we were all so dependent.
    Speaking of this loyalty, one observer and war correspondent wrote: "Seeing what those kids did for each other under fire, it is the closest thing to holiness I'll ever encounter. Seeing it changes a lot of things inside your head. Suddenly you're into the very meaning of life." Seeing what they did for each other under fire? There were kids who risked death for me, and I for them '''. and you too, in all probability. I doubt that any of us thought of it as holiness, but now I wonder. I wonder if the Lord does not think of it that way... Greater love has no man...
    Well''. a wonderful tribute was paid to each of us several months ago. As the century turned, Time Magazine selected the ten most influential people of the 20th century. The list included scientists, statesmen, industrialists, famous names all. There were nine outstanding names on the list. But first place, the very top spot on the list was not the name of any individual at all. The number one spot simply said: "The American G.I. was considered the most influential person of the 20th Century." You know why? We watched over all of that century... just as we watched over one another on many a cold and lonely night....
Just as we watched over one another as we charged many a hill or struggled to survive in hellish POW camps.
    So too, we watched over our country in one of its darkest hours. And so too we watched over freedom everywhere. Ever since... The American G.I.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt was right when he said: "There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given; of other generations much is expected."
Of our generation courage was expected.
    This is what we come together to remember And our comrades are those we seek to honor. Steven Coonts wrote: "All that any man can leave behind are the memories his friends carry. He isn't really gone until they are." In a sense they will never be gone. As long as one of us lives all of us will be remembered.
    This was exemplified in Steven Speilberg's Saving Private Ryan. Most of us have seen it. A squad of young soldiers is sent on a frontline mission to find and bring back one particular infantry soldier named Pvt. Ryan. Since all his brothers had been killed in action, he was to be sent home.
    Although the rescue was successful most of the G.I.'s in the squad, including the Captain, die in the attempt. As the Captain draws his last breath, his final words to Pvt. Ryan were these... "Earn It!"
    Years later, Ryan, now your age and mine, visits France and stands among the crosses at the Captain's grave. Choked with emotion he says: "Not a day goes by I don't think about what happened. And I just want you to know. I've tried. Tried to live my life the best I could. I hope that is enough. I didn't invent anything. I didn't cure any diseases. I just worked a farm. Raised a family. Lived a life. I only hope, in your eyes, Captain, I earned what you did for me."
    How do you possibly earn such sacrifice? You've tried to earn it in your way, and I in mine. But how do you earn something so close to holiness? You don't earn it! You just remember it... Remember it.
    As long as one Golden Lion lives, every Golden Lion will be remembered, for we are watchmen still. We stand today, not with weapons at the ready... not with eyes peering into the threatening darkness... not with ears straining to hear fearful sounds...
Today God and our Nation and our loyalty call us to a different task... to stand watch over memories...
Memories of deeds that sometimes were close to holiness...
Memories of the doers of those deeds ... Men who were closer than brothers.
The finest men we ever knew!
Dr. Duncan Trueman

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center .. .
editor's Report
John Kline, 423/M See inside cover for address.
At least this issue is on time. A pledge I made four times last year.
    The Front & Center column is always the last set to type. Reason: I have to have a "flexible" portion of The CUB to catch whatever I can, after the other columns are completed. In the years gone by The CUB had a column named "MAIL BAG'" In the upcoming issue I am going to resurrect that column. I have a ton of letters from members, on various subjects that need attention.
    In the past recent years I have always tried to feature some of the history about the various units. I've pretty well covered the larger units. Meaning - I've used most all of my material, some of which appeared in The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review.
    The CUB is not intended as a history book, although history adds to its interest. It was originally intended to disseminate current information about Association business, news from the membership, reports on various outside functions, new members, and in later years, reports of those that have died.
    Sitting beside me and in my file drawers, are a stack of "personal Diaries, some a few pages, some many, many pages. Some are local newspaper stories, some are neatly presented in booklet form. They all deserve attention, but to do so would use several years of CUB space. I'll do my best as time goes on. To name a few recent contributors: Reverend Carl Edwards, 422/C; Frederick Smallwood, 423/HQ 1Bn; George Johnson, 424/E; James Thomas, 423/C; Hugh Colbert, 422/B; Samuel Feinberg, 589/HQ; Don Houseman, 423/D; Jack Behling, 423/A; Charles Ord, 423/E; Royce Lapp, 424/C; Bill Reyenga, 423/MED; Fred Thule, 422/K; Kenneth Smith, 423/H; Walter Greve, 423/HQ 1Bn; Michael Mosher, 424/L; Randolph Pierson, 589/A; Bob Summers, 424/G; Russ Mayotte, 424/F; Donald O'Farrell, 424/CN; Irwin Smoler, 424/ B; Robert Shaver, 424/HQ; William and Arthur Potts, 424/K; There are so many more. Looks like it is time for a book of Personal Histories, for history's sake. John Kline
Return to Battle of the Bulge Trip Planned ...
    Don Patton, Minneapolis World War II History Round Table, has a trip planned to the area May 11 - 21, 2001. (This is not a 106th Association sponsored event, but is highly recommended as a valued tour. Do not call me (John Kline) - call Hypointe Travel for details. Arrangements for the trip are being handled by HyPointe Travel Service, Bob Riggs. Bob and his wife, Debbie are friends. This is the agency that handled travel arrangements for our 106th group in May 1999.
    Call or write Hypointe Travel Service, 16420 Hyland Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 Tele: Toll free: 1-888-497-6468, Talk to or leave a message for Bob Riggs to call you.
    May 11 (Day 1) Depart USA to Frankfurt, Land on the 12th (Day 2). Bus to Monschau, 4 nights there in the Huertgen Forest area, Elsenborne Ridge, Bulligen, Losheimergraben. Kampgruppe Peiper's (Malmedy Massacre) and more.
May 16 (Day 6) to Prum, 2 nights at the Goldenen Stern. Tour Saint Vith battlefield and Parker's Crossroads.
May 18 (Day 8) 28th Infantry Division's area to Wiltz - 2 nights at Hotel International Clervaux, Luxembourg.
May 19 (Day 9) Free day in Clearvaux, Battle of Bulge Museum in Clervaux.
May 20 (Day 10) Morning/Afternoon tour of 101st Air Borne's Defenses. Over night at Hotel Melba, Bastogne
May 21 (Day 11) Monday - Shopping and culture in Bastogne, visit Museum
and Memorial: picnic lunch. Overnight at Hotel Melba.
    May 22 (Day 12) Tuesday morning tour of South Shoulder, Diekirch, Wiltz, Viaden, Our River Crossing. Overnight at Hotel Des Ardennes, Luxembourg.
May 23 (Day 13) Free day, shop Echternach, Luxembourg. Hotel Des Ardennes
    May 24 (Day 14) Thursday: Visit Hamm American Cemetery, then on to Trier. Two nights in Trier, Mosel River Cruise on the 25th. Depart for Frankfurt May 26 - Home. Call Hypointe Travel 1-888-497-6468


Front & Center...
The Book, St. Vith
    Thanks to Dick Lockhart, 423/Anti-Tank On page 134 there is a photo of the Stalag IX-B officers. Through the courtesy of Mr & Mrs Sam Neel, they are identified as: L/R: Father Hurley (Catholic Chaplain), ?? Buxton, Dr. Eder (Jewish Dentist); Sam Neel (Protestant Chaplain) and Doctor Sutherland. I enjoyed the book. Dick Lochart
From John 0. Gilliland
Please publish in the February CUB. ITEMS FOR SALE:
Leslie L Brown
4132 E 36th Place
Tulsa, OK 74315
106th Belt Buckles & Bolo Ties (Silver or Gold) $16,00 ppd
Purple Heart
Silver Star
All Minature Models $11.00 ppd
Full size Models $30'00 ppd
All others $16'00 ppd
Minature Combat Badge $11'00 ppd Full Size $16.00 ppd
106th Shoulder Patches $3'00 each PPd: Order from: John R. Schaffner
1811 Miller Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 Email: jschaffn@bcpl'net
Donations of CUBs and Misc Items: Thanks to Charles K. Booda, 591/11Q
    for his donation of OLD Cub magazines and a great collection of Newspapers - The CUB and the Camp Crier dated in the 44. and 45. era.
I also received from from Dr. James Clark, 590Med four Star & Stripes newspapers dated January and February 1945
These items will eventually end up in the Camp Atterbury Museum, after I copy a few good stories from them. J Kline
Referring to
"A Christmas Remembered" page 11, November 2000 CUB
    This story by submitted by Fred Pilkington struck a chord with several that responded to me. Willard (Lefty) Diefenthaler, 422/HQ 1Bn responded with a letter. Lefty had become acquainted, through his work, with a German, Karl Koch, who serviced Turner, Germany machines that were sold in tanning factories. He enlisted Lefty's help in procuring some parts.
    He, (Karl Koch) was wanting to get back to Germany for Easter to see his children who an Aunt was taking care of. The Aunt lived in Ziegenhuin (location of Stalag IX-A) and Karl's folks had operated a bakery at Bad Orb (Stalag IX-B) on the corner going up to the Stalag. He told me that April 2, 1945, he w out to the coal pile to get some coal to use the family bakery. He looked up and saw a GI with a big rifle, the biggest he had ever seen. He didn't know the Americans were in town. He ran and hid in the basement.
    My twin brother and I pulled a 01 out of the box car who had been ill. We cleaned him up with snow. He was weak and had souled himself because of the dysentery. We laid him down. While we were there a little German lady came out of the house and asked if warm milk would help. She brought out a little pitcher. We poured a little down this sick GI and a German soldier kicked the pitcher away and pushed her back into the house. A short time later we were on the road going up to the camp at the top of the hill.
    I believe that this was part of the "A Christmas to Remember." Perhaps the lady got brave enough to come back out after we were being walked up the hill.
    Karl Koch sent a card this Christmas saying Stalag IX-B was now a kiddie camp and most of the people didn't want to remember that there as once a POW Camp up the hill.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Donations Since Last CUB
Dr. Richard Peterson 423/1 $30
Rev. Ewell Black Jr In Memory
of Colonel Joseph Matthews $50
Gil Thompson, 591/C $20
Front & Center .
411kthor of CHILD WARRIORS blishes another book: How to Live With PTSD
The Causes and Characteristics of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER
By: Beverly Peterson RN, MSN, Ph.D., and Richard Peterson Ph'D', MBA.
Dr. Beverly Peterson is a retired Navy Psychiatric Nurse.
    Dr. Richard Peterson is a former 106th Infantry Weapons Platoon Sergeant 423/I and was a prisoner of war. Dick, as you know has been very active in our Association. He has served on the Association Board, has been recognized by the French with high honors for his work in connection with research on Stalag IX-A, Ziegenhain, (where many of our non-coms were held) the effects of incarceration, and the attendance of several joint meetings - after the war - with the French at the camp location It was after this research and many returns to Ziegenhain that he wrote CHILD WAR-
    *ORS, which many of you have read'. Both he and his wife are psychotherapists who work with clients with PTSD. Post traumatic Stress Disorder affects combat soldiers, combat medics, prisoners of war, and those who have lived through auto accidents, natural disasters, and other traumas. Dr. Peterson has counseled many WWII and Vietnam Vets through the VA system in California.
    This is a book written for people trying to understand what trauma has done to their lives and their families, and to help the counselors who help them in alleviating their agonies.
For members of THE 106TH INFANTRY
AFTER February 15, 2001 - $26'95 Postpaid.
ORDER FROM Consultors, Incorporated, 1285 Rubenstein Avenue
Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 760-632-1213.
Checks, MC and Visa accepted. guetti49
77(etch-lei- Eaor4 Owiiedeza.
;At, Steffy azsce t4eVletotcut.
    The Melody Booth Orchestra, featuring Stella, Art and The Melotones, is a 7-pc. dance band composed of all former NAME BAND musicians. Stella is the lovely lady who fronts the band; she "came of age" after the BIG BAND ERA. However, Stella sings your favorite tunes of the '40's and '50's as though she might be a reincarnation of Helen O'Connell or Doris Day, and she is also the one who has moved out band into the millennium with contemporary tunes and style. Five Years ago this fine band was featured on the PBS TV SPECIAL "BIG BAND MAGIC", and the managers of the many venues we play regard the Melody Booth Orchestra as the most DANCEABLE dance band in Florida. Although the MBO is noted for playing the old big band favorites it has been updating its book with contemporary tunes for the last three years. In addition to Stella's great vocal work, Art Siefert turns in a fine job with the male vocals, and the Melotones quartet is made up of Stella, Art, Ron and Vance.
    Shades of the MODERNAIRES! Vance Jennings, 106 Signal Company Alto Sax and Clarinet - (pedigree) Oklahoma City with Tommy Dorsey and Claude Thornhill.
Send $15'00 plus $3.20 Priority Mail to Vance Jennings - 106 SIG
PO Box 29064
Tampa, FL 33687

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Unit Attendance Count - Reunions 1995 thru 2000
Reunion Attendance History from past CUBS 1995 through 2000''. J. Kline
95 96 97 98 Indianapolis 99 2000 St. Louis
Orlando Roanoke Nashville Chicago
106HQ 18 18 14 14 10 13
422nd 84 71 69 76 57 65
423rd 103 1member' 92 105 65 63
424th 63 62 70 61 40 47
81st Eng 28 17 1Page' 17 13 16
589th 13 6 II 13 8 9
590th 13 12 9 13 8 8
591st 17 15 9 10 7 6
592nd 7 9 10 8 6 5
AttachedSt' 2 2 I 5 A
Vets 356 319 306 332 214 238 1
Guests 326 266 272 272 246 212
Total 682 585 587 604 450 465
Members 1,700 1,666 1,557 1,630 1,686 1,600
106th Infantry Division Association
55th Annual Reunion - Washington D.C.
Registration Papers will be mailed direct to
every Association member.
Make your room reservation early
See details on Back Page.
The CUB of the Golden Lion •
The Army Commendation Medal - Robert Sowell, 424/E
kteran Honored for Valor during the Second World War
By Chris Boyd, News Staff Writer
Palos Verdes Peninsula News
(Note: See Front Cover Photo showing Robert F Sowell "E" Company, 424th Infantry Regiment, receiving
The Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device for "VALOR'" J. Kline, Editor)
    It has been 56 years since he crouched on the World War II battlefield, surrounded by death and holding his wounded friend, platoon Sgt. Rocco Cerrato, to protect him from further harm. It was a bitterly cold winter day in Belgium, and he was caught in the middle of a brutal German crossfire.
    Those memories were close to 76-year-old Pal. Verdes Estates resident Bob Sowell on March 3, 2000 when Maj. Benjamin Frazier presented him with the Army Commendation
    Iliedal for his actions during the war. Sowell cherishes the medal, which is em- zoned with the letter "V" for valor. Though Sowell's commander offered him the Silver Star following his actions in 1944,
    he didn't realize the significance of the honor at the time. Instead, the staff sergeant accepted command of his platoon - First Platoon, E Company, 424th Regiment as a reward. It wasn't until years later that Sowell, who would rise to the rank of First Lieutenant, began to wonder why he hadn't accepted the Silver Star.
    "It's finally recognition for what you were able to contribute to your country," Sowell said. "It was earned on the battlefield'"
    Sowell's wife, Martha, was glad her grandchildren could be at the ceremony in Los Angeles. Martha said it is important for children, particularly those who have grown up witnessing conflicts like the short-lived Gulf War, to remember a time when the United States was embroiled in a battle lasting for years.
Battle of the Bulge
Sowell's involvement in World War II began in the 106th Division, which he described

Wording front the Army
Commendation Medal
    This is to certify that the Secretaty of the Army has awarded THE ARMY COMMENDATION MEDAL with "V" Device to: Robert F Sowell, then Technical Sergeant, Army of the United States,
    FOR: heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy during a counterattack at the Battle of the Bulge at Manhay,
Belgium 25 December 1944. With complete disregard for his own
    personal safety, Sergeant Sowell was credited with saving the life of Isis Platoon Sergeant. Sergeant Sowell's personal bravery, aggressiveness, and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 424th Infantry Regiment, and the United States Army.
Permanent Order 018-02 dated 18 January 2000
Alexandria, Virginia 22332
Signed: Catheryn G. Frost,
The Adjutant General
    as a "very green" division sent to relieve troops on a section of the Belgian Front known as Schnee Eifel, in the Ardennes. Outgoing troops told members of the 106th Division that they were "in for a holiday," but Hitler launched a winter offensive on December 16, 1944, in a last-ditch effort to win the war.
    At about 5 a.m. on Dec. 16, "We started re- ceiving heavy bombardment of German artil- levy up and down the line," Sowell said.
    The Germans attacked the US. Troops with four divisions, 60,000 German soldiers were ar- rayed against the American's 15,000.
    Despite being faced with three German tanks only 500 yards away from them, Sowell and his fellow soldiers, with the help of friendly antitank fire behind them, were able to hold off the German infantry. "We thought we were gon- ens because we [on foot] didn't have any tank weapons," Sowell said.

The CUB oftl se Golden Lion
The Army Commendation Medal - Robert Sowell, 424/E
which became known as the Fortified Go. Egg'"
    In the days before Christmas, Sowell and his unit moved across the Salm River to a tiny village, a name of which he can't recall. "We slept in the barn where they kept the cattle," Sowell said, adding that such quarters provided welcome relief from subzero temperatures. "This shelter felt like a bit of heaven after living out in the cold."
Counterattack in Manhay
    That bit of heaven soon turned into more hell, as Sowell's unit was called back to the line. On Dec. 25, the troops marched a few miles west of Manhay, Belgium. "From there, we started the first counterattack of the Battle of the Bulge," Sowell said.
    Though the troops. initial objective was the high ground above Manhay, a General ordered them to take the town. As the soldiers traveled downhill to Manhay across a frozen field of snow, they moved without any cover. "Our nerves were just about as tight as they could get," Sowell said. "If they (German troops) had opened up with a machine gun, there was no place to go'"
Sowell and his fellow soldiers thought th town was theirs for the taking until they were
Bob and wife, Martha, celebrating a wedding anniversary
Sowell, on leave in Switzerland 1945,
    There were small victories here and there, but the U'S. troops lost two-thirds of their fighting force. Sowell and companions withdrew to the village of St. Vith, Belgium, where they held back the Germans who were rapidly running out of supplies. "The actions upset the German timetable, enabling the American commanders time to build an egg-shaped defense,

The CUB of the Golden Lion
The Army Commendation Medal - Robert Sowell, 424/E
Bob Sowell with his family on a cruise in Santa Monica Bay

    hit with heavy cannon fire to the left and rear. The men ducked for cover in a sunken road. Though a lieutenant told the soldiers to retreat, Sowell beckoned them to stay down.
"I stayed where I was and I kept the guys down," he said.
    When Sowell headed to his right, where the remainder of the soldiers had moved, he said, ta found all of those wounded." One was his Wiend Rocco Cerrato, whose right leg had been terribly damaged. "He was bleeding, so he needed some attention'"
    Sowell took off his belt and made a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. After tending to his friend, he then checked on some of the other men and discovered a scene of "total carnage." He discovered a dead lieutenant with a smile, looking like he was happy to be out of the hell of the Bulge."
    Another man had been wounded so badly that he had no chance. As Sowell tended to the stomach wound, he said, "My hand just sank [into the wound]. There was nothing left of his stomach."
Saving A Friend
    Sowell continued to monitor Cerrato's tourniquet, relieving pressure when necessary. Once night fell, Sowell kept his friend close so he would not freeze.
"Rocco asked that I stay with him," He said. "I put his head on my lap."
    It was an "eerie feeling" for Sowell, sitting with a wounded man, surrounded by death and the enemy. "You could hear German armor moving across the valley," he said. "As far as I knew, I was alone out there. [But] I always had a feeling I was going to make it. I had too many goals and too many things I wanted to do." Eventually, a wandering U'S. soldier stumbled upon Sowell and Cerrato. Sowell demanded an ambulance, which arrived after a four-hour wait. "I went over and asked the medics to get Rocco first because he was still alive."
    Sowell visited him in an Army hospital when he [Sowell] was a civilian. "Rocco Cerrato wound up one leg shorter than the other, but at least he was still alive." Sowell said, adding that his friend died of natural causes less than two years ago.
    Sowell still cherishes the letter that Cerrato wrote him from a hospital in 1945. It reads in part: "Well, buddy, I guess I owe my life to you for the way you took care of me out there." Remembering his friend, Sowell smiles. He knows Cerrato is at peace, and World War II is becoming a distant memory. But there is one thing that troubles Sowell.
    "I wish that Hollywood would stop glamorizing war because there's nothing glamorous about it," he said, adding that "Saving Private Ryan" was a step in the right direction.
"It's a dirty, deadly business." § § § §

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to the Ardennes - J.G. Rodriguez, 422/C
Return to Belgium and the Ardennes...
by Dr. Juan G. Rodriguez 422/C
    This story starts with our first stop in Barcelona on our way to the Ardennes. Barcelona was an intriguing place, and as Lorraine says, "We added Catalan to our list of languages that we are illiterate in'"
    Our Luxaire flight to Luxembourg on Sunday was late leaving Barcelona because of rain and an inept airport management that couldn't get their computer system working and etc. Rented a car and finally got to our airport motel by about 2200 hr. On Monday, April 17, we got a late start, but arrived in Gouvy by 1400 and found Adda and Willie waiting for us. We were met most warmly. They really are the salt of the earth kind of people. Adda insisted on serving as a light lunch and we got acquainted with never a pause in the conversation. We laid out an agenda of what we wanted to do during our stay of three days. I had a list of 10 members of my squad whom I had never heard of since, and I wanted to check to see if they were among the dead in the cemeteries. And then there was my best friend at Gorlitz, a Belgian
    POW, Joseph Petit, who I had lost track of, it I had his wedding photo dated 1946. Adda an Willie then led us to the Keup Hotel in Weiswampach (Grand Duche, Luxembourg) not far from Gouvy on E421.
    On Tuesday, the 18th, Adda and Willie arrived at our motel by 0900, and she reported happily that none of my squad were in Henri-Chapelle, or the other cemeteries listed in her comprehensive list. As for Joseph Petit? She had tracked the family down, and his son reported Joseph dead some years ago '''Willie has a small but great Mercedes, and this was to be our transportation. He drove a northly route, stopping early to feed bread to 4 horses that he said were his pets. These were close to the road and they bunched up at the gate when they saw him approaching. (I never had seen horses eat bread') Our destination this morning was Grosslangenfeld, home of Josef and Mia Reusch. Soon we stopped at an expanse of the Siegfried line, and an old German bunker. Willie said that the French had blown up almost all the German bunkers. Some where converted by farmers to store dairy products.
    The country side is beautiful, green, wia pockets of power-generating wind turbin scattered here and there. Of course, the pri-
A visit to the Josef Reusch home, Grosslangenfeld,Germany. UR: Dr. Lorraine Rodriguez, wife of Dr.
Juan Rodriguez, 422/C during their visit to the Ardennes. Then, Willy and Adda RIKKEN, old friends of
the 106th, who were at the 54th Annual Reunion in St Louis. Right: Josef Reusch and wife Mia, in whose
home this picture was taken. The home is over 250 years of age. Josef was a seventeen year old
artilleryman in the German Amy in WWII. He fought south of us in The Bulge.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

Return to the Ardennes - J.G. Rodriguez, 422/C
Ikvested every so many years ly owned forest groves are
    (40-50?), clean cut, and replanted, but not in the same place. We arrived at 1100 at the home of Josef and Mia Reusch. This is a very old home and for 30 some years Josef had a dairy farm of 70 cows. Now he invests in the stock market, among other things. Anyway, he broke out a bottle of champagne and we got acquainted. At precisely 1150 we walked a hundred yards or so to the rear of the house where Mia opened up the small chapel and rang the Angelus at noon. They are very devoted to this prayer and agreed with the community to ring the bell by hand, rather than to power it up to a clock system. (In Lexington, our parish, St. Paul observes the Angelus by the modern method, but can be heard only downtown).... After that we went to a restaurant in Bleialf for "gypsy schnitzel", and visited the beautiful rebuilt St.
    Marienkirche church (the main altar was saved from destruction by being buried under the church), a couple of the pews in the back showed bullet holes, and a cemetery. Then it was to visit a small chapel built by a group of German women in gratitude to the Blessed Mother for having spared them when the German army came through.. And also a German bunker. Josef took the digital photos here in this
Dr.'s Lorraine and Juan Rodriguez inspecting a WWII foxhole near
St Vith in the 168th Engineers positions, Adda RIKKEN looking on.
Dr. Juan Rodriguez, 422/C at the 589th Field Artillery Battalion Memorial,
Parker's Crossroads, Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to the Ardennes - J.G. Rodriguez, 422/C
    area near Sellerich. We ended the day with returning to the Reusch home for Mia's 8-layer chocolate torte and coffee ... Needless to say, it was a memorable day!!
    We bid goodbye to our friends and I believe there was a feeling that we had known each other a long time. I hope we meet again!!
    On Wednesday, the 19th, we were picked up again by Willie and Adda and driven north to Malmedy, where 86 Americans were massacred. A very moving experience. The "Yellow Rose of Texas" rose bed was semi-dormant, Then, on to Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, Of course, this was also unforgettable. Happily none of my men from my old squad were at rest there.
    We later visited the St. Vith area and Parker's Crossroads, late in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the restaurant at Parker's Crossroads was closed.
    Adda and Willie were our guests for our delayed (since the 17th) 52nd wedding anniversary celebration at the Hostellerie du Nord at Weiswampach that evening.
    On Thursday, the 20th, we followed the Rikken car to Bastogne. They insisted on escorting us to see us off to Luxembourg.
    The Bastogne Memorial, is of course, magnificent! There was a scattering of visitors around, especially evident were some GI's and
The Rodriguez's and Adda at Henri-Chapelle
Cemetery near Liege.
Lorraine and Juan at the MarienKappelle (Chapel)
which sits at the foot of the Schneifel near Hontheim.
    As the battle raged for the West Wall during 41 September 1944, and later during the Bulge, the workers in the fields vowed that if they lived they would build a Chapel here. It was nearby that they hid in caves. This chapel was built in 1948 and the candles at the altar have been burning ever since.
This area was directly in front of the 423rd
Regiment, down a draw from where your editor's
machine gun was located on the Schnee Eifel.
    families stationed in Germany. We said our goodbyes in the Memorial parking lot and we left Adda and Willie after they had escorted us to the proper exit towards Luxembourg City. John, last but not least, how can we ever thank you. I really appreciate your part in helping us make this visit to the Battlefield such a memorable one.
All the best,
J. G. Rodriguez
1550 Beacon Hill Rd. Lexington, KY 40504-2304
Te1859-255-5455 Fax 859-255-4935

The CUB of the Golden Lion
592nd FAB -- December 10 thru 31 1944 .
*ram declassified documents (5/1/46 After Action
Reports) Courtesy Hal Taylor and Sherod
592nd Field Artillery Battalion
Lt. Colonel Richard E. Weber
Hq'sIBtry Captain Bernard Richman
A/Btry Captain Genro M. Mondargon
BIBtry Captain J.C.Gillen
C/Btry Captain Robert W. Smith
SvIBtry Captain Bernard Weiderman
    On 15 Dec 1944, the 592nd Field Artillery Battalion consisted of 29 officers, 2 warrant officers, and 483 enlisted men. By January 31 it had 3 enlisted men KIA; 5 officers and 36 enlisted men MIA; 18 enlisted men NBC; and 2 officers and 21 enlisted men WIA. On the 16-17 Dec, the evacuation of 20 wounded simultaneous with a move of the battalion resulted in the forced abandonment of considerable equipment in order to furnish two trucks-a 3/4 ton and one 2 V2 ton truck.
When the 592nd Artillery Battalion moved
    ethe morning of 10 Dec 1944 from woods orth of St. Vith, Belgium, it was in blackout conditions under heavy snow and extremely slippery roads. The trek started about 0845 and lasted 1430 when the battalion stopped in a defiladed position on the dirt road between Andler and Laudesfeld, Germany. Then the 12th Field Artillery Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Division vacated positions the 592nd was to occupy.
    Two Howitzer sections of each battery were in the near vicinity of each battery position to be occupied. Those sections moved in as soon as the pieces from the 12th moved out. At 1345, the number two piece of Battery B fired the first round for the battalion in a registration on the base point. That mission was conducted by an unknown observer from the 15th FA Bn of the 2nd Division and by 1800, the 592nd was in position completely.
    No missions were fired on the 11th because of poor visibility, although each battery fired registrations to check laying and velocity error in the base pieces. The battalion also drew ammunition for its basic load, improved positions, lay wire, and established observation to supplement that of the 589th which it was reinforcing. Forward observer parties were sent out to stay for three days except for Battery C which sent an observer daily to an observation post at Roth.
    It was originally planned that observers would remain in the line with their parties for three days. But after the first two observers (one each from Battery A and Battery B) returned, the observing tour was made two days. The observer from Battery C manned the post at Roth on the north flank of the division sector each day from about 0830 until 1630. Missions, for the most part, consisted of harassing and interdiction missions in the towns and on the crossroads in the battalions sectors. The bulk of the missions were selected by the S-3, who based them on observers. reports. On the morning of December 16, at about 0500, personnel on guard or on duty heard extremely heavy artillery fire falling on front lines to the south, opposite Prtim, Germany. At about 0600, Battery A reported artillery fire of an undetermined caliber in its position area. Later investigation revealed no craters in the immediate position area. During the morning, the battalion fired two missions, reinforcing the fires of the 589th on German infantry concentrating on two platoons of infantry. Fire effectively stopped each attack.
    At approximately 1100, the 589th reported that an estimated company of German infantry were in Auw, a small village about 1800 yards northeast of the battalion position area. All batteries were notified immediately and patrols were organized for future needs. Richman had lost his driver but had organized about a dozen members of Co. A, 81st Engineers into a patrol and brought themcross country to the battalion command post.
    At this time, patrols of HQ and A Battery had already circled a wooded hill to the north of the battalion area in an effort to stop an enemy penetration from that direction. During the lunch period that followed, considerable small arms fire-seemingly unaimed-fell in the village of Laudesfeld, causing hurried trips to
the mess shack.


592nd FAB -- December 10 thru 31 1944 . .
    When the report had been received about Auw, two patrols headed for high ground north of the battalion area intending to prevent penetration into the area. At about 1500, Battery An patrol was forced back to its dugout, a machine gun outpost, about 600 yards from the battery position. There it sustained heavy casualties from mortar, tank, and machine gun fire while it stopped three observed tanks, reported to be Mark IVs, and two SP88s. Capt. Samuel N. Richbourg, Battalion S-2, tried to adjust one platoon of Battery C on the tanks but could not observe to do so. He was finally told to withdraw with his patrol because of the intense fire he was receiving.
    During the fire fight that afternoon, Pvt. Alfred E. Macaluso, T/5 Robert W. Touchette, and Cpl. Lloyd Marty of HQ Battery helped an unidentified gunner corporal from Battery C, 589th, by serving as a gun crew. This group destroyed one German Tank with fire. At the same time, a bazooka team from Battery A-TI 5 Koscuisco, Pvt. Andrews, and Pvt. Maw destroyed another tank.
    When Capt. Richbourg was unable to secure an adjustment on the tanks, 1st Lt. A'V. Siekierski, battalion forward observer, attempted to adjust the fire of the left platoon of Battery C on the tanks in Auw. He got an adjustment on the church steeple in Auw and fired several volleys. While he was adjusting fire, Lt. Sierkierski received an overshot from a tank and then a short round which hit the mess shack of Service Battery. That round instantly killed cooks T/4 William F. Kouskie and Pfc. James T. Campbell, and destroyed kitchen equipment. Earlier, at 1327, the battalion fired an ob served concentration on enemy infantry assembling in the woods. The fire for effect apparently broke up the assembly. Observer for the mission was Capt. Joseph W. Cocke of the 589th. 1st Lt. Isaac N. Alexander, Executive Officer of Battery A was hit by a tank shell while attempting to go to the aid of some of his men who were wounded. Also First Lt. Rex C. Matson, Battery C, and his party were ambushed while they were going to their observation post at Roth. The news reached Capt. Robert W. Smith, CO of Battery C, in the afternoon while he was returning from the rear. He had found the battalion ammunition train at Scholl-bell Germany, but since it was unable to travel nort because of enemy activity, the train had to return to St. Vith.
    By 1630 hours, mortar and machine gun fire in Battery A's position was so great that the battery was ordered to withdraw personnel to defiladed positions. By 1830, however, the battery was ordered to return to its pieces. There, despite fire from light machine guns, Capt. Genero H. Mondragon, CO, and Staff Sgt. Joseph W. Fielder, senior chief of section, rallied remaining personnel of the battery (about 45 men) and winched the pieces out of their dug in positions and saved the bulk of their equipment, including all the howitzers and five tractors. At 2000 Brig. General Leo T. McMahon, Commanding General, 106th Div. Artillery, ordered the battalion to displace to the vicinity of St. Vith. To do this, the battalion commander sent a reconnaissance party under Capt, Richbourg to Div Arty HQ to carry out the mission, and the battalion moved out to the rear at 2300. It was necessary to take the road which passed within an estimated 800 yards of German machine gun positions and whi forked sharply to the right, making it nece sary to "back and fill" all two and one-half ton trucks with towed loads at the corner.
The withdrawal drew no aimed fire, although machine gun fire passed over the corner too high to be effective.
    In the course of the march, one gun section, the mess truck, one fifth section M5 tractor and M21 ammunition trailer and a three-quarter ton truck and quarter-ton trailer from Battery A made a wrong turn on the route of the march and was caught in a concentration at a road junction. 1st Sgt. John C. Beck reported that situation when he went to the CP of the 590th to get aid for the wounded. The information was apparently relayed to Div Arty at 0630 the next morning. The individuals were not seen or reported about thereafter. The battalion closed in St. Vith at the same time, 0630. On the 17th, the battalion moved into position about a mile northeast of St. Vith. The ammunition train arrived about 1100, dumped 300 rounds of high explosive shells, and left to pick up another load of Howitzer ammuni-


592nd FAB -- December 10 thru 31 1944 . . .
592nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers at Fort Jackson, not identified.
    If you any of you have knowledge of who any of these soldiers are, please write the Editor, John Kline, Al Sieklerski, "C" Battery, 592nd FAB says, "I was a gunner Corporal on this type of unit when I was with the 27th Division, NY National Guard and later with the 106th Infantry Division, Fort Jackson, This is a 155mm Howitzer with a box trail (INW I Vintage M1918A1), We were later equipped with the 'Split 1. Trail. Howitzer towed by trucks, until we were training in England when we traded the trucks for tractor." Briggs Hoffman, 589/B, later 592nd FAB says, "I'd bet that the photo is of a "Schneider" which was a 155mm howitzer used primarily in World that I, In spite of its German-sounding name, I was told that it was a French weapon, Never saw it in combat, but I did see it used in the States,"

    tion and to replace Bazooka and small arms used the previous day. At about 1400, 1st Lt, R,C. Johnson, survey officer for Div Arty, reported that the commanding general had directed that the battalion be prepared to displace to the west on short notice, Meanwhile, communications by wire were established with the Div Arty air field where, 1st Lt, Alonzo A. Neese, air observer, and 2d Lt. George Stafford, pilot took off to register the battalion on a point along the St. Vith-Schonberg road. When they flew over the area, they drew machine gun fire from at least five points. Lt. Neese saw a column of German tanks and infantry on the road about 3,500 yards east of the position area, so he adjusted the fire of Battery B on the column. The first volley hit the lead tank and the column stopped moving and dispersed.
    The fire of Battery C on the mission was stopped because all communications with the battery from fire direction center were disrupted after the second adjusting volley, Tanks, tank destroyers, and tractors of heavy and medium artillery battalions tore out all wire communications Battery B, however, fired fifty rounds on the tank column. 1st Lt. George Peddicord, executive officer, reported that bursts from the battery's rounds could be observed in part from the battery position, The battalion moved out at 1545 under small arms fire, which was by then falling in the positions and continued while the column halted on the road north of St. Vith because of heavy traffic, No casualties were sustained, however, and men ate sparingly. Those who were not on guard found little difficulty in sleeping. The battalion eventually moved to a heavily wooded area about two and a quarter miles west of Rodt on the St, Vith-Vielsalm road,


592nd FAB -- December 10 thru 31 1944 . . .
    At 0730 the next morning 18 Dec, battalion After much difficulty in getting the request cleared through the Corp's Fire Direction Center, the battalion fired 1,481 rounds were fired from that position. That afternoon, at 1730, the battalion again moved about 1500 yards northeast of Werbonmont. The CP was at Ernonheid and the batteries were nearby.
    The next day, 25 Dec, the battalion fired 340 rounds. It participated in two "Time on Target" (TOT) missions on the town of Manhay. After those two missions on the town of Manhay, infantry officers indicated that they found 350 dead Germans and 80 wrecked enemy vehicles there. On that same date, the battalion was attached to the 211th Group. Between December 26 and 30, the battalion continued to fire from those positions onto troop positions, individual self-propelled guns, or enemy batteries. In this time the fires were chiefly unobserved or K-transfer missions on enemy troop concentrations in the heavily wooded area South of Manhay. A few missions were against either individual self propelled guns or enemy batteries.
    It was at this time a combined force of troops from the 82nd, the 7th Armd Div, and the 424 Regiment of the 106th Infantry Divisio stopped the determined attack of the German 9th SS Panzer Division toward the North. The battalion fired a total of 84 missions and about 1,850 rounds of high explosive in this period. At 1600 hours December 30 the battalion displaced to positions which had been reconnoitered in the vicinity of Rahier; this was done on order of Colonel Dixon, Commanding Officer of the 211th Group. From these positions the battalion fire two unobserved missions on the night of December 30 on Malempre. Finally, on Dec 31, 1944 the battalion fired 35 missions, which included three registrations and three counter battery missions. Most other missions were on troop assembly areas. One mission on a Nebelwerfer battery was observed to be "range and target deflection correct'" On the stroke of 2400 hours, the battalion participated in three "Time on Target" missions with the remainder of the Corp's Artillery in a New Year's Greetings to the enemy. §000
    members heard heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire, plus platoon volleys of artillery fire estimated to be about 1,500 yards west of the bivouac. As they prepared for a close defense of the area, the division executive, Col. Malin Craig, arrived with orders to proceed to Bovigny via Hinderhausen. At Bovigny, the battalion occupied positions of readiness and fired no missions, but soon moved to Ottre where it spent the night in bivouac.
    Early on 19 Dec, CWO James B. Bennett, assistant S-4, arrived with instructions for the battalion to move west to La Roche or Marche. At Marche, the battalion commander could get no instructions, so the battalion marched to a night bivouac at Serville about eight miles west of Dinant.
    The next morning, 20 Dec 1944, the battalion commander proceeded to the vicinity of Rosee where he met Col. Craig, who directed that the battalion move back to Vielsalm. The original route had to be altered since La Roche was under artillery fire when the battalion reconnaissance party arrived there. At 1930, the battalion arrived at Div Arty CP at Rencheaux where the battalion received orders to occupy positions near Commanstar and reinforce the fires of the 591st FA Battalion. Service Battery and the maintenance sections of the other batteries remained at Neuville.
    On 21 Dec the battalion fired about 100 rounds over a front of about 1600 mils. Then on the 22nd, several headquarters-including those of the 424th Inf', Div Arty, and Combat Command B, 9th Armored Division-moved into Commanstar. Eventually, the battalion bivouacked in the vicinity of Chene-al-Pierre. General McMahon arrived at the bivouac at 0830 on 23 Dec and directed the battalion to reinforce the fires of the 82nd Airborne Division artillery. At 1515, the battalion began firing and sent 260 rounds mostly on the crossroads at Baraque de Fraiture. At 1800 the battalion was attached to XVIII Corps (Airborne). At 0400 on the 24th, urgent calls for fires in the vicinity of Odeigne were relayed through Capt. Joseph M. Potts, CO of Battery B, who was at Manhay with a radio.


Mini-Reunions .. .
From John R. Schaffner, 589/A - Chairman 106th Infantry Division Mini-Reunions
    During the year 2000, the Association saw the hosting of 27 Mini-Reunions across the country. Unfortunately two of them were cancelled due to weather. Nonetheless, the effort was there and these two hosts deserve credit for doing their part.
    A great big "Thanks" and "Congratulations" is extended to all of those involved. In many cases a lot of friends got together where they would not of otherwise. This is our goal. We hope to see many more Mini-Reunions in the year 2001. If you were one of those that the weather won out - just choose another time. Several of the Mini-Reunions set their dates earlier, especially in the northern part of the country where the weather can change overnight.
Best and warmest regards to all, John R. Schaffner

Washington - 2000
Myrton Dickerson 424/D, 2500 South 370th St, Federal Way, WA 98003 253.661-9325 Email: myrtond 0
    1110is Mini-Reunion was held at the home of Myrton and Beatrice Dickerson, We met at 11 O'clock on 6th December 2000 and enjoyed a buffet lunch at about 2:00 PM, We had five 106th members and their wives plus about 16 members of the Christmas Town Chapter of the American Ex-POWs. Each group enjoyed each other's company and the meeting of old friends again. Left to right: Alvin (Bud) Powers 422/HQ: Dorothy Powers; Betty Corrigan; Charles Corrigan 591/SV; Nancy Eckert, Associate; Ray Johnston, 423/H: Myrton Dickerson, 424/D; Beatrice Dickerson and George Strong, 423/HQ.


Mini-Reunions .. .
Reading, Pennsylvania - 2000
John J. Gallagher, 81st /ENG/C, 4003 Francis Street, Temple, PA 19560 Tele: 610-929-2887
    The Reading area held its annual Memorial Dinner, I December 2000 at the Dutch Colony Motor Lodge, We had a good Memorial Dinner with 22 people in attendance. We were informed of the death of Ben Hartzell of New Bethlehem. PA. He was in C Company, 81st Engineers. They had been regular attendees, He and his wife "Addle" attended the 55th Annual Memorial Service in Bloomingburg, PA.
    Men (above) Ur Seated- Stanley Kowalski; Donald Showalter; Fred Carr and John Gallagher, Standing lir Vince Sziber; Charles Datte; Jack McDevitt; Walter Shirk; Stephen Iludock; William Crossland and Walter LeVan (guest 69th Inf Div)
Ladies (below) seated: Ur: Enna Kowalski; Norma Crossland; Nancy Datte.
    Standing: Ur: Betty Carr; Muriel Sziber; Anna McDevitt; Stella Gallagher; Bette LeVan; Robin Showalter; Ida Franks and Marie Hudock


Bradenton/Sarasota, Florida - 2000
Lester Helmich, 424/HQ, 2600 Belvior Boulevard, Sarasota, FL 34237 941-955-3571
    Men -1st row Ur: John Hall, Vance Jennings, Boris Stem, Jack Schneider, Ray Twardzik, Kel Kelso 2nd row Ur: Virg Collins, Jim Giles, Robert Snovel, Charles Fehnel, Herb Karnes, Frank Scales,Mangold,ason, Bill Mangold. 3rd row: Calvin Wright, Dick Brokaw, Gene Saucerman, Sid Auerback, Rocco Sergi, Elmer Brice, Jim Edwards, Nelson Charron. 4th row: Les Helmich, Don Scholten, Ray Twardzik Ladies -1st row Ur: Ann Hall, Margery Stem, Lael Snovel, Mary Ann Scholten, Martha Collins, Margurette Helmich. 2nd row: Margaret Wright, Isabel Twardzik, Mary Gilles, Karen Brice Shearer,
    'Vet Brice. 3rd row: Jody Brokaw, Sally Saucerman, Jill Auerback, Irene Mason, Brenda Schneider bolos by Raymond Twardzik, 106 Signal, Bradenton, FL Mini-Reunion held in Sarasota, FL - at Forest Lakes Golf Club on Dec. 15. We had a nice tumout as you can see. No program, just disother,ns with each other. Wm Mangold presented a beautiful butterfly collection in a plastic case to Lester Helmich and wife for their yeaMini-Reunion,g the Mini-Reunion.


Mini-Reunions .. .
Janesville, WI - 2000
Robert Homan, 424/D, 1614 Holly Drive, Janesville, WI 53546 - 608-963-6028
    I had my Annual Battle of the Bulge breakfast, 15 December this year at our local Elks Lodge. There were 85 present, including vets, spouses and guests. Of that there were eight from the 106th Infantry Division. Our guest speaker was Philip Vorwald, who presented a remarkable slide show of battle locations taken during the battle and now. There were photos of destroyed tanks, buildings and vehicles, very graphic. He just finished his book entitled "Battle of the Bulge; Through the Lens."
    In the photo above: Back Row Ur: Harry McSorley, 422/D; Al Kath, 422/AT; Robes Homan 424/0; e Victor Fuchs, 591/HQs Front Row Ur: Kenneth Arndt, 592/C; Henry Thumer, 589/HQ; Harry Larsen, 423/K; Not shown, Peter Dibernardo, 424th/?
The photo below shows the collection of vets, that attended the Battle of the Bulge meeting,


Mt Vernon, Illinois - 2000
Glenn Hartlieb, 592/SV, 1805 Olive St, Highland, IL 62249 618-654-7382
    A group of the 106th attended a reunion celebrating the anniversary of The Battle of the Bulge at the Villager, Mt Vernon, Illinois, on 1 December, 2000
    een lir: Victor Breite, Eugene Saucerman, Kenneth Bryan, Robert York, Vincent Venegoni, William augherty, Glenn Hartlieb and Harold Bratton Women Ur: Mary Venegoni, Thelma York, Marge Bryan, Farrol Bratton, Sally Saucennan, Avis
Breit, Nadine Hartlieh and Angela Daugherty,


Madison, Wisconsin - 2000
Charles Rieck, 422/H, 7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton, WI 53562, 608.831-6110
    The Wisconsin Hth Annual Commemorative meeting of the Battle of the Bulge was held at CJ's East in Madison, Wisconsin, on October 21, 2000. We had 35 people in attendance and they were:
    Mr. Fred Broussard, Mr. Mike Cunningham, Mr. Pete DiBenardo, Mr, Walter Donaldson, Mr. Victor Fuchs, Mr. Donald Handel, Mr,/Mrs. Robert Homan, Mr,/Mrs, Howard Jones,
    Mr,/Mrs. Raymond Kurtz, Mr,/Mrs. Jerome Miller, Mr,/Mrs. Ralph Moore, Mr,Mrs, Edward Nagle, iki Mr./Mrs. Edmund Polaski, Mr. Davis Pont, Mr,/Mrs, Lawrence Post, Mr,/Mrs. Delbert Rediger,
Mr,/Mrs. Charles Rieck. Ms, Nina Spence, Mr,Mrs James Tetzlaff, Mr./Mrs, Henry Wittenberg and Mr, Edward Wojahn.
    The group spent the time socializing in lieu of a program. David Post was the photographer. By group action, the 2001 meeting will be held on October 20, 2001, at CJ's East in Madison, Wisconsin,


Albuquerque, New Mexico - 2000
Dr, Ralph J. Nelson, DDS 422/Cannon, 1 Acoma Lane, Los Alamos, NM 87544, 505-622-9787
    The New Mexico contingent of the 106th Infantry Division Association, held its annual Mini-Reunion at a popular restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico on December 11, 2000, Four veterans and seven guests were present. A very good time was enjoyed by all attending, socializing and remembering.
    eaeterans above lir: Robert Soladay, 422 Service; Ralph Nelson, 422 Cannon; Louis Baca, 422/L; nd new found member Walter Peters, 331st Medical Battalion, Co B. Below, lir: Erik Nelson; Christine Nelson Lee; Helen Peters; Rhoda Nelson; Lillie Baca; Margaret Velasques recent widow of Armando Velasquez, 422/K and barely showing - Margaret Soladay.


Mini-Reunions .. .
Detroit, Michigan - 2000
Russet Mayotte, 424/F, 9628 Cavell Street, Livonia, MI 48150 - 313-421-4059
    We had a good group attending this year, hope the dark photos can be used. We had a good program speaker Colonel Stanley Millimet. Men Back, Or: Col. Stanley Millimet; John Roberts, 592/C; Charles Reeber, 423/D; Ellsworth Schanerberger, 331 Med/D; Harold Kuizema, 589/A;
    John Plotowslci, 422/HQ 1Bn. Men Middle, lir: Herb Eidelman, 424/SV; Harold Orwine, 592/A; ei Paul Wasylon, 422/H; John Gillespie, 422/C, Men Front, Or: Ryss Mayotte, 424/F;
Tony Rand, 589/B; Rudy Aittiama, 106th/Recon; Willard Keeber, 424/G; Andy Mato, 424/E,
Women, l/r: Audrey Ortwine; Bea Keeber; Barb Mayotte; Mary Lou Roberts;
    Jessica Kuzima; Pauline Mato; Ruth Rand; Shirley Gillespie; Mary Reeber; Joan Plotowski and (kneeling) Jeanne Schutte,

- - -
The CUB of the Golden Lion

Mini-Reunions .. .
Southern California - 2000
Milton Weiner, 424/M, 28121 Ridgethome Court, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 - 310-544-0470
    This was the Fourteenth Annual Southern California Bulge Commeration Event. As usual we started by reading 424th/HQ 3 Bn's A&P Platoon Leader's "My First Reunion," This will always be appropriate at
any and all reunions. Each 106th Veteran introduced himself and gave a brief summary of his expert-
    aces that "Winter Long Ago," enty-nine attended including three sons of 106th members. All enjoyed the fellowship and mutual memories. The attendance was again the highest in years In 2001 we are scheduled for 16 December
    2001, at 1:00PM, Please write or call to be added to the mailing list, my telephone and address above. See additional photo on following page.
    Present were: David Fournier; Bob/Martha Sowell, 424/E; Joe/Ted Litvin, 423/D; Bob/Betty Weidlin, 422/C; Jame/Aki Yamasaki, 590/Med; Chic/Donna Wente, 423/I; Eric/Frieda Vanderhorst, 423/F; Dick/ Beverly Peterson, 423/1; Cliff/Sarah Kincannon, 590/HQ; Bob/Lloyd Baron, 422/K; Bob/Mary Lou and Randy Marsh, 423/13; Leo Kruse, 81st Med; Greg Drum, Associate; Christy Witaker; Bella/Milton Weiner, 424/M.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Southern California group - see page before this one for details.
Minneapolis, Minnesota - 20000
Howard (Howie) Flen, Associate, 1716 7th Street NE, Rochester, MN 55906 507-282-0409
    The Minneapolis area 106th vets held their annual Mini-Reunion at the Cherokee Steak House a few miles south of the Mega-Mall of America. Present were 12 vets with another 12 guests and wives. One guest, Lou Kilzer, who wrote a book about Stalin's influence on the Battle of the Bulge, was present as guest of Don Patton, Associate member from the World War 11 History Round Table.
106th Veterans, shown below, 1/r First row; John Kline, Burnsville, MN, 423/M;
Duane Risberg, Minneapolis, 423/HQ; Richard Ritchie, Plymouth, 423/MED;
Floyd Dahl, Minnetonka, 590/C,
2nd row. Al Swanson, Minneapolis, 424/1; Charlie Haug, 28th Id Div, Sleepy Eye, MN, Associate;
Ted Williams, White Bear Lake, 423/MED; Lex Schoonover, Edina, 422/HQ;
Ted Loudermilk, Bingham Lake, 423/B.
Back Row 1/r: Albert Krantz, Brainerd, 106 MP; Lloyd Brunner, Red Wing, 424/A,
Wesley Eckblad, Winona, MN 422/D.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions.. .
Long Island, NY - 2000
Ephriam Goldberg, 555 Franklin Blvd., Long Beach, NY 516-432-7136 Email:
    We had a Mini-Reunion on Long Island on 17 December, 2000. It was the first time this was attempted in our area. In years past we went to Linden, NJ, where Carl Messina always held a Mini-Reunion,
    Our group met in Island Park, NY, We had twelve 106 veterans and six wives, We felt fortunate to have that many. There were several cancellations due to an ice storm the day before.
    hove, seated at table, Ur: Charles Johansen, John Starmack, Rudy Hirsch and John Rosalia. Standing: rald Zimand; Charles Kortlang, Jacques Bloch, Preston Barnes, Morton Elkin, Ephriam Goldberg, at Grasso and Harold Hoffman.
    Ladies below, sitting Vr: Jean Bloch, Rose Rosalia, Ruth Hoffman. Standing: Mary Grasso, Adel Johansen and Natalie Goldberg.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

Maryland, D.C. and Virginia - 2000
John Schaffner, 589/A, 1811 Miller Rd, Cockeysville, MD 21030 - 410-584.2754 Email:
    On 14 December, 2000, members of the Association residing in the area assembled at the Club Meade, Fort G.C, Meade for their sixth annual Mini-Reunion and an extra-ordinary buffet luncheon. There were 43 in attendance, which included guests.
    Our guest speaker was Major General H. Steven Blum, Commander of the 29th Infantry Division (Light). He presented a program on his upcoming assignment command troops from H countries in the UN mission of peacekeeping in the Bosnia-Herzegovina areas of Eastern Europe. Also Grayson Bishop. 424/1..., spoke about his recent trip back to the battlefield,
    Present and accounted for in the above photograph: - Alpha: Ralph K, Bames 423/E; Grayson Bishop 424/1.; Maj. Gen. H. Steven Blum and Blum's Aide I Lt Sullins; Marbury Councell, 96th BG 8th AF; Clark Dovell 422/M; Jack Flanagan 612th TD; John Gatens 589/A; Phil Hannon 81st ENG/A; William Hemelt 424th/H; Rev Edward Hill. Chaplain USN; William Johnson 424/K; Ray & Tom Kemp, Associates; Ed McGinty 589/C Bill Mercer USAAC Parachute Rigger; Windsor Miller 9th AD 14th TBn/A; Harry O'Neill, VBOB; Frank Potter 342/L, LTC Ret; Don Regier 422/SV;
    John Schaffner 589/A; Robert W. Schaffner; Paul M. Schaffner; Walter Snyder 589/A; Jack Sulser 423/F; Neil Thompson, Treas. MD/DC VBOB; Can Vickery, Baltimore Military Round table; Charles Wehner, Guest; Alan Yeater 82nd AB Assn & Chmn XVIII AB Corps Assn.
    Ladies. photograph below: - Alpha: Norma Asendorf; Catherine Barnes; Jeanne C. Buchanan; Gerlindc Cox; Thelme Dovell; Jean Hannon; Gina Houghton; Kay Kemp; Agnes Potter; Kay Regier; Lillian Schaffner; Barbara Schaffner; Mary Vandermast, and three were camera shy.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Pittsburgh, PA - 2000
Joseph P. Maloney, 1120 Warren Ave, Amold, PA 15068-4048 Email maloneyesalsgiver'comom
    The Pittsburgh area Mini-Reunion was held on 1Deeember,r, 2000. Topic of the day was protecting one's self and property while shopping.
    Front Row L/R: Marilyn Robb; Janice Donaldson; Perl Martin; Diana Yanchik; Betty Huminski; Pat Rigatti; Janice Koluezez; Leona Hunter and Elaine Zenn Middle row: Francis Langham, Jean Langham; Dr. John Martin; Viv Maloney (Co-Chair); Mike Zenn; Dick Rigatti; Harry Kolezez; Frank Lapato; Al Yelochan. Back Row: Ed Huminski; Zane Donaldson; Pete Yanchik; Dave Hunter; Robert Mattiko; Dr. John Robb; James Wiggns and Joe Malone(Chairman)'). We dearly missed faithful attendees Howard Lowenberg and wife Dorothy Lowenberg; George Vance,and wife Norma Vance who were unable to attend;

    Philadelphia, PA - 2000 arles Dane 591/SV, 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19018 215-626-1866 At a meeting of the 106th Infantry Division veterans merged with the Veteran's of the Battle of the Bulge, Delaware Chapter held at Valley Forge Military Academy. A beautiful memorial service in the Academy Chapel. A wreath ceremony at the VBOB Monument and a luncheon in the Eisenhower Hall. Back Row, l/r: Stan Wojutusik, 422/G; Jack McDevitt, 81st ENG/A; Charlie Bodda, 591st HQ;
    Lou Cunningham, 106th RECON; Herb Whitehead 81st ENG/A; Front Row; Re-enactor, No name; and Charles Datte 591/SV- At Vitali 424/B MIAsoeializing'g. Prior to this on Veteran's Day 11 November, two bus loads of vets from our area attended the Ground Breaking Ceremony of the WWII Monument. We were proud, for along with Senator Dole, Tom Hanks, was our own Stan Wojtusik, 424/G.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Arizona, Phoenix-Tucson - 2000
    John Swett, 423/H 10691 E Northern Crest Dr, Tucson, AZ 85748 520-722-6016 jaswet@juno,com We held a joint 16 Dec 2000 meeting with the VBOB at the Property Convention Center in Casa Grande. Forty nine invitations were sent out to 106 veterans. However only five positive responses were returned. These were from Herman Van de Bogart, Dean Childs, James Stamm, John Whitehead, and John Swett, The Whiteheads had to cancel Friday night because of sickness, From all units including the 101st and the 82 .Airborne, there were 94 veterans and guests. Stamm was by himself. Both Dean and his wife attended. John Swett brought his wife, his daughter who was celebrating her 44th birthday that day, and grandson Ian Joscelyn, One of the highpoints of the event was Herman's introduction of his two guests, Yvonne Turk and Denise Bednarek, with a short but heartfelt speech by Denise. (See photo above) These two ladies are Belgian natives from Liege, who now live in Tucson. They me so grateful. Herman's wife was also in attendance. Army Historian John Westover, was our main speaker, He reminded us of where we were at different stages of the Battle, then involved members of the audience in telling were they were on Dec. 25, 1944, and what had led up to their situations, Warm comradeship was enjoyed by all.

New England - 2000
Ben Britton, 424/E, 36 Warren Road, Aubum, MA 01501-1855
    Our Mini-Reunion was held 2 December, 2000, at the Indian Meadows Country Club in Westboro, MA, There were fifteen people in attendance. We enjoyed an excellent luncheon and good fellowship, Our apologies for failing to get a photograph of the group. Those in attendance were:
    Daniel E. Holland, 424/Cannon and wife; William E, Busier, 423/K, with wife Marjorie and their daughter and her friend.
    Robert H. Swanson, (no unit) and wife Sarah; Clayton I, Rice, 589/B and wife Frances Christen deMarcken, Associate; Kachadore Berberian, 422/K and his wife Mary Benjiman B, Britton, 424/E and wife Avis.


Mini-Reunions . .
Alton, Illinois - 2000
    Marion Ray, 424/D, 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010 618-377-3674 Email: RayBugleboy24@aol'corn Originally scheduled for December 16, a change was made when early in December the weather took control. The Reunion-Luncheon was rescheduled for December 28 at the Moonlight Restaurant in Alton, Illinois. Although the weather was extremely cold, the streets and highways were clear. Twelve 106th veterans and one Associate braved the Battle of the Bulge conditions to attend. The food was good, conversations were very friendly and fellowship outstanding. This year's attendance was the largest of any past years.
    ft., Front row, l/r: Fred Martinez, 590/A; Gus Viviano, 81st ENG/B; Roberts Werts, 591/C; Carl Goering, Associate; Paul Boschert, 590/HQ, Ken Bryan, 423/HQ 1Bn
Men, back row, Uri Bill Kronmuller, 423/E; Leonard Lovejoy, 590/C; Gilbert DeGerlia, 422/HQ;
Don Hinrichs, 81st ENG/C; Calvin Neunaber, 422/M; Victor Bauswell, 422/B and Marion Ray, 424/D.
    Ladies, front row, Ur: LaVon Adams; Verna Worts; Helen ICronmuller; Pat Hinrichs; Nancy Goering Ladies, back row, Ur: Emma Jane Boschert; Fran Ray; Margary Bryan; Nelda Bauswell


Atlanta, GA - 2000
Sherod Collins, 423/Service Company, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144, 770-928-3207
    On December 3, 2000, a festive group of 106crs gathered at the Northlake Steak and Ale Restaurant in Atlanta to dine and enjoy the fun and fellowship of the holidays.
Several old-timers were missed and several newcomers were welcomed into the group.
    Members attending were: Frankie Burkes; Carl & Sue Canup; Doug & Isabelle Coffey; Sherod Collins. Bob & Louise Howell; Morris & Sarah Piha and Associate Will Herman. Guests were: Martha Brocato; Peggy Kelly; Elizabeth Morgan; Betty Tumer and Cathy White


South Carolina - North Carolina - 2000
Waid and Vannie Toy, 422/K, 4605 Wade Street, Columbia, S,C. 803-772-0132
    On December 2, 2000 forty-one (41) wives and special guests from the South and North Carolina areas assembled for an annual luncheon Mini-Reunion, held at the Officer's Club, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, The Reverend Ewell C. Black served as Master of CeremOnies, The Invocation was offered by Rev, James H. Tucker. First time attendees were recognized and a moment of silence was observed in remembrance of deceased comrades. We were privileged to have two recognized guests in attendance who served as feature speakers - Mr. Brian Heckert, Chief Executive Officer, William Jennings Bryan Dom VA Medical Center, and Mrs. Karen Long, an acclaimed and energetic Social Worker, primarilyinvolved in the delivery of services to WWII veterans, A question and answer period evolved
    elowing their presentations, It was recognized that a strong bond of love and fellowship continued to exhibited at these reunions, Men- Front Row, Kneeling 1/r: Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr,; Scott Westbrook, Sr.; Wade Toy.
    Second Row, Ur: Joseph Frierson; Harley W. Easter; Leroy Eubanks, Sr,; Howard Terrio; Arthur E. Hinson, Third Row, Ur: Frank Frierson; John Cooper; John J, Murphy; Rev, Jamet H. Tucker; William
    (Bill) Shipley; Robert Hanna and Sam J, Schiavo, Fourth Row, Er: Charles Bethea; Ed Terrio; Scott Westbrook, Jr.; John Calif; Ryan E. Tomlinson; Edward Y. Roper; J. Howard Tucker, Jr, Ladies- Front Row, Ur: Hazel Cooper; Luvelle Terrio; Mildred Frierson; Betty Murphy; Lou Shipley; Gurteen Cross, Second Row, 1/r; Shelvia Westbrook; Audre Easier; Lucille Wittiness; Julia Hinson; Marilyn Hanna; Vannie Toy Third Row- Ur: Janice Bethea; Ruth Terrio; Karen Long
Absent from photos: James Eubanks; Brian Heckert; Wayne Lee and Ms, Allison Lee


New Members...
Editor's Note:
My apologies for an error in name.
In the Oct-Nov-Dec 2000 CUB magazine, I gave RUDOLPH J. RUSSO the wrong first name.
I had it as "Ralph J." Sorry J. Kline, editor

Baumgarn, Kevin J. 424/D
714 5.1 Avenue
Devil's Lake, ND 58301
Spouse: Betty

Boggs, Stacy A. Associate
1254 Scheffer Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55116
    651-699-0646 Stacy is the daughter of recently deceased 106th Veteran, Oliver "Burl" Boggs, 422/G. Stacy and Jason, her husband and Jason's father went to Germany this last Fall. They had planned on going with Burl. They decided to go after his death, in his honor. They were treated very well and guided by a friend of the 106th, a native of Auw, who is an acquaintance of Donald Wischmeier, 423/SV. Donald has re-visited Auw many times in later years and became acquainted with Nickolaus Werner, a resident of Auw.

Christianson, Edward L. 331 Med/C
303 Harper Hollow Lane
Winchester, VA 22603

Crossman, Jack Michael
2255 Summerhouse Dr. Apt 11
St. Louis, MO 63146-2615
jackcrossman@hotmaitcom Historian - Son of Lester C. Crossman, 424/ H, SFC, US Army, currently, St. Louis, ARPERSCOM

Donaldson, Zane P. 590/B
152 Klein Road
Cranberry Twp, PA 16066-3322
    Born in McKeesport, PA, graduated from high school in 1938 and from the University of Pittsburgh in April 1942. Inducted the day after graduation. Reported to Indiantown Gap. After two weeks K'P,. I was sent to the 79. Infantry Division at Camp Pickett, Virginia. ill duty was clerk/typist in Headquarters AG office.
    When the opportunity arose to apply for OCS, I applied for the Air Corps Administration and was immediately sent to the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, OK. When finished with that school, as a new 2. Lieutenant, I was ordered to another new division - The 106. -at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, assigned to Battery B as Reconnaissance Officer. I went through the training programs, including Tennessee Maneuvers and was getting ready for overseas. The 590. moved to Camp Myles Standish and in two weeks we were aboard the WAKEFIELD making a fast story passage without escort.
We sat in a camp at Glouster until word came to move to the Continent.
    After landing at ROUEN we made the motor march to the area of our new positions near St. Vith. On 11 December 1944 we moved into the line, replacing the 2. Division. We used already prepared positions of the 38. FAB. In the early hours of 16 December the Battle of the Bulge started. After three days and nights& , exciting and miraculous adventures, I was caW cured outside Schonberg, Germany on 19 December 1944.
    After several days on rail cars, bombed at Limburg and half starved, we were unloaded at Bad Orb, Stalag 9-B. From there to Hammelburg, Oflag XIII-B, I could account for many stories about the POW experience, but paper is about to run out. We were liberated by the 40 Armored Division on May 7, 1945, sent to Mossburg, then Camp Lucky Strike and home.
    Recalled to duty for Korea - That's Another Story. Took my discharge after Korea. Worked for 33 years in sales, for the J&L Steel and Wheeling Pgh Steel Companies. I have been on the Selective Service Board in Butler County for eight years. Hobbies are photography and model railroading. Thank you, Zane


New Members.. .

Oran, James A. 424/A
4170 Carr Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4421
Tel: 303-424-1504
Fax: 303-432-0474
Spouse: Mary E.

Fielder, Joseph L. 592/A
508 E Petty Lane
Winchester, TN 37398
See his son also, just below.

Fielder, Joe F. Associate
2711 Wildflower Drive
Eilleen, TX 76549
Son of Joseph (above)

Foster, George W. 423/HQ 2.) Bn
11 Fairways Circle, Apt J
St Charles MO 63303
    in 1955, we moved to the USA on October 17, 1970 (thirty years ago), to Portland, Oregon and still living here at the same address. We have two sons, the elder, Marcel Jr. is actually Captain in the US Air Force, stationed in Tokyo, Japan. Our youngest son, Jean-Luc, is Physician-Assistant here in Beaverton, Oregon. We have five grandchildren, all born in Oregon, Sean (22), Jean-Luc Jr. (18), Jaron (13), Christine (16) and Kendra (13). Here in the United States, I served in several Corporations as Executive Chef and my wife has been a French teacher all her life. We are now retired. We have one "statement" to make: "If it was not for the involvement and tenacity of the American Troops during World War II, we would not be alive today, only the Americans, could deliver us from evil and from a certain annihilation" We are eternally grateful. We were very lucky, during the Battle of the Bulge, although they were very close, the Germans did not make it to our town. Thanks to you all, who spoiled their schedule and the ones who stopped them.
    During those times we made great friends among the American soldiers who spoiled us so much. In January 1945 we had two great American soldiers guests resting in our house, one of them, PFC Edward C. Rains from Albertville, Alabama, got killed D.N.B. (Died non battle) in France in April and his friend Ralph Martin, brought as the bad news and gave us Edward's silver ring. We kept the ring in our archives for 55 years and after a long research, we found his family in Alabama. We went to visit the family last August and gave them back their relative's ring, where we thought it belongs.
It was a unique and very emotional experience. We feel very happy to have achieved that endeavor.
Our story with photos is published in the C'R'I.B'A. Website.
We are proud to join you. Most sincerely,
Marcel & Anne-Marie Gustin
Gustin, Marcel G. Associate
6733 SW 52. Ave
Portland, OR 97219-1318

Dear John,
    As promised, we give you a short summary of ourselves, previous to joining the 106th Infantry Division as Associate Members. We are Belgian Citizens. Members of C.R.I.B.A. (Belgium). I was born in Hotton-sur-Ourthe (Ardennes) on August 31, 1931. My wife, Anne-Marie, was born in Louveigne (Province de Liege) April 30, 1936.
    My family moved to anneux-Notre-Dame, (between Liege and Spa) in 1939. When the German invaded Belgium on May 10, 1940. I was 9 years old and my wife (to be), was 4. We have been occupied, ruled and starved by the Germans for about five years. We were liberated on September 9, 1944. By the 1st U.S. Army, 3rd Armored Division, Task force LOVELADY. (What a charming name for a liberator). Our life was changed forever and from that day on, we fell in love for Democracy, for the United States. Married in Africa


New Members...

Guttman, Klaus 422/E
PO Box 1332
Marston Mills, MA 02648

Hanniford, Patrick 423/1
5300 Sharp Drive
Howell, MI 48843

Julson, Robert C. 424/C
1150 Goodrich Cr
Bloomington, MN 55437-2411
Spouse: Jeannine P.

Rollins, Glenn E. 424/D
224 Fleer Road
    Thomasville, NC 27360-6106 After service, I attended the Milwaukee School of Engineering and received a AAS. Came to Thomasville in 1948 and established Rollins metal Shop. We did Heating and Air Conditioning and General Sheet Metal work. Retired in 1988. My family consists of my wife, "Mem", a daughter, Zeunice, Grandson, Todd and Granddaughter, Dana. We are expecting our first great-grandchild in May 2001.

Roth, Johnathan, Associate
41 Bar Beach Rd
Port Washington, NY 11050
rothj @jwseligman.corn
Spouse: Stefanie.
Another one from the 106° web site, Amateur Historian, interested in the 106° Infantry Division.

Shout, Sam 159'° Inf Reg
163 Delbridge Lane
Fairfield Glade, TN 38558
931-484-2290 The 159" was attached to the 106th Id Division from March 16 to July 31, 1945

Skibinski, Walter A. 423/HQ 2Bn
4330 Cameron Avenu
Hammond, IN 46327
    (Editor's Note: Walter sent me six pages of information on his life: three pages of a biography: three pages of an "Alta Boy" letter by Gene Mihrut - The Polka News, Chicago. I cannot possibly relate it all here. However, I will try. He has led an interesting and
talented life. J Kline, editor)
    Born in 1925, raised in South Chicago with three brothers and three sisters. Attended St. Michaels Parachial School, Chicago; Bowen High School; Tolden Technical School; Ray-Vogue School of Commercial Art, Chicago and South Suburban College, Holland, Illinois. Married Paula Jacewiz in 1946. Has six children, two grandsons, one granddaughter. Began broadcasting career with Eddie Oskierko in March of 1952, on the Polish Musical Varieties Program which he began in 1929 in Hammond, Indiana. Became Producer/ Boardman in 1960 due to Mr. Oskierko's ill health. During this time with the Polish Mu, cal Varieties Program he then became the producer and announcer of a live remote broadcast from Club 505, a Polka Lounge in the Hegewisch Area of Chicago, where he broadcast every Sunday for 31 years.
    After Mr. Oskierko's retirement in 1980, continued the program at the request of the Station Management and changed the name of the program to "Wally Skibinski's Polish Cavalcade of Music."
    Awards Received: Orchard Lake Schools, National Honorary Alumnus Award, July 12, 1982. Distinguished Service Award, United Polka Association, September, 1985 Chet Gulinski Media Award, July 3, 1986. Loyalty Plaque Hammond Chapter, United Polka Association December 1988 Di. of the Year Award, United Polka Association September 23, 1989. Silver Bell Club, PNA, Polish American Heritage Award January 27, 1990. City of Hammond, City Council Award, (40th Anniversary) March 30, 1992. Polish American Congress, State of Indiana, Polish American Heritage Award. October 3, 1999 DJ of the Year Award.


New Members...
Swalt, A.L. 424/H
    1111United Polka Association; Lifetime Mem- r, Pulaski Citizens Club, Hammond, Indiana; Orchard Lake Alumni Association, Hammond, Indiana Notre Dame 100 Club Board of Building Commissioners, City of Hammond, Indiana Master of Ceremonies, (Polka Night) Hammond August Fest Franklin D. Roosevelt Club, Hammond, Indiana United Polka Association, Advisor, Hammond Indiana. Chapter. St. Casimir Usher's Club. A tribute by Gene Mikrut of "Polka News," whose closing sentence says it all, "To refer to Walter Skibinski as a DJ is an understatement. In my estimation he is the epitome and personification of professional broadcast announcers."

Stamatakay, John H. 423/?
145 Seaman Avenue
New York, NY 10034

Stonecipher 424/D
139 Upper Airbase Lane
Briceville, TN 37710
    I married Corene Vowell, September 2, 1939. We have five children Glenn Culver; V.L. Stonecipher, Beverly Gray; Beverly Stewart and Charles. Upon return after the war I worked in the coal mines until 1959. Worked for the State Correction Department 5-61; Licensed to sell insurance in 1961. Employed by Interstate Insurance Company (American General) until retirement in 1982. Through a trip I won for reaching my sales goal, we went to the World's Fair in New York City, in 1964. Have been very busy in The Optimist Club, serving as President; Deacon in Church. Our oldest child, Glenna, passed away in 1973, leaving her six children for us to raise. They were from 7 to 12 years old. Our children: V. L. is Director for Anderson County Schools with two children; Beverly works in the County Clerks office in Manchester, KY. Married, has two children. Becky is Director of EducationI 504 for A.L. Schools. Charles, married with two children, Master Electrician for Viny Hex Corporation.

1109 N. Adams, Fredricksburg, TX 78624
    C. L. Lindsay wrote, "Sherod, here is a check for Swalt's membership. He didn't know about the Association. He was sent to "H" Company when we were in the bunkers on the Siegfried Line and served in the Company with me. He wanted to join. Mail him "The CUB."

Thompson, Gil (Bob) 591" FAB
417 Spartanburg Avenue
Carolina Beach, N.C. 28428
    910-458-5745 Spouse: Lona. Injured in the Battle of the Bulge. Various jobs over the years, now retired. (Editor's Note: Gil, Thanks for the $20 donation to the 106. Association. J. Kline, editor)

Villiano, Maurice W. 422/D
635 Wiltshire Drive
State College, PA 16803-1449
    Editor's Note: Maurice was reported as a new member in the May 2000 CUB, but I did not have his story. To fill you in, here are excerpts from two email letters between he and I, (J. Kline, editor)
    John, Thank you for the prompt reply to my post. I didn't recognize any of the names from Co. D, 422nd, but this doesn't surprise me as my impression was the officers and NCO's for the most part were newby replacements just like me. I don't recall we were ever briefed at any orientation nor was there the usual scuttlebutt where you learn about these things. That's why I found the account (from your diary) so interesting. It was literally all new information to me. Can't believe I waited 55 years to find out. The combat veterans can certainly be proud of their history. I'm happy to have had a small role, if only for that brief period (summer 1945) when we trained hard for future battles that were never to be.
Our second round on entail. (J. Kline)
    I too was inducted into the US Army (314 74 807) as an 18-year old. I hailed from Hartford, CT; was sworn-in as a private on 11/17/ 44 at New Haven and sent to Fort Devens, MA for processing (shots, uniforms, etc'). After 10 days, we were on a troop train for Camp


New Members .. .
    Wheeler, GA where I underwent 14 weeks of infantry basic training (12/4/44 - 3/17/45 ) and qualified as a heavy weapons crewman (MOS 812). After a short leave, reported to Fort Meade, MD and then to a POE at New York. Made the crossing of the Atlantic in 10 days aboard the liner New Amsterdam. Arrived at Glasgow (4/ 17/45), then troop train down to account. We were shipped as individual infantry replacements, supposedly on our way to some replacement depot.
    My first assignment was with the 159th Inf. (Service Co) which was attached to the 106th. Performed guard duty at Bad Godesberg, Germany and was billeted in the Hotel and Deutches Haus. VE Day was signaled by shots wildly fired in the air (5/4/45?). On cessation of hostilities, was earmarked for probable transfer to the Far East (CBI) and was assigned (late 5/45) to Co D, 422nd Infantry at a bivouac area somewhere north of Karlsruhe. Became a tube man (81mm mortar) and got proficient in all positions from ammo bearer to 1st gunner. Forget what was my platoon (probably 3rd or 4th) and squad designation in D Company. The training and conditioning I received was far superior to what I got at camp in the ZI. I don't remember the names of any officers or NCO's except Col. Tuttle, the 422nd CO. A few names of members of my platoon still linger, a Merrill from Portland, ME; a Saylor from PA; and my pup tent bunk mate (can't recall his name) but remembered he hailed from Mount Cannel, IL. I remember the 25-mile hikes we took regularly, and the rifle inspections before retreat every evening, And yes, the division parade when we all marched in review wearing our OD wool uniforms and steel pots in the hot July sun. The Division was to be rotated back to the States, and we "low-pointers" were shipped out for occupation duty elsewhere in Germany. Looking forward to your quarterly newsletter. Thank You.

Wright, Calvin E. 422/K
8415 Palm Lakes Ct.?
Sarasota, FL 34243 422/E
cempewright @aol'com
Nice to see your name, Calvin.

Ray Twardzik wrote me an email and told me to send you some propaganda. Glad to see that it worked.
He said he met you in April at an Ex-POW dinner of the Manasota Florida Chapter.

Zeman Rudolph J. 423. Cannon
2933 Biskra Rd
Palm Springs, CA 95136-2373
    I was inducted in the Army at Fort Dix, NJ. Jan 3 1943, then sent to Calif for my basic training. I was attached to the 530th AA Bat. B. after a couple of months I was sent to Van Nuys airport as Anti Aircraft support for the base. It was training base for P 38's, I received The Soldier's Medal for rescuing a pilot from a crashed and burning plane.
    The battalion was sent to Camp Hills Texas where I transferred to the 106th and attached to the Cannon Co. 423rd Reg. CO was Capt. Manning. I was captured near St Vith and ended up in a boxcar heading to Bad Orb and then to Ziegenhain as many of us were. When liberated I was sent to a hospital, Camp Lucky Strike, Le Havre for two weeks drinking goats milk to gain back the 50 lbs I lost. Was discharged, Nov 22 1945. On return to the states I came out west and worked on ranches, cattle, dude packing mules until I settled in Palm Springs where the weather is warns to hot.
    In 1955 I got into air conditioning business and retired in 1985, and enjoy life RVing, fishing, golfing, painting (oil). Worked as camp ground host in Washington, Oregon, Utah, California during the summers.
Married for 28 great years to wife Shan.


In Memoriam...

rmington, Donald R. 424/H 3125 John Patterson Road Des Moines, IA 50317
Date of Death: 21 August 2000. No other details given.

Clark, Ernie 423/H 105 NW 8" Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Date of Death: December 2000, No other details given.

Hartzell, Bertram 81st ENG/C 410 South Street, New Bethlehem, PA 16242
    Date of Death: 10 December, 2000. Survived by wife Adelene L. Also survived by son Hardy L. and his wife Lynee of Bowling Greene, Ohio; a daughter Bertie L. and her husband Richard Moore, Indiana, PA. Three Grandchildren, Morgan and Hunter

    Hartzell; Deven Moore. He is also survived by two sisters. Bertram was owner of Frank Hartzell Meat Market in New Bethlehem and co-owner of Sable Supply Company, in Summerville. An active member of the New Bethlehem Presbyterian Church. He enjoyed candle making, writing poems and spending time with his family and friends.

Macelwee, Paul T. 422/C 182 South Orchard Avenue, Kennett Square, PA 19348
Date of Death: 02 December 2000: No other details given.

McKinley, Harold A. 423/HQ/1BN 6622 Millbrae Road, Columbus, OH 43235
Date of Death: 02 December 2000: No other details given.

Pandolfi, Henrico H. 423/1 681 Rathbone Street, Blackstone, MA 01540
Date of Death: 29 July 2000. Wife Cecile. Reported by daughter Denise Morrel.

m, Granville 106 Signal 3408 SW 25^ Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
Date of Death: December 2000. No other details given.

Rowan, William K. 424/K 213 Country Club Road. Shelby, NC 28150
Date of Death: 7 September 2000. No other details given.

Russell, Raymond 423/E 50 Famum Street, North Andover, MA 01845
Date of Death: February 2000. No other details given.

Worrell, Harold E. 331/MEDIB 3606 Heatherington Road, Orlando, FL 32808
Date of Death: 28 November 2000. No other details given.
Rest In Peace

55th Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Washington D.C.
September 5-10, 2001
Early Bird arrivals on 5th
Details and Registration papers will be mailed
to every Association member.
Arrangements by Armed Forces Reunions.
Hotel Fairview Park Marriott
Make your Hotel Reservation Now!
Direct (703) 849-9400
Marriott Central Reservations
Be sure to mention 106th Infantry Division Association.
Rate $84, plus tax, single or double. These rates will
be extended three days before and three days after if
rooms are available.
Take advantage of those date extensions to see Washington, D.C. on your own.
Final Banquet on Sunday September 9, 2001 with Farewell Breakfast on the 10th.
Pick up the phone now

A quarterly publication of the
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Organization - USPO #5054
St Paul, MN - Agent: John P Kline, Editor
Membership fees include CUB subscription
Paid membership January 13, 2001 - 1,628 members
President Marion Ray
Past-President (Ex-Officio) ..... John Gregory
1st Vice-Pres Joseph P. Maloney
2nd Vice-Pres Frank Lapato
Treasurer/Historian Sherod Collins
Adjutant John A. Swett
CUB Editor, Membership John P. Kline
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman
Memorials Chairman Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Representative O. Paul Merz
Resolutions Chairman E V. Creel
    Washington Liaison & AFR Jack A. Sulser Order of the Golden Lion. Chairman .. John O. Gilliland Committee . . . Joseph Massey, Sherod Collins Nominating Committee Chairman ... John M. Roberts
Committee., , John Schaffner, John Gregory
Budget Chairman Charles F. Rieck
Mini-Reunion Chairman John R. Schaffner
Editorial Matters, Membership Committee:
John P. Kline -- CUB Editor 11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337.2786 952-890-3155 - jpk@mm,com
Business Matte, Deaths, Address changes:
John Swett-- Adjutant 10691 E Northern Crest Dr, Tucson, AZ 85748 520-722-6016 -
    Memorial Matters and Inquiries: Dr. John G. Robb -- Memorial Chairman 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364
Membership Dues, Historical Items: Sherod Collins -- Treasurer/Historian 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Membership Fees
Life Vets/Associates .,, $75 Auxiliary $15
Annual Vets/Associates.,, $10 Auxiliary $2
Make Checks Payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association"
Send Check and Application to
Treasurer - see above
Board of Directors •
E. V. Creel, 590/A (2001) 315 Fem Cliff Avenue, Temple Terrace, FL 33617 813-988-7013
    Marion Ray, 424/D (Exec. Comm.) (2001) 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 618-377-3674, RayBugleboy24@aol,com
    Col. Earl Valensteln US (Ret), 81st EnWB (2001) 5737 Bar Neck Road, Cambridge, MD 21613 410-228-0716,
Gerald P. Zimand, 422/D (2001) 101 Joseph Street. New Hyde Parke, NY 11040 NY: 516-3544778 FL: 561-732-3832
    Joseph P. Maloney, 424/HQ (Exec. Comm.) .., (2002) 1120 Warren Avenue, Arnold. PA 15068 724-335-6104, malooey@salesgivercom
Richard D. Sparks, 423/HQ . (2002) 3180 Hanley Street, Deltona. FL 32738 904-7894692, dsparky@magicnet,net
Russell H. Villwock, 106 Signal (2002) 8960 West Foster Avenue, #5 I 0, Norridge, IL 60656 708452-8628
John O. Gilliland,3n2/SV `...(2003) 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, AL 35957 256-593-5801
Frank Lapato, 422/HQ (Exec. Comm') (2003) RD 8, Box 403, Kittanning, PA 16201 724-548-2119
Harry F. Martin, Jr., 424/L (2003) PO Box 221, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 973.663-2410
George Harbor 590/A NW Fort Myers, FL 3390r*. 941-731-5320
Charles F. Rieck 422/H (2003) 7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton, WI 53562 608-831-6110
Pete Yanchik, 423/A (2004) 1161 Airport Road. Aliquippa. PA 15001312 412-375-6451
Richard L. Rigatti, 423/B (2004) 113 Woodshire Drive. Pittsburgh, PA 15215-1713 412-781-8131. rigatti@libcom,com
John R. Schaffner, 589/A (2004) 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 410-584-2754. jschaffn@bc0,net
Jack A. Sulser, 423/F (2004) 917 N Ashton Street. Alexandria, VA 22312-5506 703-354-0221.
Robert R. Hanna, 422/HQ (2005) 7215 Linda Lake Drive. Charlotte, NC 28215-3617 704-567-1418
John M. Roberts, 592/C (2005) 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667. jmr810@aol,com
Waid Toy, 422/K (2005) 4605 Wadc Street, Columbia, SC 29210.3941 803-772-0132
Frank S. Trautman, 422/1) (2005) 9 Meadowcrest Drive. Parkersburg, WV 26101-9395 304428-6454


Index for: Vol. 57 No. 2, JAN, 2001

Index for This Document

106th Div., 10, 17
106th Inf. Div., 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30, 35, 36
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 9, 21, 35, 36
106th Sig. Co., 9, 20, 34, 36
159th Inf., 33
159th Inf. Regt., 33
15th FA BN, 15
168th Engr.s, 13
211th Gp., 18
28th Inf. Div., 6, 23
29th Inf. Div., 24
2nd Div., 15
2nd Inf. Div., 15
331st Med., 22
331st Med. BN, 22
3rd Armd., 30
3rd Armd. Div., 30
422/K, 6, 22, 25, 26, 33, 37
422/M, 24, 26
422nd Inf., 33
423/Svc. Co., 26
424/A, 2, 23, 28
424/C, 6, 25, 30
424/D, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30, 32, 36
424/E, 6, 9, 11, 22, 25
424/G, 6, 22, 25
424/L, 6, 37
424th Inf. Regt., 1, 9, 10, 19
424th Regt., 10
589th FA, 13
589th FA BN, 13
591st FA BN, 19
592nd Arty. BN, 15
592nd FA BN, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
592nd FAB, 14, 16, 17, 18
7th Armd. Div., 18
81st Engr., 16, 20
82nd Abn. Div., 19, 24
9th Armd. Div., 19
9th SS Panzer Div., 18
Africa, 30
American Cemetery, 6
Amsterdam, 33
Andler, 15
Ardennes, 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 30, 37
Arlington National Cemetery, 1
Armed Forces Reunions, 35
Auw, 15, 16, 27
Bad Godesberg, 33
Bad Orb, 7, 28, 34
Baraque De Fraiture, 13, 19
Baraque De Fraiture, Belgium, 13
Barnes, Preston, 23
Bastogne, 6, 14
Battle of the Bulge, 3, 6, 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32
Baumgarn, Kevin J., 27
Behling, Jack, 6
Belgium, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 30
Berberian, Kachadore, 25
Bethea, Charles, 27
Bishop, Grayson, 24
Black, Rev. Ewell, 8
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 26, 27
Bleialf, 13
Bloch, Jacques, 23
Bloch, Jean, 23
Boggs, Stacy A., 27
Booda, Charles K., 7
Born, 31
Boschert, Paul, 26
Bovigny, 18
Bratton, Farrol, 21
Bratton, Harold, 21
Breite, Victor, 21
Brice, Elmer, 20
Britton, Ben, 25
Brocato, Martha, 26
Brokaw, Dick, 20
Brokaw, Jody, 20
Broussard, Fred, 21
Brown, Leslie L, 7
Brunner, Lloyd, 23
Bryan, Jennings, 27
Bryan, Ken, 26
Bryan, Kenneth, 21
Bryan, Marge, 21
Burkes, Frankie, 26
Camp Atterbury, 7
Camp Atterbury Museum, 7
Camp Lucky Strike, 28, 34
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 28
Camp Pickett, VA, 28
Canup, Sue, 26
Carr, Betty, 20
Carr, Fred, 20
CBT CMD B, 9th Armd., 19
CCB, 9th Armd. Div., 19
Central Europe, 37
Charron, Nelson, 20
Childs, Dean, 25
Christianson, Ed, 27
Christianson, Edward, 27
Christianson, Edward L., 27
Clark, Dr. James, 7
Clervaux, 6
Clervaux, Luxembourg, 6
Cocke, Joseph W., 16
Coffey, Isabelle, 26
Colbert, Hugh, 6
Collins, Martha, 20
Collins, Sherod, 26, 35, 36
Councell, Marbury, 24
Craig, Col., 18
Craig, Malin, 18
Crossland, Norma, 20
Crossland, William, 20
Crossman, Jack Michael, 28
Cunningham, Lou, 25
Cunningham, Mike, 21
Dahl, 23
Datte, Charles, 20, 25
Datte, Nancy, 20
DeGerlia, Gilbert, 26
Diekirch, 6
Dinant, 18
Div. Arty, 17, 19
Donaldson, Walter, 21
Donaldson, Zane P., 28
Dorsey, Tommy, 9
Echternach, 6
Echternach, Luxembourg, 6
Eckblad, Wesley, 23
Edwards, Jim, 20
Eidelman, Herb, 22
Elkin, Morton, 23
Ernonheid, 18
Fehnel, Charles, 20
Feinberg, Samuel, 6
Fielder, Joe F., 29
Fielder, Joseph L., 29
First Reunion, 22
Foster, George, 29
Foster, George W., 29
Fraiture, Belgium, 13
France, 5, 29
Frank, Ida, 20
Frankfurt, 6
Ft. Devens, MA, 33
Ft. Dix, NJ, 34
Ft. Jackson, SC, 17, 26
Ft. Meade, MD, 33
Fuchs, Victor, 20, 21
Gallagher, John, 20
Gallagher, John J., 19
Gallagher, Stella, 20
Gatens, John, 24
Germany, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28, 33
Gillespie, John, 22
Gillespie, Shirley, 22
Glasgow, 33
Goering, Carl, 26
Goldberg, Ephriam, 23
Goldberg, Natalie, 23
Gorlitz, 12
Gouvy, 12
Grasso, Mary, 23
Gregory, John, 35
Greve, Walter, 6
Grosslangenfeld, 13
Gustin, Marcel, 29
Gustin, Marcel & Anne-Marie, 29
Gustin, Marcel G., 29
Guttman, Klaus, 30
Hall, John, 20
Hamm, 6
Hammelburg, 28
Hanks, Tom, 25
Hanna, Robert R., 37
Hanniford, Patrick, 30
Hannon, Phil, 24
Hartlieb, Glenn, 21
Hartzell, Bertram, 34
Haug, Charlie, 23
Helmich, Les, 20
Helmich, Lester, 20
Helmich, Margurette, 20
Henri-Chapelle, 1, 13, 14
Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, 14
Hinderhausen, 18
Hinrich, Don, 26
Hinrichs, Don, 26
Hinson, Arthur E., 27
Hirsch, Rudy, 23
Hoffman, Briggs, 17
Hoffman, Harold, 23
Holland, 25, 31
Homan, Robert, 20, 21
Hontheim, 14
Hotel Des Ardennes, 6
Hotton, 30
Houseman, Don, 6
Howell, Bob & Louise, 26
Huertgen, 6
Huertgen Forest, 6
Huminski, Ed, 24
Hunter, Leona, 24
Hurley, Father, 7
Jennings, Vance, 9, 20
Johansen, Charles, 23
Johnson, William, 24
Johnston, Ray, 19
Julson, Robert C., 30
Kampgruppe Peiper, 6
Karlsruhe, 33
Keeber, Bea, 22
Kelly, Peggy, 26
Kemp, Kay, 24
Kemp, Tom, 24
Kline, J., 27, 32
Kline, John, 6, 17, 23
Kline, John P., 36
Korea, 1, 28
Kortlang, Charles, 23
Kouskie, T/4 William F., 16
Kuizema, Harold, 22
La Roche, 18, 19
Langham, Francis, 24
Lapato, Frank, 24, 35, 36
Lapp, Royce, 6
Laudesfeld, 15, 16
Laudesfeld, Germany, 15
Lee, Christine Nelson, 22
LeHarve, 34
Liege, 14, 25, 30
Limburg, 28
Linden, 23
Litvin, Ted, 22
Lockhart, Dick, 7
Lorraine, 12, 13, 14
Losheimergraben, 6
Louveigne, 30
Lowenberg, Howard, 24
Lucky Strike, 28, 34
Luxembourg, 6, 12, 14
Luxembourg City, 14
Macelwee, Paul, 34
MacElwee, Paul, 34
MacElwee, Paul T., 34
Malempre, 18
Malmedy, 6, 14
Malmedy Massacre, 6
Maloney, Joseph P., 24, 36
Mangold, Bill, 20
Manhay, 10, 11, 18, 19
Manhay, Belgium, 11
Marche, 18
Marsh, Randy, 22
Martin, John, 24
Martinez, Fred, 26
Massey, Joseph, 35
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 8
Mayotte, Russ, 6
McDevitt, Jack, 20, 25
McGinty, Ed, 24
McKinley, Harold, 34
McKinley, Harold A., 34
McMahon, Gen., 19
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 16
Memorials, 35
Mercer, Bill, 24
Merz, Paul, 35
Messina, Carl, 23
Middleton, 21, 37
Monschau, 6
Moore, Ralph, 21
Mosel River, 6
Mosel River Cruise, 6
Mosher, Michael, 6
Mossburg, 28
Myles Standish, 28
Nebelwerfer, 18
Neel, Sam, 7
Neese, Alonzo A., 17
Nelson, Ralph, 22
Nelson, Ralph J., 21
Nelson, Rhoda, 22
Neuville, 19
Odeigne, 19
Oflag XIII, 28
Oflag XIII-B, 28
Order of the Golden Lion, 35
Ortwine, Audrey, 22
Ottre, 18
Our River, 6
Pandolfi, Henrico, 34
Pandolfi, Henrico H., 34
Patton, Don, 6, 23
Patton, Gen., 4
Peddicord, 1st Lt. George, 17
Peters, Walter, 22
Peterson, Dr., 8
Peterson, Richard, 8
Pierson, Randolph, 6
Pilkington, Fred, 7
Post, David, 21
Post, Lawrence, 21
Potts, Arthur, 6
Prum, 6
Purple Heart, 7
Rahier, 18
Rand, Ruth, 22
Rand, Tony, 22
Ray, Marion, 1, 26, 35, 36
Reeber, Charles, 22
Regier, Don, 24
Rencheaux, 19
Reunions, 1, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35
Reusch, Josef, 13
Reusch, Mia, 13
Rhineland, 37
Richman, Capt. Bernard, 15
Rieck, Charles, 21
Rigatti, Dick, 24
Riggs, Bob, 6
Rikken, Adda, 13
Rikken, Willy & Adda, 13
Robb, Dr. John, 24
Robb, John G., 35, 36
Robb, Marilyn, 24
Roberts, John, 22
Roberts, John M., 37
Roberts, Mary Lou, 22
Rodt, 18
Rollins, Glenn E., 30
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 5, 31
Rosalia, John, 23
Rosee, 18
Roth, 15, 16, 30
Roth, Johnathan, 30
Rouen, 28
Rowan, William, 34
Rowan, William K., 34
Russell, Ray, 34
Russell, Raymond, 34
Salm, 11
Salm River, 11
Saucerman, Eugene, 21
Saucerman, Gene, 20
Saucerman, Sally, 20
Saving Pvt. Ryan, 5, 12
Schaffner, John, 24, 35
Schaffner, John R., 19, 35, 37
Schaffner, Lillian, 24
Schaffner, Robert W., 24
Schanerberger, Ellsworth, 22
Schnee Eifel, 10, 14
Schneifel, 14
Scholte, Mary Ann, 20
Scholten, Don, 20
Schonberg, 28
Schonberg, Germany, 28
Schoonover, Lex, 23
Sellerich, 14
Sergi, Rocco, 20
Serville, 18
Shaver, Robert, 6
Shirk, Walter, 20
Shout, Sam, 30
Siegfried Line, 13, 32
Skibinski, Walter A., 31
Smallwood, Frederick, 6
Smith, Capt. Robert W., 15
Smith, Kenneth, 6
Smoler, Irwin, 6
Snovel, Lael, 20
Snovel, Robert, 20
Snyder, Walter, 24
Sowell, Robert, 9, 11
Spa, 30
St. Vith, 6, 13, 17, 18, 34
St. Vith-Schonberg, 17
St. Vith-Schonberg Road, 17
Stalag 9-B, 28
Stalag IX-A, 7, 8
Stalag IX-B, 7, 8
Starmack, John, 23
Strong, George, 19
Sulser, Jack, 24
Sulser, Jack A., 37
Swalt, A.L., 31
Swett, John, 25, 36
Switzerland, 11
Sziber, Muriel, 20
Sziber, Vince, 20
Taylor, Hal, 15
Tennessee Maneuvers, 28
Terrio, Howard, 27
The Battle of the Bulge, 21
Thompson, Gil, 8, 32
Thompson, Gil (Bob), 32
Thompson, Neil, 24
Tokyo, 29
Tomlinson, Ryan E., 27
Touchette, T/5 Robert W., 16
Toy, Vannie, 26, 27
Toy, Waid, 37
Trautman, Frank S., 37
Trier, 6
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 2, 5, 35
Tucker, J. Howard, 27
Twardzik, Isabel, 20
Twardzik, Ray, 20, 33
Twardzik, Raymond, 20
Van De Bogart, Herman, 25
Vance, George, 24
Vanderhorst, Frieda, 22
VBOB, 24, 25
Velasquez, Armando, 22
Vielsalm, 18
Vietnam, 8
Villiano, Maurice W., 32
Wakefield, 28
Weber, Richard E., 15
Weiderman, Bernard, 15
Weiner, Milton, 22
Wente, Donna, 22
West Wall, 14
Westbrook, Scott, 27
White, Cathy, 26
White, John, 25
Wiltz, 6
Wojahn, Edward, 21
Wojtusik, Stan, 25
Worrell, Harold E., 34
Wright, Calvin, 20, 33
Wright, Margaret, 20
XVIII Corps, 19
XVIII Corps (Abn.), 19
Yanchik, Pete, 24, 37
Yelochan, Al, 24
York, Robert, 21
York, Thelma, 21
Zenn, Elaine, 24
Zenn, Mike, 24
Ziegenhain, 8, 34
Zimand, Gerald P., 36