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The Cub
Vol. 44, No. 4, July, 1988

Russell H. Villwock 106 SIGNAL N. Duke Ward CO HQ/81st ENG Van S. Wyatt 0/424 R'''`"slA7,1`lr Edward Zoll HQ/424

Association Membership over 1,000 and growing

Feature Story:
    Lt. Col. Riggs' remarkable odyssey, traveling through 8 countries to rejoin the 81st after escaping from a Stalag in Poland. Total-5,000 miles

Introducing: George Levine 424/M --Cartoonist
Remember the Aquitania
Brooklyn Closeup, (King's County?)
Ivan Long's, escaping the Nazi's
Four Gls-London in '44 on a $100
Timepiece returned from war
A revisit to Bad Kreuenach
Memorial Report - Doug Coffey
Mail Bag--Pictures--Book Reviews
New Member's letters and more

President, Roger Rutland presenting a $200 Golden Lion scholarship check to
Elizabeth Calhoun of Columbia, South Carolina. Ms. Calhoun, is an outstanding
student of the Richland School District Two in Columbia.
     PWe were unable to go to New Jersey to attend the wedding of our grandson in April. I P had heart surgery, a quadruple bypass, the week before the wedding. My recovery has been satisfactory, but I don't plan to water ski this summer.
    Mattie and I returned from our trip to the West Coast on June 28th. We had a nice overnight visit with K. and Betty Corrigan in Olympia, Washington.
     We then traveled down the coast to visit with our long time friends, Edward and Reddie Prewett of Brentwood, California. After several days in their home they took an to their place at Lake Tahoe which we enjoyed very much. On the way we stopped in Sacramento to have lunch with John Gregory and his wife.
     John had arranged for us to tour the hotel which will be the site of the of the 106th Association reunion in 1990. After seeing the beautiful hotel, and discussing what all is available for activities, Mattie and I will be looking forward to the 1990 reunion. We hope all of you will plan ahead and be there also.
     This is my last message as president of the 106th Infantry Division Association. It has been my pleasure and honor to serve. you. With capable people like Sherod Collins as Treasurer/Historian, Samuel Cariano as Adjutant and John Kline as CUB Editor there hasn't been any big decisions for the me to make. I wish to thank these three gentlemen for the outstanding performance of their duties during my term as president.
I hope to see many of our new members, and "old timers" in Roanoke this September at our 42nd Annual Reunion.
Sincerely, Roger Rutland

From the editor's outpost
John One. CUB Edit, in his basement office, relaxing for a few moments with Oliver, one ol ats.
Who usually wakes up al leazt one-hall hour nightly_
     Once again I have to apologize to a few contributors, whose material I did not use I had good intentions of publishing some material on revisits to Stalags 9B, 9A and 4B. I think I can finally get to it next issue. The numerous NEW MEMBERS as well as other material that was backed up precluded the use of that material in this issue. It is of such interest and quantity that I could not have done it justice at this time. The roster is important also just before the Reunion. We hope this will be of help to you. I hope by time you receive this CUB that the membership has reached the 1,000 mark. As of 4 July, the day I am typing this column, the membership stands at 989.
    When I received CUB material from Majorie DeHeer, the widow of our late editor Richard (Dick) Del-leer, I found many items of interest that had been filed awaiting space, timing or opportunity to publish.
     One of the most fascinating and interesting was a news article that had been published in the newspaper -- I'rovidence Journal (Rhode Island) on December 30, 1985.
     It is the story of Lt. Colonel Riggs, Commander of the 81st Combat Engineers Battalion, and his experiences in those never to be forgotten days from Dec 16, 1944 through March 1945.
     Col. Riggs, after fighting a holding action for seven days was, like many of us, eventually captured. His story, about his capture and escape, then the long trek back to join his outfit was told in the Providence Journal story. I have retyped that story, and 0 appears on the following pages, with Col. 1 Riggs permission.
     It is a proud story, reflecting many of the emotions and trauma that all of us felt. Here we have an officer, who felt shamed in the trauma of his capture, that he might have let his men down. These thoughts as well as the training he had told him that he must escape and return.
That fierce determination, coupled with a fortunate opportunity triggered his escape and return to his unit.

     In a recent letter to me he says "I appreciate your interest in publishing the story from the Providence Journal. You may do so, butplease do not make me out as a hero." He continues, 'I did no more than what I was trained to do as an officer, that is to try to escape and rejoin my unit. The story, entitled "Tom Riggs' remarkable World War II odyssey," is the story of my path to freedom, with nothing but a set of dog tags, no passport, no money, no food nothing but all aggressive desire to return to my unit."
     If you are like me, as I read the Colonel's story, you will feel proud of the fact that there were officers like him in the 106th Infantry Division. Lt. Colonel Riggs' story is especially great, for here is a person to which much credit has been given for the defense of St. Vith, the defense that in its final analysis did great damage to the German time table. Without that defense the outcome of that stage of the war could have been much different.
     Thanks to them, by turning the Nazi tide, we were finally overtaken by our advancing Allied troops, in time for many of us to survive. Had the time table not been upset, the Allies entrance back into Germany could have been stalled for months.
    Quite frankly, I don't think I would be at this typewriter tonight, had the Germans prevailed.-- My clock was running down. Was yours?

We thank you Cal. Riggs!


Reverend Ewell C. Mack Jr.

Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God...
Deuteronomy 8:7-14

    The denomination of which I am minister, the Pres', byterian Church (USA), began it's Bicentennial Celebration in June of this year and the congregation which I serve will celebrate it's Sesquicentennial in October. For those who may not know, the Presbyterian Church is connectional innature. This means that while each congregation exercises many responsibilities independently, it still has responsibilities to higher courts or governing bodies, all of which are ultimately responsible to God.

    When we become God's people, we become aware of the fact that while we live in this world and interact with it, still our citizenship is lodged in the kingdom of God. As we declare our independence from worldliness, we declare - at the same moment - our dependence on Cod. This was brought to my mind as I was reading an article on the Fourth of July. The writer pointed out the fact when this nation stated in it's Declaration of Independence, the fact that it was no longer dependent on Great Britain, the document solemnly declared in it's closing words the new nation's dependence on almighty God:

    "With a firm reliance on the Protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, ond our sacred honor."
    It seems to me that the fighting men team very early that, whether in combat or a POW situation, we may be independent in many things but that our very existence is largely dependent on our relationship with one another. No person would want to be on patrol with others on whom he could not rely. Neither would you want to have someone in the next fox-hole who would not back you up. And yet, as important as relying on 031C another was, we all came to realize that our final dependence was on God. - for as the saying goes, "There ore no atheists in fox-holes." It didn't take - even for the densest of us - long to realize that we were involved in something where we needed help from a power beyond ourselves.
    I suspect that most of us brought this important lesson back with us. Realizing that we need the reinforcement which we receive from family, friends and associates, but even more, we needed to acknowledge our dependence on the protection of the Divine Providence. With this truth ever before us, neither we nor our nation can afford to forget the warning that God gave to the nation of Israel which had just been declared independent. That warning is found in Deuteronomy 8:7-14 and I would like to put particular emphasis on the first part of Verse 11, Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God...We may feel able to declare our independence from the things of this world, but we pout ourselves to risk when we fail to declare our dependence on God.

    Lord God Almighty, help us to know that our ultimate reliance and responsibility is not to self, nor to principalities, but to Thee; For Thou art the strength and hope, both for Now and for Eternity.


Cedric Foster's Broadcast--January 21, 1945
     The tone of the times and Lt. Col. Rigg's odyssey can be augmented by repeating parts of a broadcast by Cedric Foster that occurred on January 21,1945.
    The broadcast started with good news about the Russian offensive, the Russians had a spearhead aimed at the city of Breslau, they had driven twenty miles into German Silesia (the territory west of the Polish, Chzech border), a rich area comparable to the German Ruhr.
     In his illustrious manner Cedric Foster explained the Russian offensive stating "The Oder is not so strong a defense line as the Rhine. Whether the Germans can make a stand of it depends entirely upon whether the German armies have been destroyed in the field as the Russians advance. If not then the Russians will have to slow down to allow supply lines to catch up, to establish bases and to consolidate gains."
     He continued, "In any event, however, there is ground for good cheer tonight. In the west, Von Runstedt's men have been all but driven out of the Belgian Salient "
    He reported, "Tonight for the first time, there may be told a story which, in its dual aspects, is one of the most tragicand yet one of the most glorious episodes in the history of American arms. Before I tell you that story... the story of America's 106th Infantry Division.... I want to remind you of two things (time out -- insurance commercial)."
     The broadcast continued, "The American 106th Infantry Division was activated at Fort Jackson, Mississippi in March of 1943. Major General
    Alan W. Jones, who commanded it at that time.. told the 106th Infantry Division... 'You are brand new. You have no past history to live up to. You have no past sins to live down."
     "Tonight the 106th Infantry Division has a past history to live up to, but it still has no sins to live down. It fought gloriously and it fought heroically in the full flush of German power on the 16th of last December. Two of its regiments were all but eliminated from the war. They were the 422nd and 423rd. Three hundred men out of those two regiments were all that survived. Most of the others are presumed to be prisoners of war.
     "On the 11th of December the 106th Division was in a sector of the front designated as "quiet." The Division had not been in action. As a matter of fact the 106th Division had engaged in nothing more dangerous than a few night patrol skirmishes. Five days later on the I 6th these men of the Golden Lion Division were struck by an avalanche of German steel and fire. The attack got under way just before six o'clock in the morning. In the battle that followed, the division suffered eight thousand, six hundred sixty three casualties. 416 were killed, 1246 wounded and 7,000 missing in action.
     "Censorship can now reveal that the 106th was spread in a manner described as "pitifully thin," along a front of twenty seven miles. It was holding a sector along the Schnee Eifel... the Eifel Forest which is just northeast of the frontier of Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.
"This was in the general sector of the Belgian town of Saint Vith...


    twelve miles southeast of Malmedy. The Germans first laid down an earth shaking artillery barrage. They directed this against the 106th positions which curved to the north from the center of the Eifel woods... positions which were held by the 14th Cavalry Group... an armored group attached to the infantry. A field artillery battalion, which was attached to the 106th was the next target. In thirty-five minutes more than 100 rounds of German fire had landed squarely in the midst of that battalion.
     "At six o'clock the Germans opened up on Saint Vith itself. Civilians of Saint Vith were all in their cellars. They were pro-German and the Huns had told them by radio that the barrage was impending. When the barrage was over at two o'clock in the afternoon, the civilians came out.
     "The 422nd and 423rd Regiments bore the brunt of the German fire. This fire was followed by German tanks and infantry. When dawn broke the next day, December 17th, the Germans had two divisions in the line. They literally engulfed those two regiments and they forced the 424th to retire.
     "Yet these two regiments fought on. At half past three in the afternoon of the 18th of December_ radio communications was lost. The last word that was sent through that they were in need of ammunition, water and food. The fog which blanketed the countryside made it impossible to send them supplies by air. They then said "We are now destroying our equipment." After that came silence. Thus it is believed that most of these men are prisoners of war.
     "Saint Vith and divisional headquarters were protected for a time by the heroic fighting men of the 81st and the 168th Engineer Battalions... under Lt. Colonel Thomas Riggs of Huntington, West Virginia. They were out gunned and they were out manned. Their weapons consisted of three tank destroyer guns and three 57-millimeters. That was all.
"That was all except the raw courage which was theirs as they faced the foe.
    "The 424th Regiment of the 106th has not been destroyed. This regiment was supported by a combat command team from the Ninth Armored Division and by the 112th Regiment of the 28th... the Keystone Division.
     "It had other support too. Back into the line of battle came the survivors... three hundred of them.. the survivors of the 422nd and 423rd Regiments.. and it was not until the 21st of December that the 106th went off the line to reorganize. But on the 29th the emergency was so great that the valiant and broken remains were hurled back into the line on the northern side of the German salient between Stavelot and Manhay.
     "If only they had a chance to fight.. to prove themselves." Those words spoken to me on the telephone from Rochester, New York two weeks ago by Mrs. Leon Brown the mother of a lad in the 106th Division. They did have a chance to fight and they didn't fail. They fought magnificently in the greatest American battle of the war... their first battle with foe. The record they wrote is a shining example for all the armed forces of the United States."


Lt. Col. Tom Riggs' remarkable
World War II odyssey
From the Providence Journal , December 30,1985:
By John Hanlon, special to the Journal-Bulletin

     John Hanlon commanded the First Battalion of the 502nd Parachute InfantryRegimentat Bastogne and is a former Journal-Bulletin columnist and sports writer.

1944 photo -- Lt. Colonel Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. Commander, 81st Combat Engineers

     Tom Riggs fights a different battle now. Last September (1985) the 69 year-old Riggs underwent surgery for the removal of a cancerous lung. (another operation in 1987) He is recuperating these days with the aid of his wife, Virginia, in Providence. The post operative process goes well, and Tom looks ahead optimistically. He is a former Textron executive, now a management consultant, and a director of several companies, work that is largely on hold. The ailment and its treatment have taken a toll on Riggs' weight and vigor. Still the marks are there of a big, handsome man of commanding presence --such as the young Riggs out of West Virginia who, at 6-3 and 225 pounds, was a captain and star tackle of the University of Illinois football team of 1940. The same year he played in the Blue-Gray game, captaining the Blue team. Later the Washington Redskins could not understand his lack of response to written offers to play for them at $250 a game.
     He didn't answer because by then he was in the Army as a reserve second lieutenant. And before long, by competitive exam he won one of six appointments available as a Regular Army officer in the Corps of Engineers.
Then, Tom Riggs was thrust into the other big battle of his life.
     It began in the "bitter woods"of the Ardennes in Belgium, where, at age 28, Lt. Col. Thomas J. Riggs Jr., was commander of the 81st Combat Engineer Battalion of the 106th Infantry Division. His 650 men and officers had been well trained and kept together as a unit back in the States, whereas the division's first crop of infantrymen had been drained off as fillers for outfits already fighting in Europe. In their place came the first of the 18-year-old draftees, plus others taken from specialists schools and made foot soldiers -- not exactly willingly. Sparsely trained, they comprised essentially, the greenest of the green divisions when the 106th went on line in northeastern Belgium on 12 Dec., 1944. This was the time of General Eisenhower's "calculated risk" in defending the area. Normally, a division is assigned to a five mile front to defend.
The 106th Division's front extended for some 27 miles. But no German action was anticipated.


    Lt. Colonel Riggs, -- Commander-81st Engineers Combat Battalion, who escaped after 83 days of captivity, traveling a total of 5,000 miles through 8 countries to rejoin his 81st Engineers near St. Nazaire, France.
    "When we took over from the veteran 2nd Division," Riggs recalled recently, "they said it was a country club, a great place for a new outfit to break in."
    Four days later, at 5 a.m. on Dee 16th, heavy artillery shells slammed into the 106th Division around the town of St. Vith. Hitler had unleashed his last-ditch offensive. Tanks and infantry in huge numbers began breaking through all along the division's area with the main thrust headed directly at St., Vith. To the east of St. Vith, closest to the attackers, was Tom Riggs.
     On the second day, with battle confusion almost chaotic; Riggs was ordered to block the prime road into St. Vith with a hastily formed "Cox's Army," as he later called it. ; He had about 350 men, parts of his own outfit not already fighting, remnants of routed outfits, some of the division's cooks and band members and a tank destroyer platoon so new its three guns were not yet equipped with aiming sights. (The entire platoon, sent off by Riggs for its first action, simply disappeared.)
     With this "army" Riggs directed operations that held back a superior force for five days. He personally led several counterattacks that steadied his positions; he stalked the line boldly so his troops could one that he was still there, encouraging scared soldiers to hold on.
     As a division, the 106th fought doggedly before being overwhelmed. For five days they stalled the Germans around St. Vith, which was 25 miles closer to the enemy than Bastogne, the defense of which epitomized the American effort in the Bulge. But if it had not been for the 106th which lost 70 percent of its 12,000 some people killed, wounded and captured, there might not have been time to put together a Bastogne.


     For all their greenness and ultimate fate, the 106th Division won even the admiration of British General Bernard Montgomery, not given to generally praising American troops. In his best English manner, Monty said of the 106th after the battle, "By love, they stuck it out those chaps."
     Riggs' battalion, for its part, was awarded the Unit Citation, a medal not easily gained. The commendation told of the 81st's "extraordinary heroism, gallantry and determination... setting the battalion apart and above other units participating in the same engagement."
     Riggs himself received the Silver Star and, additionally, an unusual.compliment in a Saturday Evening Post article published about two years later detailing the story of the 106th Infantry Division.
     "All combat troops are pretty skeptical of decorations," the Post story said in part, "knowing too well that too many acts of high valor go unrewarded because an officer did not happen tobe around to file a report. But the 106th's soldiers to a man, are unanimous in agreeing that Lt. Col. Thomas Riggs... was the outstanding hero of the division." On the sixth day of the battle, Germans with tanks were so close to Riggs' position, he said, that he could hear them talking at times. The weather was freezing cold and it was snowing.
     "The only hope we had left," Riggs said, "was to break up into small groups, travel by night and try to infiltrate out of there." At dawn on Dec. 21, with seven men, no maps, no food and little ammunition, Riggs' group headed out He wore the standard wooluniformand only the liner of his trench coat. He removed his insignia of rank and discarded his helmet, the latter because of the noise made by rubbing against branches.
     "The first day we stayed out of trouble," Riggs said, "But the second night, moving along a creek line someplace west of St. Vith, we ran into a platoon or an of Germans. They surrounded us and then mortared us."
     A fragment grazed Riggs on the back of the head, enough to break the skin but not cause any lasting damage," he said. But the impact knocked him out. When he came to, several Germans were standing close to him. He was a prisoner of war.

Prisoner of War
     The Germans marched him to an assembly point where about 40 other Americans - none from his outfit - were under guard. Soon they were put on the road, marching toward a railhead, they were given to understand. So began Tom Riggs' odyssey.
     The march continued for 12 days, covering 110 miles eastward to Stalag to a railhead in the direction of Berlin. (probably Stalag 12-A at Limburg - CUB ed's flora

Their treatment as prisoners, Riggs said, was "fairly brutal."
     "We'd stop near a village, and the guards would go in and forage for food for themselves," he said. "for us there was mainly hardtack and snow. But the guards would come back with sandwiches for themselves. They'd eat them and throw the crusts to us. After a while, I'm sorry to say, there'd be some groveling for the remains. Part of it, I think, was done to get even with us. With all the bombings we, the Allies, were doing, it didn't leave the Germans with much to eat themselves. So I think they took delight in watching us grovel like a pack of dogs for the crusts."
"At that point, anything" that was happening to Riggs was made worse by the letdown at being taken prisoner.
     "I guess that was the lowest I ever felt in my life" was the way he expressed it. "I had hardly eaten or slept during the fighting at St. Vith. Then, with the march, cold and being have starved, I guess I was down to about 170 pounds. I just felt beaten into the ground."

Lost his outfit
Something else was eating away at him. He was a commanding officer who had been taken away from his outfit.


    "I was absolutely embarrassed," Riggs said. "I felt I had lost a lot of guys. I felt I had not done the job I was given to do, and that hurt. I couldn't understand why we had IF no advance information of that attack coming, and little or none of the help we had asked for. At that point in time I had no knowledge of any purpose served in the loss of those guys with me. I think I was on the way to becoming a basket case, mentally. That lasted for a few years after the war, when ! learned that what we had done at St. Vith helped."
     At the railhead the prisoners were put in freight cars. A couple of days later they arrived at a prison camp -- Stalag 4-B -- outside of Berlin.

    (Stein 443 is Northwest of Dresden approx. 35 miles, on the Elbe River, and approx. 75 miles South of Berlin, near the town of Malberg --CUB editor's note)
     Riggs was there for about 10 days, during which, he said, he "kind of just observed things." One conclusion he reached was that the Americans were not as "good" as Ithe British at being prisoners of war. A lot of Americans, he said, seemed satisfied just to sit on the sidelines, as if at a football game, waiting for it to end.
    "But the British were always doing something to bedevil the Germans," he said. "One time, for example, they got hold of a length of wire. They ran it down one post of a two-tiered bunk and covered it loosely with tape -- on purpose, so the Germans would be sure to find it.
    "Then they snaked the wire through the floor and, underneath, dug a hole about eight feet deep and put the wire in it. At the bottom they placed an envelope with a message inside it, filled the hole up and settled back to see what the Germans would do. "Well, they spotted it a day or two later. They were really delighted with themselves, figuring they had found something to do with a radio.
     "So, they cleared out the barracks, and they followed the wire to the ground underneath. They then dug out the hole and came on to the envelope. Now they were really elated. They opened the envelope, thinking they were on something big, and read the message. Written in German was the one

Riggs said he was interrogated ...pretty herd". at Wag 441.
    "They'd try to compromise me." he said. "by saying the others had given some kind of information and asked me to verify it. I said only what I was required to sayi name and serial number. That infuriated them a few times, and I was hit across the back with a riding crop for my stubbornest. After 10 days, possibly as my punishment, I was sent of alone by truck to a camp in Poland. It was somewhere near Poznan which is roughly halfway between Berlin and Warsaw.

Prisoner in Poland
     There Riggs lived in a two-story barracks with outside facilities, with older Germans as guards. Food was sparse, mostly ersatz bread and soup. He said the treatment there was generally "not that bad."
     Twice, in keeping with prisoner protocol, he proposed plans for his escape. Both were turned down by the senior officer among the captives. In one case, he was told, he most wait his turn; the other was such that it might cause trouble for those left behind. "I still had enough drive left in me, though, that I absolutely wanted to get back and see what happened to my outfit," he said. "Also a rumor started that the Russians had taken Warsaw and that the Germans were going to march as out of Poland and back to Germany. I decided I wasn't going to have any of that."
     Just before dawn on his 28th day in the camp, Riggs left his barracks for the latrine. lie noticed immediately that the usual guard was not in sight. Spontaneously, without prior planning, he decided that his chance to escape might be there.

    "I walked straight to a deserted mess hall, a few buildings away, near the wire fence," he said. "I went inside. In a corner was a walk-in ice chest, seven or eight feet tall. I climbed on top of it and rolled back until I


was snuggled up against a wall, and I lay there.
    "In a while, I could hear the Germans taking a roll call. My name was the second one called. When there was no answer, I could hear all hell breaking loose. Then the search was on. Four or five times patrols came through the mess hall. One of them even had dogs with them, barking like hell. Each time, the guards opened the ice chest doors and looked in. But nobody checked on top." After a long, cold day, Riggs left his hideout when darkness fell. He clocked the routine of the German patrols passing outside the double barricade of barbed wire. "I soon figured out how often they came by the place I would have to go." he said. "Then something said to me, 'This is the time to move,' and I went for it. I don't remember exactly how I did it, except that I didn't go over the wire, I just went through it, somehow. Only after I was out did I notice that I was terribly chewed up by it." He was still wearing only his regular uniform, the coat liner and a scarf to cover his head. His only plan was to travel at night, checking road signs at major intersections that would point his way to Warsaw. His physical condition was scarcely up to the task.
     "The first night I walked in the scrub beside the road," Riggs said. "By the second night I was so weak and tired and cold and frustrated that I said to hell with it and walked tight out in the middle of the road. I was challenged twice by guttural voices. But I just put my head down and kept moving.. and got away with it.
    "The third night I came to the outskirts of Poznan, and I knew it was too big for we to get through unnoticed. As' was sitting on a culvert in the shadows, I saw a small group coming toward me down the road. I faded through a fence and lay there. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, and there was a guy challenging me. "I'm an American colonel," I said. With that this guy threw his arms around me and kissed me on both cheeks.
    "It turned out that he was a teenager, a member of the Polish underground, and so' were the people coming down the road. One of them spoke good English. They took me to a house in Poznan and filled me with potatoes and that great Polish sausage and warm milk, things I hadn't seen in two months.' ate and ate -- and then I upchucked."

The Russians arrive
     The underground moved Riggs from house to house for about a week. Then the Russians arrived, and Riggs' Polish friends put him in the hands of a Russian colonel commanding an armored unit fitted with mostly American made equipment.
     "He was a burly man who couldn't read or write his own language," Riggs said. "but he certainly could fight. First thing he said to me was, "Come on, Americmski, I'll have you in Berlin in a couple of weeks and you can meet your own people."
     Riggs fought and lived with the Russians4 for 10 days, an experience that left him with a warm feeling for Russian hospitality and a certain awe for their fighting style. "Al night the colonel would take over the biggest house in the village," Riggs said, "and there would be plenty of scrounged food to eat and a lot of vodka to drink. When he noticed I didn't have an insignia of rank, he had a mechanic make one out of a bottom of a mess kit." It is a perfect replica of an American lieutenant colonel's silver leaf, which Riggs still has as a cherished souvenir.
As for fighting, Riggs recalled the time the Russians encountered a single German tank.
     "Instead of firing at it," he said, " they put 20 soldiers on a stake-bodied truck and they went after it. They just swarmed all over it and literally beat it to death, It was scary,' the lack of fear they showed but that's how they did it."


On the move again
     The Russian episode ended when the word came to have Allies such as Riggs returned to Warsaw. The Russian colonel took him part way and he completed the trip by train. At Warsaw he spent about 10 days putting his engineering training to work in helping rehabilitate a displaced persons camp, The odyssey resumed.
     From Warsaw, Riggs travelled some 750 miles on a Russian-manned, wood fueled train to Odessa on the Black Sea. There he talked his way unto a British tanker for the 500-mile lift to Instanbul, Turkey. The tanker captain passed him onto a British freighter bound to Port Said in Egypt, some 1,000 miles away and considerably off Riggs' course. It turned out well enough, though, because at Port Said, with the help of the Red Cross, he caught a ride on the troopship Mauritania, heading some 1,800 miles to Naples, Italy.
     There for the first time in nearly three months, Riggs checked in with the American military. When he spoke of his desire to rejoin his 81st Engineers, the reply he received was crushing.
     "They told me flatly that Army policy forbid me going back there," he said. "Anyone in my situation, they said, was automatically sent home on a 60-day medical furlough. Something about the danger to escaped prisoners of war being captured again, or the possibility that they may have been compromised by the enemy.
    "I didn't know exactly what that all meant," he said. "But I said them, "'If you don't la me go back to my people, you are going to have a basket case on your hands.' "They relented, finally, because of the way I put it, I guess. Also by then -- this was early in March -- there were signs the war was beginning to wind down. They said I could go back."

Back to the unit
     He was flown to Marseilles, France, then to Paris for a few days of rest and a debriefing he found almost laughingly inept and shallow.
     "My first night in Paris, though, something unbelievable happened to me. "I went to a bar frequented by Americans. I had just taken a seat when a man from my outfit --the last person I'd seen around St. Vith --came over and stuck his big nose in my face. "Youbig devil,' he said, 'we've been looking for you or your remains ever since."' A day or two later, Riggs was driven to a place inBrittany" -- nomore than 350 miles west of his point of capture. There the 106th division, including his 81st Engineers, was refitting before taking over the containment of a German garrison holding out in the vicinity of St. Nazaire.
     The reunion, when it came after so long a trail for Riggs, was simple in its way. Tom Riggs' words could only touch on its full impact, and his description of it was spoken in a quiet and almost distant voice.
     "When I walked into the 81st's headquarters,"he said, "everyone was astonished to see me. My place had been kept open, and a major, my second in command, came roaring out from behind the desk and we hugged. I was a little broken up, all right, and so were the others. Then we had a big party, with a lot of story telling. The party lasted all night long."

     Tom Riggs was assigned to the American Embassy in Mexico as a Military Attache, after the war. In 1947, he resigned his commission to enter private business.
     His 81st Engineers never did get back to the fighting, because the 106th was given a different assignment. Instead of taking up positions around St. Nazaire, the division was sent in late spring to the Ruhr Valley to round up and process German prisoners... nearly one million of them by the time the task was done.

Ironically, Riggs' task was to supervise his battalion in the construction of barbed-wire compounds to hold them.


Remember the Aquitania?

Harvey Bradford, 424/Service Co. 71 Rosemont Avenue
Aston, PA 19014
     In December 1987I rejoined the 106th Infantry Division Association after previously having been a member from 1946 into the 50's.
    I was contacted by Frank Borbely of Norristown with whom I was acquainted back in 1942 when he was assigned to the 29th Division at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, we were also stationed in Washington DC and Fort Bening, GA.. The INFANTRY SCHOOL where I assisted as Infantry Weapon and Vehicle Instructor; and to Army Air Force in Arkansas at which time 36,000 of no who had not yet begun air training as Pilot Cadets, were sent back to the ground forces. I was then transferred to Service Company, 424th Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury.
     As a youngster, in Rutledge, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, we had a complete 20 volume set of THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, printed in 1922, educational--but not exactly an encyclopedia. In one of the volumes was a picture of the Aquitania, but little did I know at the time that this same ship would transport me from the United States to England, later to participate in The BULGE.
    Perhaps over the years another member has located a picture of the Aquitania, never the less I am sending you a copy from the 1922 Book of Knowledge, while it appears to be a drawing, rather than a photo, it might bring back memories to some of the members.
    As for me it brings back memories, but mostly of greasy mutton and motion sickness. I do not get "airsick," but water and I do not agree.
(From the 1922 caption)
    The Aquitania was 901 feet long and 57 feet wide. Set on end beside the Woolworth Building (51 stories) it would reach 150 feet above it. Gross tonnage is 47,000 tons and a speed of 23 knots. Contained eight passenger decks, accommodates 3,250 passengers and 1,000 crewmen.
     On one deck are four large motor lifeboats equipped with wireless apparatus. In case of accident these would tow the rowboats and rafts. The ship draws so much water that there are only a few ports to which it can go without danger.



What's in a Name?
This Secret is 303 Years Old

A reprint of an article by Caryn Eve Weiner, about Charles Lewis 80G Ordnance BM) Co.

18 Court St

mooklyn, Mn 11241
    Charles R. Lewis, a Brooklyn attorney, former 106th Infantry Division Afnmunition Officer (Captain),who specializes in matrimonial law, has become an advocate in what may prove to be a very complicated breakup: He is hoping to win a divorce for the Borough of Brooklyn from a long-dead monarch. And he wants the borough to take back its maiden name.
    "We ought to he called 'Brooklyn County' not King's County" Lewis said. "As it happened, when the little towns here were all consolidated in the 1880's it was made the City of Brooklyn.
"So Brooklyn," He said, emphasizing the two syllabi., "was the name of the city...
    "But Kings County? Around here, if you say you are from King's County, people look at you. They think you are from King's County Hospital, the neurological, you know, the mentally ill park
    "And if you hand around to Europe, or around thecountry, nooneever heardof King's County," he said. "Bu t there are people everywhere who are from Brooklyn." In fact, Lewis who now lives in Forest Hill. Queens, is among those. The same is true of his wife Gladys. The couple net and married in Williamsburg, where they both grew up.
What seems a little unclear to him is the precise name of the king to whom the name refers.
    I think Kings County got its name from a Dutch king," Lewis said. "When the English took over, they called it Kings County."
He paused. "At least, I think that's it.
    "Of course, some reference books, such as thelllustrated Dictionary of Place Nantes," says the borough is named for King Charles II of England. And others, such as the "Brooklyn Almanac" simply note that the borough wasgiven that name, in 1683, by the Duke of York.
    The king's identity may be in dispute, but Lewis' intentions couldn't be clearer He wants the State Legislature to rename K ings Cou nly -- Brooldyn County.

Cpt. Charles Lewis, 106th Division
Ammunition Officer
    "It makes sense, especially now with the borough's population," he said. "Who is colonial anymore? The colonials are gone, their children have intermarried.. That happened three hundred years ago. Is theme mason we should show allegiance to any king?"
A spokesman for the Brooklyn Historical Society said that, official or not,Brooklyn will always be Brooklyn.
    "I don't know if this would make a great deal of difference" said the society spokesman John L. Hopkins. "Either way, people are still going to refer to Brooklyn as Brooklyn."
    Lewis, 67 already practices what he professes. He is a member of the Brooklyn--not the Kings County -- Bar Association. He is a graduate of Brooklyn--not Kings County--Law School. The only sticking point is the Veteran's of Foreign Wars Post to which Lewis, a World War II veteran, belongs. "It is called Brooklyn Council, Kings County," he said. "So we am going to try to eliminate that. We em trying to get rid of Kings County."
    He said he expects that move to meet the local post's approval, which will then present the proposition at the VFW state convention.
    Of course, as a resident of Forest Hills, the Brooklyn-born Lewis has suffered no compunelion about telling people the name of the county he now mils home. "1 live in Queens," he said. "Queens County."
    21 Dec. 1944, St. Vith, Belgium -- (LJR) Pot John R. Sheehan, Brooklyn; Lt. Ivan H. Long, Pontiac Mich and Pvt Sam Bordelon, Birmingham, Al. talking Hoer their experiences escaping the ring of Nazi armor which completely surrounded them. They and others (68 men in all) escaped without losing a man.

(Credit -- photo and caption, U.S. Signal Corp, )

Ivan H. Lon& LCa 1, (USA Ret)
formerly l&R Platoon Leader, 423rd Regiment 18610 Hummingbird Drive
Rem Valley, CA 95946
    Having read the most recent issue of THE CUB, in particular, Rev. Harris' a, tide (pg 13, Apr, May, June 'BS), I feel compelled to comment briefly on the incident and my participation therein. Please find enclosed a copy of the article from the Tactical Department of the Infantry School (see parts of that article following this letter...editor) which is the Army record of the action at St. Vith. Passing of time erodes memories, but I will mention some highlights. First, my Platoon consisted of professionally trained experts in intelligence and reconnaissance and excelled in scouting and patrolling. We received the highest marks in the Army Ground Forces Tests! During the Ardennes Offensive, when combat conditions dictated, we changed our mission from one of defense to one of aggressive patrolling. We were prepared!
    Time and space prohibits detailing our incidents and brushes with the enemy. Against my better judgement, I assumed Command of three separate groups of stragglers, an officer and his A&P Platoon, another officer and two men and the group with Harris. These people were untrained in our specialty and could have possibly led to our capture by the Germans. However, we did reach St. Vith and the non-members under my Command were released and returned to their units.
    I was reassigned as S-2 to a Battalion in the 424th Infantry and my Platoon members were assigned to Units where they were needed.
    The Signal Corps picture shows my lead scout (Bordelon) on the right facing, and the rear scout (Sheehan) on the left facing, two of the best!
(Infantry School article next page)
(From the article referred to as coming from the Tactical Department of the Infantry School)
    During the night of 20-21 December approximatery 68 men and two officers led by Lieutenant Long of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon, 423rd Regiment (one of the surrounded regiments of the 106th Infantry Division) infiltrated back through CCB's lines.
    When interviewed, Lieutenant Long stated the commanding officers had told them that the two mgintents (422nd and 423rd) were preparing to surrender, and that orders were being given for the destruction of their anns and equipment. These troops had been told that any personnel wishing to attempt to infiltrate to friendly lines rather than surrender were authorized to leave. These men were some of those who had chosen to risk reaming and fighting again to lay down their anus and surrendering. CCB established an assembly point in the schoolhouse at St. Pith where these men were given rations, such other supplies as they needed and a well
    deserved rest. During the night 21-22 December, when the situation became critical, these men were put back in the line, their enthusiasm was high, and subsequent reports obtained front the troops with
who), they fought indicated without exception these men discharged their dury in an exemplary fashion__
(Note-- Col Long would like to locate the men in the picture., Sheehan and llonlelon.-- editor)

(UR) Front Row-- Charlie Datte, 591/19--Bob Caskey, 424/G-- Stanley Woitusik, Jr., 422/G
Bask Raw--Harvey Bradford, 424/SV-- Frank Borbely, 424) M --James Bard, 423/I

Philadelphia BULGE

    John, after reading the Feb-Mar issue of the CUB I was really embarrassed by the Philadelphia Commemoration activity being conspicuously al, rent. Forgive me for my procrastination, hut we in this area did gather, although few in numb:, and looking forward 10 increasol numbers in the to.
    After receiving a list from Sherod Collins of the 116th Infantry Division Association members in this area, Nancy and I sent out 16 nolires for a dinner meeting at our home for 13 December, 1987. Although mast were committed to other thin,
    on that Sunday, we were fortunate to have 5 members and their wives for a most enjoyable evening. I enclose a picture of the men. It was a good feeling to share this time with the men of the 1516th and their ladies.
We look forward to December 1988 and the op. portunity to once again gather, hopefully more in nmbem.
    The Good lord willing, see you in Roanoke! ATIEN'tION PLEASE--Service Battery, 5918 FA 13n -- Load em Hp and more em Out!--see you there, in Roanoke,
Charlie Datte
231 Davis Ave
Clifton Heights, PA 19018 215-626-1866

Four Nights

Four People--$11:10

In a posh London Hotel 1944

Dan Bird 922/A
    In one of my self-published nostalgia books, printed back in 1976, I asked my readers if they could imagine spending four nights in a posh London hotel--four people in two rooms-- $100.00.
    "I can," I wrote,"because I managed to do it 32 years ago-- November of 1944 --while in the employ of a wealthy uncle name 'Sam.' More than three decades later, only a few highlights remain as memories. But, without a doubt, November of 1944 was one of the most exciting times of my life."
    It was more than just exciting, avail of you know. And that week-end, which included my 19th birthday, came to mind again a few months ago when my wife, Millie, and I spent a week in London on a vacation trip. It was a Globus Gateway package deal and our hotel The Hospitality Inn Piccadilly, was just a few blocks east of the
Piccadilly Hotel, now called The Meridien, where we stayed in 1944.

    This is near Leicester Square, in the heart of the West End theater district, where I groped in the dark during a blackout one night in '44 to find the Odean Theater where, I think I saw a Boris Karloff flick.
    During our month in England, while our battalion was at a town called Fair-ford, livingin quonsethuts,1 had $100 my dad sent to me. The money order arrived while we were at Camp Myles Standish and, in one of the best things I ever did in my life, I shared it with three buddies from A Company, 422nd Regiment; Jim Robbins, Joe Zematis and George Meminger.
    It seems to me that it cost around $7 a night for each room at the Piccadilly, then one of the nicest hotels in London. The place got to looking pretty shabby in recent years but, in April of this year, Millie and I spent a few minutes in the

I shared the $100 my dad had
given me with three buddies
from A Co./ 422
    revamped Meridien lobby and, to be honest about it, I doubt if I could afford the place muds more in 1988 than I could in 1944.
    Back to 1944 --The bombing of London was going on almost nightly, as many of you can remember, with assaults from VI buzz bombs and the high velocity V-2 rockets. "The crush of humanity was overwhelming," I noted in my 1976 book, "particularly during the air raids when the hordes--in which Rudolph Hess or Mahatma Gandhi could have gotten lost in the shuffle--plummeted into underground shelters, en masse.
    "Early one morning, just as the four of us were going to bed, the Piccadilly Hotel was shakers a bit by an exploding rocket which, I assumed, had gone off somewhere in the neighborhood. Actually, the rocket--one of Adolph Hitler's highflying V-2's -- had detonated in a distant part of London."
My item, captioned "Battle of Britian," related a fight that took place in a night
    Iclub, called some kind of "brasserie," a few blocks away from the Piccadilly. "1 got hit once-- perhaps twice--from the rear and fell down without any coaxing," I recalled.
    "Then managed to flee up the carpeted steps just as the MP's arrived, their arms waving like semaphores and their whistles slicing the night air."
    Joe Zematis, a tough cookie who wasn't much for tact, just about started World War III one night in the "lift" at the Piccadilly when he got upset at the sight of a foreign military officer sharing our space in the lobby.
    "Just what the .... are you supposed to be?" he asked, after looking the officer over from head to toe. "I am a Polish major," the gent said in precise, measured English.

"Sheeesh,"Zematis retorted.
"No wonder we haven't won the
"Sheeesh," Pfc Zematis retorted. "No wonder we haven't won the war!"
    When we got to running outof money, Jim Robbins located an Air Force officer, Captain John Flynn and invited him to our room at the. Piccadilly. Before we could put the touch on him, though, Cpt Flynn ask Robbins--a long time friend from St. Louis, if he had a few bucks,he could spare.
So our final day in London was, of necessity, pretty dull.
    We spent it sitting in the lobby, reading whatever we could get our hands on, twiddling our thumbs, trying to avoid Polish majors in the elevator and that sort of thing.
    Jim Robbins, a very goad friend, died several years ago in St. Louis. His wife "Mickey,"still lives there. His son, Jim Robbins, Jr.,is a good friend, and lives in Connecticut.
Joe Zematis, I was told after the war, was killed by a German guard after some kind of incident in a prison camp.
    I don't know what happened to George Meminger. He hardly ever said a word so, of course, we called him"Lippy." If his is alive he is, I'm certain, still the strong silent type.
    Jim, Joe and "Lippy" danced around in my mind like ghosts when, earlier this year, Millie and I patrolled the sidewalks around Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square.

Book Review

By John Kline -- Editor
    Just a couple of notes. I see since the last CUB that Brig. General Oliver Patton's THE SILENT SNOW is appearing in the local book stores. This is a fictional story about the BULGE. It is apparent that Gen. Patton did much research in the writing of this novel. It is of a couple of 106ers trapped behind the advancing German lines, and their efforts to remain free and the war that they waged against the enemy.
It is a Signet book, published by NAL Penguin, Inc., 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.

    Oliver Lothrop Jr. (423/B) writes, "I liked your listing of books in the CUB, and have read most of them. I would like to add another, DARK DECEMBER by Robert E. Merryman, Ziff Davis, Chicago 1947. The author was an Army historian with the Ninth Army and the 7th Armored. The writing is simple and straight forward."
    If any of you have other books that you think the 106th Infantry Division Association members would enjoy, please drop me the name, the author and the publisher and a short commentary about it's content. My address is on the inside cover of this CUB.

Make it 1,200
by Chicago

Introducing--George Levine 424/M
    One of Gil Helvvig's recent new member recruits, George Leone 424/M, turned out to be a free lance cartoonist. !thought it would be to THE Cut', benefit to soli. George, help in producing a quarterly oar on for inclusion in THE CUB. Fortunately George agreed and we will be featuring one or more cartoons in each of the future issues. I have had several conver. sations with him along with a couple of lutes, parts of which follow...editor, John Kline)
25 April, 1988
John, I enjoyed our phone conversation and again thanks for THE CUB and the other material.
    Enclosed are four cartoons for use in THE CUB if they meet your needs. I suggest a tentative title of "CUB Laughs"if it is to be a regular feature.
Let me know what you think Also enclosed is a caricature of myself and a few clippings of my published cartoons. Geo
6 May, 1988
    John, as a follow up to our phone conversation yesterday I'm enclosing a recap of my background. I want to let you know that I can only contribute a cartoon "CUB Laughs" for THE CUB, but I cannot supply any of your other art needs. Let me know what your members want, standard gag material, GI humor or what? We will probably know after we run a couple of these if they are going over or not. If there is a definite slant on the gags, this is important to me, when creating a cartoon for a particular audience. Let me know

A recap of my background
George Levine,
M Co. 424. Regiment
    Enlisted for one year with Federalized New York National Guard 155MM Gun Coast Artillery Regiment in Sept 1940. Trained at Virginia Beach (Camp Pendleton, VA). Recalled to active duty in January 1942. Assigned to various stateside C.A. units on 155s to 12" guns.
    Volunteered for infantry from the Coast Artillery, assigned to the 105th, Atterbury in April 1944. Did the whole thing from Camp Myles Standish to Chipping Norton to positions on front replacing 2nd Division as a mortar (81mm) gunner, 424/M.
    Participated in all the 429th action from 16 December, 1944 to 15 January, 1945 when I was evacuated with severely frost bitten feet, at Wanne, Belgium.
Hospitalized at 55th General Hospital near Great Malvern, England (Worcester County).
    Discharged from hospital 3 April, 1945, requested return to infantry, but because of condition of feet was put on "limited duty" for the duration. VE day in Antwerp, then assignment to Bremerhaven, 10 day furlough to Denmark 1 Sept, '45.
    Discharged on points, Calais Staging area, Marseilles, November 12, 1945. Victory ship to the States, Discharged Fort Dix 29 November, 1945.
GI Bill, Cartoonist and Illustrators School. Free lanced cartoons to major

/ magazines.
    Re-enlisted in the regular Army in September 1948. Assigned by my request to the 1st Division in Germany in 1949. Rifle Company 26th Int Regiment.
    Though I held a rifleman's MOS-1 drew on the side a regular feature for the "American Traveler" the 1st Infantry Division's paper.
    These cartoons in 1951 and 1952 were consolidated into paperbacks published by the "Stars and Stripes" and put on sale in newsstands and PXs all over Europe. A fifty- fifty deal and successful.
    I returned to civilian life after 12 years of active service, turning to editing (Humor Mags) and free lancing cartoons to magazines and newspapers.
    Also in 1958-59 created and wrote a syndicated cartoon panel 'Senator Caucus" distributed by General Features. This was a two man effort.
    I enclose a list of the publications my work has appeared in. Though not in the best of health and over 70,I continue to draw and submit as always, but not in the same volume (Whew!). Best Regards, George

CUB Laughs by George Levine

George is an Alumnus of the School of Visual Arts and a member of the National Cartoonists Society

Cartoons by George Levine

have been published in the following publications;
    Leatherneck, Daily News Magazine, LAFF-A-DAY, McCall's,The Star, New WomanGood Housekeeping, Women's Day, Family Circle, Ladies Home Journal, Los Angeles Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, National Enquirer, King Features Syndicate, Mc-Naught Syndicate, Diversion, Journal of Commerce, Medical Economics, Medical Tribune, Case & Comment, Phi Delta Kappa, American Medical News and many others.
    In Europe; Frau (Germany), London Free Press,Sunday Express, My Weekly, SHE , Week-End ,Annabel (England) Trading Post (Australia.), Welwoche (Switzerland), and many others.

Timepiece from War

GI in prison camp traded it for bread.

The Associated Press. Richmond VA--Mao 1988
    A watch traded by a famished American prisoner of war for a piece of bread near the end of World War II found its way back to his widow.
    Thomas Willis Pitts, who was captured during The Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, gave his watchto a fellow GI for the bread at a compound at Muhlberg, Germany. (RA, 1943............Editor.)
    After the war, Pitts returned to his job with the Internal Revenue Service, working until retirement in 1976. He died June, 1987.
    After her husbands death, Esther Pitts joined the 106th Division Association, composed of men who had belonged to that Division and their wives. One day while looking through the Association magazine she saw this notice from Theodore William Young of Ozark, Alabama.
Anybody out there who traded a watch for bread in 1945?
    I had a piece of bread...when some GI came over to me and said 'I'll giveyou this watch for your bread.' I still have the watch [and] would like to return it."
"When I saw the ad, I got cold all over," Mm. Pitts said. "I said ;That's got to be Willis'."
    She wrote Young and described the watch. They agreed it had been her husband's. Young said he kept the watch in an old matchbox for the rest of the war. When he returned home, then in Columbus, Ohio, Young gave the timepiece to his father-in-law.
About four years ago the father-in-law returned the watch to Young.
    The watch still keeping time was delivered to Mrs Pitts' home Monday. (editor's comments--The above story appeared in several papers throughout the United States.
    This article started when I received a letter hon. Ted Young, Service Company/423rd Regiment prior to the Feb-Mar 1988 CUB being published. Read page 29 of that issue, Vol 44 No.2. My notes here are not to take credit for the deed, that was triggered by Ted Young's desire to see that the rightful owner of the watch was found. As Ted saidto or 'John, it's a one in a mil. lion chance that the owner belongs to the Association." How right he was, but the odds paid off and I am happy that I had something to do towards its successful conclusion. There are two parties involved, Ted Young who has had possession of the watch sinceJanuary 1945, andMrs Esther Pitts, wife of the late Thomas Pitts, a former 106th veteran of D Company, 422nd Regiment. Last year in July,1987, while I was in search for my former comrades of M/423, I decided to contact 43 former 106th Ex-POW members who I could Identify as having been held captive in Stalag VIII-A, Gorlitz, Germany at the time I was there.
    One of my letters was addressed to Thomas W. Pitts, Richmond, VA. Mrs Esther Pitts answered my inquiry, stating that her husband had died on June 25, 1987, that she would be interested inreceiving a copy of the diary I had prepared, showing my experiences there and on the long 415 mile evacuation march from Godltz to Helmstedt, Germany and thenceto Liberation. I sent Esther my packet of material, we corresponded on two occasions as well as on two phone calls. Esther told me her husband Tom had been active in the Denny Landrum AX-POW Chapter in Richmond, VA and that she was still unending some of the meetings. She said her husband had found several 106th fellows. She named three--Calvin Nunnally, Richmond, VA; Vaughn Boman, Crewe (?), VA, and Alighierd Azzi, Mechanicsville, VA. Calvin Nunnally is a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    Since Esther was active with the AX-POW group I urged her to join the Association to that she could keep up with the news on the members. Had she notjoined shewould not have read the Feb-Mar issue of THE CUB, therefore the watch in question would not have found its owner. I hope this makes you feel as good as it did me..

Ina recent phone conversation Esther Pills said to me "John, this was supposed to happen, it was God's will"...

(editor, John Kline)

Revisiting Germany
Rocky Moyer 424/Cannon
930 Falcon CretAe

    Lawrenceville, CA 30245 In a letter to Sherod Collins, Rocky relines the awry of his revisit to Germany. I've enclosed two photographs that you might find of interest. You recall when we talked some time ago about where I was located at the and of the war, I mentioned the town of Langenlonsheim. While in Germany last May (87),I said to my wife Ginnie "Tot going to see if I can find the site of the German prisoner of war camp the Americans had in the Bad Kreuznach area."
We drove from Bavaria to
    Bad Kreuznach and I watched for the road that would lead from there to Langenlonsheim. As we made a right 1001 in a down pouring rain, I said "I believe this is the place" She said "Flow do you know?' I answered, "I recall a
    ik very large open field, with low hills in the background on the north side, with vineyards. I remember the German citizens standing along the hill shouting out names, trying m locate relatives."
Suddenly I saw a Crow on the left side of the road. Westopped and I took a photo of the

    Monument and Cross. It appears as a black plaque with a face and a German WW II helmet, with an inscription that says something about a memorial to the war and those that fought.
There were several wreaths and flowers placed around the memorial.
We drove further on and I stopped and took the picture showing that Langenlonsheim was two kilometers ahead.
    We drove to the town and even though 42 yews had pawed I was able to recognize a small open square and the house where that acted as our command post..
    I could vividly recognize this area, as I had to walk a punishment tour for fraternizing with a very nice young German girl. Al the end of the cobblestone street where I walked this tour, was an old house with several old folks living M it. As the other soldier, who was also taking the punishment tour, and I walked by the house the old folks would put out a tin cup filled with white wine. we would take a sip each time we made the turn at the end of this narrow street. It's funny how things like this come back to you as you concentrate on the old memories.
Rocky Boyer

At the 106th Infantry Division Memorial,

Mr Cremer, Memorial Director and Major Wilhelm Pip, mayor of Saint Vith
presenting the memorial wreath
    I have received correspondence from the person that looks after our Memorial at St. Vith, Mr E. Cromer of the Bischofliche Schule. He has also proposed certain renovation plans which I shall take up with the Board during the Roanoke Reunion. The plans include sprucing up the existing Memorial as well as providing a more attractive appearance to the parking grounds. I will discuss these matters with the Board.

Doug Coffey.
The letter from E. Cremer.
As promised, I am sending to you this report concerning the St. Vith Memorial of the 106th Infantry Division.
    On 16 December, 1987 Mayor Wilhelm Pip and a delegation of the school (pupils of the secondary school, 1st and 2nd years) and myself assembled
around the Memorial to honor the dead of the 106th Infantry Division.
In my speech I pointed out that the soldiers took great risks and that many of them gave their life in order to
liberate Europe from the terrible dictatorship. We would never forget what they have done for us,
We then remembered the dead in a moment of silence. Mayor Pip and I laid down a wreath.
    In 1987 several renovation works were accomplished. The roofing had to be replaced because it was leaking. These works were completed by students and teachers so that we would have no labor costs, only costs for the material. Furthermore several rents had to be repaired. The Memorial received new paint and the inscription was renewed. As I informed you in April 1987, I would like to provide you a more attractive appearance for the parking

grounds. I have enclosed proposed plans and costs for this project.

I will not start this project until I receive approval from you.
With my best wishes to you and your family and to all of the 106th Infantry Division, I remain
Yours very truly E. ironer, director

I Proposed Renovations for St Vith Memorial

An artist's sketch of proposed renovations
to SE Vith Memorial. Larger and more detailed plans will be shown
by Mr. Douglas Coffey during the Roanoke Reunion

CUB Deadlines
Remember these dates, they are the last day that I will accept new articles or pictures to the next CUB.
With the increase in membership, as well as prudent practice the editor must schedule the various parts of THE CUB.
All articles, whether you write them longhand or type them have to be retyped as they are prepared for the CUB.
I have no secretary, I do all the typing
myself. I take sole responsibility for any
typographical errors you see in THE CUB.

CUB DEADLINES Material to editor by Oct 1 for Nov CUB Jan 1 for Feb CUB Apr 1 for May CUB Jul 1 for Aug CUB

These are maximum dates, I would like the material 15 to 30 days earlier!

I expect to mail each publication on the 15th of Nov, Feb, May and Aug.
    THE CUB is mailed Third Class Mail. There is no promise by the Post Office on delivery. THE CUB has been received by members in two to four weeks, depending on the whims of the Post Office. The cost of publication precludes First Class Mail at eighty-live cents each, with the present dues structure. We depend on you to keep us advised of ADDRESS CHANGES. While I have found some old addresses being forwarded, I am sure that in some cases THE CUB ends up laying in a Post Office DEAD Box.
Keep us advised of your address changes.


Photos and articles of your experiences are
KEEP The CUB Alive!

The CUB of the GOLDEN LION 23


In Memoriam
George H. Kaufman, 423/11

A letter from George's Brother-in-law.
    We wish to inform you that George Kaufman, Apt 2, 915 East High St., Springfield, Ohio 45505 passed away 12 February 1988. He was admitted to Mercy Medical Center on 10 February.

He is survived by 2 nieces, I nephew, 3 great-nephews, 1 great niece, 2 sister-in-laws and 1 brother-in-law.

We shall all miss him greatly. signed Howell Shaffer, Brother-in-law.
Charles W Freed, 423/I
    Charles Freed of 218 Jackson Circle, Pittsburgh, I'A 15229 passed away 18 March 1988 from a heart attack dining sleep. Charles was planning on attending the Roanoke Reunion. He enjoyed the 106th Association and it's reunions. I am keeping on as an Associate member and if all goes well will attend the Roanoke Reunion. signed Edith Freed.
Louis J. Lemmo, 424/Medics

April mail was returned marked "deceased? We have no further details.
Phillip Robichaud, 422/G
    Manuel Silvia, 422/G, has informed us that Phillip died one or two weeks after the Mobile Reunion. Phillip had planned on being at the reunion, but canceled plans at the last moment Phil'ip's address was -- RFD 4, Box 118, Danielson, CT 06239.
James Erwin Teel, 424/K
    We have been informed by his widow, Doris, that lames passed away 28 May 1988. He is survived by Doris, his wife, 2 daughters and 2 grandsons. Doris wishes to thank all for the pleasure the 106th Association gave him, he belonged for 14 yean, James will be greatly missed by all.
John B. Hursey
    A letter from George Kelly, 424/C, Water Mill, NY, informs that the death of John B. Horsey (who was not a member of the Association) appeared in the local paper. George was not acquainted with John, but thought others might know him and his family. John passed away at the age of 80 on Friday May 20, 1988. He was a Hotel Manager who lived in Wainscott for two decades. His wife Mary, during a phone conversation with George Kelly, thought that John Hursey was in a message center with one of the Field Artillery units. Their address: Mary Horsey, Box 263, Wainscott, NY 11975.516-537-1285.
E. Bruce Foster 422/HQ
Captain E. Bruce Foster was Commander, Headquarters Company, 422nd Infantry. He was captured during The Bulge

    Cpt. Foster, a conservationist, avid sportsman and defender of home rule for local governments died Monday 25 April, 1988 at the University of Tennessee Hospital.
    Foster, age 77, the senior officer in the fine of Franz, McConnell and Seymour, had practiced law in Knoxville since 1932. The list of credentials is long. His son Bruce Foster, Jr, also a Knoxville lawyer said his dad was an avid fisherman and dove hunter.

The Officers, Directors and Members of the 106th Infantry Division
Association wish to express their condolonces to the families and
friends of the deceased.
29 The CUB of the GOLDEN LION

Mail Bag
Dear John and Margot,
    We received your last bulletin (referring to a bulletin sent to M/423 members and former POWs of Stalag 8A), Martha and Hine moved to Florida, a lot of the people here in this adult park are from Mimi, Wise, Illinois and New Jersey.
    Martha and I are planning to be at the Roanoke Reunion, if The Lord is willing. I'm really looking forward to it. Our invitation to visit still stands. Hope to see you in Roanoke,
As Always

Cliff Gamble (Martha) 442/C

357 !lido, I till acly1,67, I I 3265,i
Dear Gill (Hclwig),
1 received your letter today and was glad to hear from you,
    I was in Mobile last September and yid old buddies that I had not seen in 43 years. I really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to meeting, you in Roanoke.
    I an holding office in The Knights Templar and our inspection is Sep 17, so I will have to miss Saturday night. I visited on old POW bunk mate last
    September, Theodore Schoenk, PO Box 101, Lind, WA 99341. I visited another POW buddy in Oklahoma City in Oct. lames C. Green, 2736 SW bath

72159. He is a 106 t h Assoc. member,

James D. Dickerson 422/HQ 313n

arc I Box 153 73.,bulon. 503o295
    You sure are doing a great job as editor. It's nice to see some other 81st Engineers joining from Company B. I think the Roanoke reunion mill find a number of Co. B, Slut Engineers there. On April 23rd I attended a POW meeting at Madison, WI. Hocated sonic mare 81st Engineers. Enclosed is a picture, this is the first time we were together since we were captured in
1944-- What happiness!
    Thank you for the map, it has been unfolded many times since I recieved it. I an; very proud to tell the fellows who I got it from. See you in Roanoke.,
Edward Wojahn.

1553 West Young Dr Onalaska, WI 54650

81st Engineers
L/R Edward Nagle, John Hendrickson,
James TeHlaff, Edward Wojahn
    It is with regret I begin this letter knowing I will he 'amble to attend the 42nd Annual Reunion in Roanoke. We are committed to attend the Great Lakes. Shrine Association Convention in Milwaukee the very same week-end. My wife, Wilma, and I still talk about the Columbia and Mobile and look foneard to Chicago with Russ Villwock busting his buns to make it a success. I have good intentions of seeing Russ at the VFW State Convention in June.
Most of our summer plans are
    precluded by short trips, Shriners, and VFW related activities. But we do regret not being able to attend Roanoke. I suppose I am very high on Leo Leisses "Extra Training Roster" as I have failed to call 10m in quite some time. Oh well, while we were in the old 106t11 I believe I was one of his steadiest and don't feel uncomfortable there today. How about that "Stage" but don't get to heady, as I did out rank you in the end.
I want Leisse, Gehrig, Seevers, Dickerson and all the others of 422/HQ 3BN

    to have a fine time and hope this little note reaches them through THE CUB and that they and their loved ones are well.
Until we meet again, God Bless you and keep you.
Milton G. Haas 422/HQ 3BN

600 South Lafayette St.
Millstadt, IL 62260
Dear John,

    I received your diary and enjoyed it very much. I do believe that we were in the same group on the long march, but some things don't match up with my memory. I remember a large tent with straw on the muddy ground, I remember a brick factory.
You were sure smart in keeping the record that you did. I kept a few details in a small book.
    I did get the lost check back, I also received the Feb-Mar CUB and enjoyed it very much. You are doing a fine job as editor. When we first met you promised a copy of your first publication, but I have not received it. Would appreciate a copy if possible.
Thanking you very much for the cooperation and keep up the good work on THE CUB.
Clyde Filkins 422/C

Rd 1 Box 176

Westerlo, NY 12193

    (editor's note--Clyde, I am sorry about the copy of the November CUL We had so many new members that all I have left is a file copy which I must keep with my CUB records. I may have already wrinen you about this-- if so excuse the repeat. Thanks, Good Luck -- )ohn/
Dear John,

    I attended the first reunion which was held in Indianapolis. The only people I knew were comedian Joe E. Brown and General McMahon.

    I keep writing to old friends that I will be at the next reunion, but I've never made it. Will try to be there next year and would like to take the Gerntany trip in 89 (Vienna also).
I was Radio Sergeant in Battery
B/589th FA from its formation until captured at Braque de Fraiture
(Parker's Crossroads).

I'm proud of the Division, sty friends, serving under Cpt. Arthur Brown and my unit.

Would be interested in purchasing an authentic Guidon for Btry B, 589th FA Bn.
John C (Jack) Rain 589/B

203 West Elm Strew Alton, IL 62002

    Mary 1.011 and I flew to Philadelphia, rented a car and drove to Atlantic City. By per-arrangement Sergeant Lou Edelman and his wife Essie drove down from Bellrose, NY. We stayed in the sante Hotel "Harrah's Marina." Between our activities we had quite a time going over the "Battle of the Bulge" pictures and memories. We found Lou and Essie quite charming and I did recognize him after all these 42 years.
Reuben Hay 423/M

2 Northwood Road

Asheville, NC 28001

    (editor's note--as a way of comment, Lou Edelman, Moto; Pool Sergeant for MAI23 vvas the lot voice I head from M/423 since the war. !contacted him on 5 May, 1587, the first of thiny four M/423 men I have contacted since. I caught up with Reuben Hay in August of 1997. Twenty men from M5123 now belong I think there were 7 that belonged before. These thoughts prompted me to call Rueben as I was typing this. he says he will be in Roanoke.)
From my friend and ex-pow Stalag IA, John Adams who suffered the long march out of Gorlitz to liberation. Dear John,

    It's 99 degrees here today (Phoenix 3/26/88). Thanks for the extra copies of THE CUB that had some of our D/422 boys on the cover. John, in regards to THE CUB, If anything you are doing too good a job. It isn't reasonable to ex-
    pest you to continue the Same effort you put in the last issue. I happen to know you are getting deserved high !narks from ninny members and officers of the Association. I was not the person who sent you the card that said something about falling off a ladder (referring to a Xmas card signed "John," where Hailed to keep the envelope). Keep up the good work. Katherine and I wish you and Margot the best and hope to see you at Roanoke in September.

John Adams, Jr. 422/0

209 North I I th St,

Oakland, S11)21Se0

    (editor's note-- I hanks John, while II Ir. CUB is a chore at times, it 15 .1 e', of love. I will do my best to keep it attractive and in keeping with the reember's heeds as long as I can. Sec you in Roanoke.)

Dear Saar

Just thought you might like to know, what we are doing!

Guy Stephens 423/F

5477 Venires/town Road

Booneville, IN 17601

    (editor's note-- I he above came to my attentMn,pparently sent by Sam Chlan, in some papers I had received in the pact months.

    Guy Stephens, a School Principal, a Mrmer Infantryman, is Chapter Commander for the Southern IN diana Chapter of the American Ix-Prisoners of War organization. I le ha, sent the above note along with one of his chapter mooting notices. Attached to it was a clipping, showing a picture of "Jacques to Bloch," another one of the 106th Infantry Division members. Now Jacque, Block is a former /122/K veteran. Either I mixed the papers up or /Mtirphyh I aw is working. To clear this up !called Guy Stephen, and had a pleasant visit with him. I hope I convinced him to show up M Roanoke. I lc doesn't know how Bloch's picture and article got Stapled togell, but said Sam Cariano had written him to ask him where the rest of his letter was So is solving one mystery I uncovered two dif. Nrem stork, and shall hillow with the next Mail Bag article with the No, 101 Mr Bloch. Guy it was to Mee to talk to you, hope to see you in Roanoke. John Kline, Editor)
    JACQUES W. BLOCH 422/K Jacques if you read the article just above you can see what happened to your article that was written in the "Hospitals and Health Care Estab lishments" Journal. We are honored to have this information about you.
    Jacques Bloch has been director, Food Services, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center since 1954. Earlier he was food production manager, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore and before that, special assistant to the catering director, The Commodore Hotel, New York. He graduated from the College Technique Hotelier in Strasbourg, France.
    Mr. Bloch is co-author of 'Training Manual for Dietary Aides and Food Service Workers," and "Factors Affecting the Quality of Frozen Prepared Food Products."
    He is past president of the American Society of Hospital Food Service Administrators and of the Hospital Food Administrators Society, Inc. of Greater New York. He has served as consultant on foodservice for the American Hospital Association; to "Hospitals" Journal of the American Hospital Association; and to the Hospital Research & Education Trust Fund of New Jersey.
    Mr Bloch is currently a member of the American Hospital Association, the Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education; the Society for the advancement of Food Service Research; the Culinary Institute of America and many other professional associations.

Amongst his 111,117CIOLIS awards are

    the 1981 "Metro Award" from Metropolitan Restaurant News and IFMA's 1992 Silver and Golden Plate Awards in hospitals and health care.
(Thanks Jacques for the information, Congratulations! -- if there was a letter with the above I missed it, Editor)

Dear John,
Thanks for such a nice CUB publication. I know it takes a lot of work to produce it.

    I enjoyed the roster of the members who attended the Mobile, AL 41st Reunion. Please make a correction--You have my unit wrong--it should be 4231E. I will be in Roanoke in September, wouldn't miss it!
Does any person have a departing overseas roster for E/423? I would like a copy of the old roster.

Howard S. Edwards 423/E

828 Cherokee Lane

Signal Mountain, TN 37377

    (editor's nue--Personnel, St Louis tell us that all old roster were destroyed in accordance with a standing order. Possibly one of our members has a meet of that time in the 106thhistory. There are many members of E/423 that belong to the Association, maybe they can help. Ourannual roster appears in this issue, segregated by company, possibly that will help you find a lead it you could write each of the old E/423 men. J.S.)

Peter E. Novosel (100th Division)

51 Linden Place Uniontown, PA 15401
Peter writes, to Sam Cariano

    Sam, my request is a long shot at best. I've been attempting to contact a friend of mine who served in Europe with the 106th. His name is "Fred '

    Mac' McMillen. He used to live in Brooklyn. After tire 106th disbandment he was assigned to the 29th Infantry Regiment. We served together at Weisbaden and tire Bremen Enclave. Any information would be appreciated.
Thanks, Peter E. Novosel - address above
Enclosed are my dues.

We are hoping to attend this years reunion in Roanoke. That will he our first.
    Til and I were in Myrtle Beach, SC during January and February and were visited by Shinie & Frances Lee (Futrell H. Lee) from Waycross, GA. We both made up our minds to attend the reunion this year.
Sending my best regards to all members
of the 106th and especially to the boys from C/422.

Carl S. Kwaczek 422/C

122 Connelyille St. Dunbar, PA 15431
    (a note from Sherod--This struck a bell wills use. I've known Futrell-ShinieLee for many years since I'm from Waycross too. I wrote cart a letter, signed Sherod.)
I sat next to you at the Saturday Dinner in Mobile, should have written snorter.

Philip Robichaud G/422 died one week after the reunion at Mobile. He's from Danielson, Cann.

John, you are doing a beautifisl job with tire CUB --fantastic-- keep up the good work, will keep in touch

Manuel Silvia

18 George Street

Bristol, RI 02809

(editor's note-- Thanks Manuel, I will put another article in the "Memoriams" column. Hope to see you in Roanoke.

    You are an excellent Editor. The manner in which you presented my material improves it such that even I could enjoy reading it.

Ed Prewett 42443

Rte 2 Box 730

Brentwood, CA 94513

(editor's note --Thanks Ed, when you have good material it easy to edit)

    Ron Mosley bras a number of ascots left (no ties). He would be glad to mail you one. Proceeds go into the Memorial Fund. Price is $10.00 plus $1.00


Rev R.A. Mosley D1V/Chaplain

PO Box 25

Petite Riviere Bridge
Nova Scotia, 8012P0
    I would like to once again ask for your help. My father Alvin Burr Grisby ("Bud"), was a Tech 4 in the 589 F.A.B., battery A, Motor Section, and was captured December 17th, 1944 and liberated by the British on April 28th, 1945.
My father died in 1974 and prior to his death spoke very little about his experiences.
    While my memory is vague, I believe I remember my father telling me as they pulled back he was riding on the hood of an ambulance, when they began to take rifle fire. The ambulance was stopped and they ran for cover. My father and several other men took refuge in a small farm pond. Every time they stuck their heads up, bullets would hit the water. Finally, they mil for the woods and unfortunately ran into the Germans,11 As such, I would like to correspond with anyone who may have been with my father, who spent time with him in the same Stalags. (Xll-A, II-D, II-A, X-B, X-C), or zoho care to share their experiences zoith me. You may call COLLECT (502) 897-5211.
    / would also like to thank those members of the 106th that have most graciously provided me with iMermation, specifically Mr John Gatens, Mr Donald Store and Mr. lolin Kline, Sincerely,

R. Kirk Grisby ASSOCIATE

3333 Dayton Avenue Louisville, KY 40207
    The CUB is looking excellent. I am so glad that you stepped forward to join that long fine of important persons who have served our Association in this position.
I appreciate the opportunity whist! our Presidents have given ow to serve in my capacity as Chaplain.

    Hope you and your's enjoy a Happy Easter and Spring. Looking forward to seeing you and all the others irr Roanoke in September.

Rev Ewell C. Black Jr. 422/A Box 66

Bishopville, SC 29010
Dear Sherod,
As always I am sending this years dues. The first time we met was on the rifle range at Ft Mdellan.
John Gallagher, Clay Rarick and I used to go to the reunions together. We used to have fun. Rarick passed away.
My wife is improving somewhat, She is over 82 years old and I am just over 80.
I do all the work at home and try to take care of everything, it keeps me busy.
So long for now,

Norman S. Spayd 423/H
1518 Schuylkill Ave.

Reading, PA 19601
Dear Sherod,
    It sounds as if the Association is going to have a wonderful time at the Roanoke Reunion. Really wish Harry and I could attend--Is not to be.
    In January Harry was critically ill. Was in a coma nearly 40 hours. Fortunately, he came out of it. No dantage other than weakness. He is now in a Care center home in Elmhurst, Illinois. How fortunate I am only one mile away. I can go visit every day. Hopefully he will be home in a feu, weeks.
We extend best wishes to you and everyone in the 106th.
Best Regards,

Mildred Holder for Harry Holder 424/H

474 North Addison Ave

Elmhurst, IL 60126

    (editor's note--Harry, A of us with the 106th wish you the best for a speedy recovery and return to good health, with happiness in the future. Mil be thinking of you 0 Roanoke.)
Hello Sherod,
Here are my dues. We are both doing

fine. Iliad a cataract taken from my right eye last summer. I also had my 80th birthday in December.
We made two trips to Connecticut and one to Ohio.
We haven't made up our minds about the Roanoke reunion yet.
Hopes this finds everything good on your end.
As ever,
Tom and Flo Bickford DIV/HQ
311 Bloomingdale Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016
(editor's note--Tom & --Sherodtells me you made

    every reunion for 30 years. Roanoke is going to be a big one. It is close to many of the members. At this point in time we have 972 members, going for 1,000 before Roanoke. Don't miss it. J.K. editor)

FROM Sherod Collins:
For most of us, our first introduction to the idea of thrift was when we
received our first piggy banks as
children. Would you be hard pressed to figure out the connection between swine mid savings?

    Tile average English villager in the Middle Ages possessed few utensils other than a knife and a cooking pot. (sounds like Stalag 8-A, we had no knives and nothing to cook, editor) Metal was so expensive that most household utensils were node of the type of clay known as "pygg." Family funds were typically stored in one of these earthenware containers. Over the years, these containers became known as pyggy banks. By the 19th century, the origins of the term were so obscure that when a customer requested a pyggy bank, the potter produced a hollow statue in the shape of a pig.

    That's how an aninial with an otherwise unlovely reputation has become associated with the admirable qualities of thrift and frugality.

REMEMBER--POW MEDAL AVAILABLE. Call toll free on your telephone.

Dial 1-800-873-376R ask for information
on receiving the Prisoner of War" medal.
Here are our dues.
    Have nothing new to report. I have Uncovered some old drawings --photographs-- records of our stay in England before going to the Continent. Maybe I'll work up something for THE CUB.

    The 42nd annual reunion is in conflict with our 40th wedding anniversary plans--Hawaii and New Zealand areas--Here's hoping, Anyway, take care.
Shirley andiack Gillespie 422/C
3536 Darcy Drive
Birmingham, MI 48010

    (editor's note --Jack, I have been looking for some material on the points in England where we stayed. I was in Cheltenham, if you have anything I would be happy to put it together for the CUB., John Kline, Editor)

    Here are a few things I ran across. I am sorry I took so long to answer, but time arid circumstances prevented me front answering until now.
When I come across more I will send it to you.
Charles M. Caracoua 423/M

73 Morrissee Ave
Wallington, NJ 07057

    (editor's note --Charlie, one of the M/123 men Icame across recently sent along an old 1944 roster of M Company that was prepared by 1st Sergeant Clyde T. Elks, a menu form the Thanksgiving Day Dinner for M Company, 423 at Fort Jackson, SC for 25 November, 1943, newspaper clipping about the 106th and The Bulge and a copy of THE CUB for Jan, Feb, March 1963 where he appears, third man from the right, in a picture of the group, including Doug Coffey, that were attending the Metropolitan eighteenth anniversary Memorial Dinner on Sunday 16 December at Glennon's Restaurant, liasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. He also sent along a news clipping showing Coffey's picture and a picture of the St. Vith Memorial which was written by a Newark News Military Writer and entitled Bulge Veterans, Ex-G1s to Reunite. It refers to 05 members of the 109th leaving Kennedy Airports for a 25th Anniversary getdogether at St Vith, Thanks Charlie for all the WO

    I want to congratulate you for the very good job you did on the May issue of THE CUB. It was the most interesting issue I've read.

I assume you received the article I sent for July-Sept.
    I have contacted Isaac Lucero, who was in my company (422/A) and I am in contact with Ray Russell, who lives on Long Island and was in my work group near Leipzig. Let me know where the 1989 Reunion will be held.

Dan Bled 422/A

151I toliday Terrace

West Bodin., Iowa 52655

    lediter's note--Dan, who wrote 'The Good Old Days. in the May CUB, v now a regular columnist, tee his article in this issue. I hanks Dm, the 1989 Reunion will be held In Chicago Illinois in September of 1989, hosted by one of the best --Russell Villwock, t ne Sig. nal and his Wile, Jackie./

They tell me it's never too late to
apologize. The FEB-MAR CUB con-
tained some errors.
Page 17 My good friend Bill Johnson, of
the 28th Division, was misnamed by
this editor as Bill Smith,
Page 18 in setting the photos Ernistine
Holland was cut out of the picture
Page 19 the two top pictures were
Your editor apologizes.

Dear MxKline,

    Having lead a combat patrol from Wattle the day prior to the January 13111,1945 attack, Mr Preteen's article in the May CUB teas of particular interest.
    I ended up in command of A Company, 424th on January 13th following the death of Lt. McKay. I1vas platoon leader of the Weapons platoon of Co. A, 424th Infantry.
    I have memories of events and individuals. However, I am lacking the knowledge of the actual location of our unit on a day to day basis during the

    Battle of the Bulge If there is a Division chronological history I would appreciate getting a copy of it. Could you help me secure it.

We are planning a trip to Europe in August this year and would appreciate some information.,


Donald W Beseler 424/A

1624 Highway C

St. Germain, WI 54558

    (editor's note--Donald, by thetime you have received this I will have sent a lie of the 424/A membersto you along with some other ideas. Hope you find what you want. I think what you are wanting is the Order of Bode and possibly that could be procured hom the Flit-toiled Division Records in Washington DC. maybe somebody else has a better idea.
The recent issue of THE CUB was most interesting and informative, good work!
Several names were mentioned that I knew because of my assignments as Personnel Officer and Adjutant.
    The 424th Regiment was fortunate to have such capable individuals as Huddleston, Welch, Carter, Mite, Salber, Berwick and Burkes, to name a few mentioned in the articles. Recently I had a note from Major Tiller Carter, our 54, who now lives in Texas. I also have contact with Sant Leibowitz front Massachusetts.
    I am retired from the education field, having been a music Inciter, professional trumpet player, and finally as Registnar and Humanities teacher at a Junior College. Enclosed is a copy that isn't too clear, of the 424th Service Company Christmas dinner in 1943 at Ft. Jackson.

Carl M Hulbert, 424/HQ

2801 N. Halifax Ave, #242

Daytona Beach, FL 32018


(Editor's note -- Thanks Carl for the information, the 422/SV list shows 15 Association members -- good sheep

Dear John, Congratulations to you and all other officers for a terrific job!
    My primary request is to hear from someone who would have the deployment sites of the 422 and 423 during the latter part of April and early May of 1945, near Rennes, St. Nazaire and. Lorient, France.
    A quick summary of my 106th contacts: Inducted (age 18) at the time the 106th were shipping for Europe.. joined l&R squad, HQ 1st BN/422 at Rennes in early April, 1945; deployed several times near above French cities...traveled with unit through Metz, Saarbrucken to Rhine, up to Koblenz, then to a camp site near Mayen, late May until July (period included several truck convoys through Ardennes.).. then to a location near Karlsruhe where I&R unit was disbanded in late July and sent to Namur. After the atom bomb drops, spent the next 12 months with ordnance units in Belgium, France and Germany, along with fellow I&R squad member, Vince Kamrath of Lincoln, NE.
In 1984, after reading "St. Vith, a Lion in the Way" I joined the Association.
    By the fall of 1915, Vince and I decided to retrace our paths in Belgium, France and Germany. Our first step on the itinerary was to pay our respects to the 106th Memorial at St. Vith.

R. Wayne George, 422/HQ ION

9 Crestridge Dr. Huntington, VW 25705

    I want to commend you on the beautiful way you have developed THE CUB since you have become editor. It is truly professionally done and it should and will mean a better Association in the future.
    When they were asking for sonw person to replace Dick DeHeer, I did step forward, but only in desperation. I could not have done the jab you are doing, because I have had no contact with publishing or editing.
    I have written several 106th men encouraging participation in the Roanoke Reunion. My wife and I will be there, God Willing.
For your information I have a complete copy of the 106th Infantry
Division order #52 (naming the
    division, the regiments and companies as 'Combat Units'), I also have order #51, which names the members of the 423rd Regiment as being eligible for the Combat Infantry Badge..
    I was with Headquarters 423rd, joined the 106th in January of 1943 and was captured 19 Dec, '44, released as a POW at Gorz, Germany on 2 May, 1945.
Sam E. Davis, Jr. 423/HQ

816 N. Eola Dr.

Orlando, FL 32803

(407) 896-9240

    Iedkor's note -- Order #51 referred to above is the Combat Infantry Badge order for the 423rd Regiment. Iii,17 double sided legal pages.' had 10 copies made, at a cost of $3.89 each. Mailing with envelope is about 51.25, anybody interested in the complete package send 15 00 and I will send the packN.Ifyou want only the list that shows your company, send 50 cents or two 25 cent stamps to cover mail and copy costs and I will send it to you. I hope you recognize this's a personal offer, strictly non-profit and is not part of your Associa• on fees. The complete order shows all known dead, MIA (presumed dead as of 31 July 1945) and survivors of the 423rd who are entitled to the CIB.; Order #52 of 1 Aug 1945 is a one page order, announcing that the 423rd Regiment, its three battalions and its companies were proclaimed to be a "COMBAT INFANTRY REGIMENT, COMBAT INFANTRY BATTALIONS and COMBAT INFANTRY COMPANIES. due a minimum of 05% of each of the unit's Tables of Organization strength had been awarded the COMBAT 191091 60 BADGE. I also have a copy of the 423rd Headquarters order #1, dated 4 January, 1945. It contains 32 names and awards of the Combat Infantry Badge to men el the 423rd Service Company.Colonel Cavender tells me that order #51 was put together by he and others while he was hospitalized in Trance recuperating from wounds sustained in a bombing raid just before his liberation.
I know you through THE CUB, but I we have never met. My wife, Flo, and I have been members of the 106th In-
fantry Division Association since the

them all, even one that was printed at
Camp Lucky Strike, and the ones they

    Iissued as we came back on the boat. Let me know, I can have Harold Brummer bring them down to Roanoke and you can pick them up there. Yours,

Tom Bickford, DIV/HQ Motor Pool

311 Bloomingdale Ave

Cranford, N.J. 07016

    (Tian, thanks far the offer, I will accept. --I contacted Torn on 4July and made arrangements for the delivery of the CUBS. Toni related to me how well he had known General Jones, since he was in the Division

    Motor Pool. Torn, kwas nice to talk to you, and again, Thanks for the CUBS -- you're just Brea for that kind gesture. Sorry we won't see you in Roanoke, have a good One in Ohio, I think that's where you said you be. -- John Kline, editor)

Mobile picture by Frank Raila 423/0 UR Howard S. Edwards 4234,

Col Joseph Puett, CO 423/28n, and Frank Raila

Adjutant's Report

Proposed Amendment of the BY - LAWS:

    Pursuant to Section XVI b, ASSOCIATION BY-LAWS, notice is hereby given that at our next Annual Meeting an amendment to Sect II b of the BY-LAWS will be proposed to read substantially as follows:

    "b. Members of the Board of Directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting for a term of three years. After serving a term of three years, a Board member shall not be elected again until the expiration of one year from the date last served on the Board." (This amendment will be in effect immediately upon approval by the General Membership)"

    Initially, during the 1988 Reunion, seven selected members of the Board will not be eligible for re-election and seven new members will be elected for a three year term; the remaining fourteen members will be nominated for election for one or two year terms.

New Members

DIV/HQ Hoinash, William
11 Raymond Street
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Solicited by Gilbert Hetwig

Bill indicates he is a CPA, and was in the Finance Office 106th Division Headquarters.

Schuetz, Kenneth N.
34 Oak Drive
Roseland, NJ 07068

Solicited by %clod Collins

    Kenneth says wife "Marion", three children, 5 grandchildren. Retired from Schering-Plough Corp. (Pharmaceutical), worked in accounting/finance. Hobbies - ship models and travel.


White, Rishel
13 West Church St
Marrs, NY 13605

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

Wife's nanie Shirley 106 SIG

McGranaghan, David E.
140 South Clinton St.
Olean, NY 14760

Solicited by Gilbert Helioig

    David indicates he was with other units. Gill, will try to write a brief account of my time with the Golden Lions, appreciate your invitation to rejoin "the old outfit."

Ream, Granville C.
3408 SW 25th St
Ft. Lauderdale, F133312

Solicited by Gilbert Helvvig

    I was not a POW, stayed in the Army after the war to retire in 1963 as a Major MPC. GI bill for college (MBA accounting), now CPA and Controller of private company.

331/B Felertag, Arthur J.

968 Broad Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003


Love, E. Pressly

617 Carolina Ave Gastonia, NC 28502

422/AT Wilson, William L.

1st Forest St. Hamden, CT 06518

Merritt, James
RFD 5 Box 241
Bangor, ME 04401

Solicited by Gilbert bleiwig

    Gill, I am married, with 3 children, formerly building construction,owner retails Sport Store, Presently - Supt, Industrial Construction and Piping, living ill wooded area, Orono, ME.

Teller, Dick
5357 Spencer
Las Vegas, NV 09119

    Dear John,Bill Wanless (an Assoc member), who I haven't heard from in over 40 years located me earlier this year. I understand you found my name in the AX-POW directory and gave it to him. We have been corresponding since then. He told me of the 106th Infantry Division Association.' joined the 106th at Ft. Jackson in March of 43 and was with it until captured 19 December, 1944.

    Needless to say a lot has happened since--spent 35 years in Education-- K72 through Grad level teaching--consulting etc. Have done lots of writing and editing zvhich is a great challenge. I was originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Looking with eagerness to learn 17101C about the Association. I an doing a book on the activities as a POW in workcamp-- trying to emphasize the humor amidst the trial and torment. Keep in touch if I can be of assistance we have the National Convention in Septets-Her here for the AX-POW -- will be interesting to see if there are any AT'ers, Best Wishes

422/HQ 1BN

Horan, Joseph

' 301 Garfield Ave

Palmyra, NI 08065

Solicited by Gilbert Flebsig

    Dear Gilbert, I'm trying to locate a buddy who was a prisoner, "John Plotowski,"formerly of Hamtramck, Detroit; Michigan -- Is he on your roster or do you have any info--I would appreciate any lead. (ed. note--

Anybody got a lead for Joe? Joe indicates he was in the Ammunition

Pioneer Platoon)


curcarola, foe F.
Rte 2 Rd 41,20627
Sterling CO 80751

Solicited by Cilbert I lelvviu

Joe writes to Gill "Later." Looking forward to a short summary Joe. 422/C

Kapsalis, Thomas H.

II 5204 N. Virginia Ave
Chicago, IL 00625

Solicited by Gilbert I lelwig

    Tom furnished Gill with a short biography and describes himself as an "Artist." Cong,ratidations Joe. Born in Chicago May 31, 1925: Service 44-45, wounded and held as a POW. (no indication where): 1949 BA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 50-52 Chicago Public Schools as Art Teacher.; 53-54

    Studied in Stuggart, Germany with Willie Baumeister, Otto Baum and Hans Warnekeon a Fulbright Fellowship. Traveled throughout Europe; 54 to present--Member of the Faculty of the School of Art Institute of Chicago as Associate Professor.

    Married Stella Maims in 1956; Summer .56 Huntington Hartford Foundation Grant.Pacific Palisades, California; 1957 Master of Art degree, School of Art Instittite,Chicago; 58-71 Taught at Northwestern University Evening School; 51-58 traveled throughout Mexico; 59 (summer) Huntington 'Hartford Foundation Grant, Pacific

Palisades,California; 1965 A daughter Adamandia Eugenia and a son in 1971, Harry Thomas.

Congratulations Thomas.

Smith, Josh L
1404 Darling Ave Apt 1
Waycross, GA 31501

Solicited by Sherod Collins

    Shortly after the Association was formed I joined and was a member for several years. I did drop my membership and would like to get re-instated. I was a member of 4221C. Thanks Welcome back Josh.

422/HQ 2BN

Gardner, James
704 aBelle
Shelbyville, IN 46176

Solicited by Gillaett Helwig

line made no comments--Welcome back Jim. 422/F

Mays, Joseph A.

276 Forrest Rd. Huntington, WV 25705

Totura, Stanley
775 NI Oliveway
Boo Raton, 13 33432

Solicited by Gilbod Helwis

    Gill, I retired in March from Florida Atlantic University where ! was internal auditor and later accountant. My wife is a librarian at the Boca Raton Public Library.We have three

married sons and three grandchildren. 422/1
Phelps, Hugh L
PO Box 508
PrIololla, 00 97038


    I was in I Co. 422nd. I do not remember which squad or platoon. I was captured near Schoenberg, marched to Koblenz then to Limberg. Loaded on box-cars then sent to Miihlberg Stalag 4-B. Was then sent out to Pague on a work Kontmando until I was liberated. I would like to hear front anyone who was there.

    (Ed. Note--Hugh sounds like we were right together until you stayed in 4-8, I went on to Stalag 8-A Cork, 80 East of Dresden. Will send you a little info later. Were you in the barracks at Koblenz when we were bombed two days in a row? If you were we were side by side. If you still remember your POW number given to you at 4-B let no know. Mine was 315136. The closest number I have found so far is Leo Leisse, St Louis - HQ 313n/422, his was 315151. Let me know, my address is on the inside rover of this publication, John Kline-Editor/

Mangiaradna, George P.
5018 North Lockwood
Chicago, IL 60630

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

    Gill, I was an aid-man in the 422nd Infantry, I was a prisoner in 9B and 9A. My POW number Was 25568. Entered service September 1942.! was in Co. B, 331 Medical assigned to Heavy Weapons. I have a letter from Colonel Descheneaux (deceased) from Fitzsimmons Hospital, it brings tears to my eyes every time I read it. I am still unable to find some one that was with me in 9A when a German Officer, who I could not understand he was telling ine to stand at attention, beat me with a rifle butt on my knee and body,then spit on nte. I wish I had him now. I ant 78 years old now, do you have a life membership? Thank you so much for getting in touch with me. I am having plastic surgery on my knee in March. Sincerely, George

Behling Jackson
5519 E. 114th Street
Tulsa, OK 74137

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

    Gill, POW 9B, Bad Orb, Hammelburg. Forced march from Hammelburg to escape near Wartenburg, Gernunly April 28,1944. Relieved from active duty December 1945, discharged April 1, 1953. Returned to Texas A&M January 45, graduated as a Mechanical Engineer May 47. Worked for

    Stanolind Pipeline Co (all part of Standard Oil of Indiana. Retired January 1, 1986 after living in Tulsa Oklahoma,Anadarko, OK: Shawnee, OK:

Lubbock, TX;Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; and Casper, Wyoming; then back to Tulsa.

    Still hear front 8 to 10 old platoon memhers front the 106th days. Three daughters,stepson and daughter, 8 grandchildren. My wife's name is "Marianne."

led. Note--Welcome back, give us you old buddies names and we will try to get them back in the organization)

Cashman, John F.
Star Rte 1, Box 250
Oast Hebron, NH 03232

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

John made no continents-- Welcome back John, send us a little history.

Westort, Raymond F.
1031 West Indian Hills Pi
Phoenix, AZ 85023

Solicited by Gilbert I lelwig

    Gill, my wife's name is "Helot." I went to the University of Utah, played football, made a few All American teams, drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles, injured knee, and next year signed on with the Detroit Lions, had a car accident. Went to work for the Chicago Board of Education as an Engineer Custodian, worked for them until I retired in 1985.

    Live in Phoenix with my wife and three grown children. Coached two Chicago City High School Champs 611956 and 1957. Thanks for contacting me Gill Sincerely

Adams I11, Walter S,
906 Shady I ork Rd.
Chattanooga, IN 37421

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

(written by Walter's wife- Joy) Walter worked for 3-M Corporation for 35 years in various managerial positions

in the Electrical Products Division. He A has 4 children and grandchildren. III I 1985 he marriedlne. On January 27,

1986 he suffered a mild heart attack, but was left incompetent because of lack

of oxygen. He is now in good health,but A
    with a little memory and understanding problem, and very little speech He is not paralyzed and we go dancing once a week and take aerobic exercises constantly. I take care of hint now - My son calls me "Mother Theresa." We both married other spouses in the 40's after the war, but had been high school sweethearts. He is now on long term disability and will retire front 3-M on his 65th birthday on January 7, 1989.
Gresham, Joseph W

Me 1 Box 129-8

Lindale, TX 75771

Solicited by Gilbcs Helwig
    Gill, Forty of us were sent to a work camp near the Polish border, a small village called Neudorf We left there on April 18th ahead of the Russian drive. Our guards left us on the day the war ended and we finally made our way back to the American lines on May 16th. I was discharged in Nov 45. I was employed by the Tyler Pipe Industries in 1946 and retired from them in 1982. IF I have 2 daughters, 4
grandchildren,love to play golf hunt and fish.
    I appreciate you sending me the application for membership. I probably can't make the reunion in Roanoke, but would like to hear more about the "Bag Lunde Division.
Sincerely Joe

Kurzeja, Michael

382A Rosemear 00e

Brookfield, IL 60513

Solicited by Gilbert HelMg.
    Gill, excuse the late reply to your letter. I have had Hue flu a couple of weeks and ant just getting around to feeling like writing I was a POW in 9B Bad Orb. Married to my wife Carol for 38 years, five grandchildren Mat-
    IFthew & Elizabeth McNichols from daughter Karen and husband Bob; Kevin, Bethany and jimmy Quilty, by daughter Kathy and her husband Jim; My son Keith is married to Judy. I an retired from Polygram (phonogram) Records. Carol is a Registered Nurse (retired).

Widdicombe, Robert W.

8603 I iesta Way

Fort Wayne, In 46815

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig
Last minute, from Gil, more infor-
mation later.

Yensel, Harvey

6132 SE County Line Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46259

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig
Harvey, give us a little history for
the next CUB, nice to have you with us.

Harsfield (5), R. Edward

53 Joyce Street

Fart Falmouth, MA 02536

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig
    Dear Gill, I see we were in the same Regiment, but I can't remember you. Maybe you can remember me as I was the Asst Battalion Surgeon and was in comnzand of the evacuation of the
wounded when the SS caught us going cross country with over 100 wounded men in ambulances and jeeps.
I was wounded in POW camp when the RAF bombed us by accident. (must have been Limburg 12-A)
After liberation I was in the hospital for two years before they decided to retire me.
    I went to work for the DOD in 1950 and retired in 1975 as the Principal Contracting Officer on World Wide C01111111111kafirm Systems. In those days the Air Force kept use on the go constantly, so didn't have time for organized activities.
    I have three children who have given Shirt e y and me nine wonderful grandchildren. Would like to hear from anybody who remembers me.

423/UNIT? Honan, John J.
W.5013 Biety
Johnson Creek, W153030

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

Received at last moment by phone from Gil, information later. 424/AT

Gould, Clayton
11 South Park St.
Bangor, ME 04401

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

    Gill, I received your letter and am glad to say that you found me. I ant happy to join the Association. Mope we can make the reunion at Roanoke. Signed; Clayton Gould,P.D.C. Department of Maine, Disabled Anierican Veterans.


Uveges Jr., John
70 Andrew Street
Trenton, NJ 08610

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

    Gill, I was captured just outside Winterspelt, we were taken to Stalag 12-A,Limberg, where we were bombed an Xmas Eve, 1944 with 2,000 pounders. From Stalag 12-Awe were transported by box cars to Stalag Res. Lazaret II located at Stargard. Nearly all of us suffered frozen feet. Many con,rades died there with gangrene Medical treatment was non-existent. When the Russians made their move we were put on the road, marching from early morning till late night. The only food we received was from some of the Polish Forced Laborers who received advanced word of our coming and filled our cups with warm soup.

    Our next stop was Stalag II-A at Neu-Brandenburg where we spent a few weeks. We were then put on the road again and marched to Stalag X-B at Bremervorden at which point we were liberated by the British. I contracted blood poising from a gangrenous wound Iliad on my rigid forearm. At Camp Lucky Strike Field Hospital, the Doctor told me I was very lucky for on

    the outside I had about 3 days to live if I had not been given immediate medical attention. At present lain retired front the US Postal Service. I belonged to the 106th Infantry Division Association, but lost touch years ago. I would like a copy of the membership roster.

    lid. Note --John, could only use pan of your IsAter because of space. I gave your name to the son of one of our deceased members, Kirk Grisby-- his fathers name was Alvin (Bud) Grisby, it looks as it you were In tho same camps as his father. He has been trying to find Thee who knew him, I hope you are that person.. The annual roster appears in this issue. John Kline, Editor.)

424/A Sheehan, John P.
PO Box 422
Clinton, CT 06413

Solicited by Gilbert Holed),

John made no comments, but hope he will drop its some history for the

CUB. 424/D

Langlois, Leon J.
543 Hanover Si
Manchester, NH 03104

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig

    Gill, I worked 40 years as a licensed plumber in Manchester, NH, retiring in 1985. My wife was a school teacher. We have four children and ten

grandchildren(Welcome Back Leon).

Snarl), Christian P.
7512 - 4th Ave
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Solicited by Gilbert I lelwig

    Gill, when I received your letter I was surprised to see that the 10601 Association still existed. I was a member years ago and lost track because I

    received no mail. I thought they had folded. I would like to become a member. I have 6 children, 5 grandchildren. I ant retired (1984), was a construction

worker. I have been in touch with Leo Langlois, he was also a D Co. member. Thanks for uniting

Sincerely, Chris.

424/E Sharrow, Robert L.
Box 413
Millville, PA 17846

Madden Jr., Lawrence H. M.D.
9102 Babcock Blvd, Doctors Bldg
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Solicited by Sherod Collins

    Enclosed is my membership fee. I was an original member of F Company, 424th,Weapons Platoon from the time of activation until going overseas as a replacement in the 33rd Division in late 1944.
1 have been practicing Medicine in Pittsburgh the past 28 years.
Very Truly Yours, Larry
Williams, Everitt M.

249 Wininah Ave Mantua, NJ 08051.1440
List minute press tine info front Sherod Colitis, more later.

p Bonney, Calvin L.
PO Box 15136
Lexington Pk, MD 20653

424/I, Herndon, Donald F.
PO Box 32036
Oklahoma City, OK 73123

Solicited by Gilbert I letwig
Donald, write us a little history when you get time. Thanks. 424/M
Berkery, Timothy
3832W 84th PI
Chicago, IL 60652

Solicited by Gilbert Helwig.

More later - last minute sign up by Gil. Levine, George
120 East 31st St.
New Yoik, NY 10016

Solicited by Gilbert lielwis
    Gill, I arrived in Camp Atterbury P in 1944 as a volunteer for the Infantry from the Artillery. I sailed on the Aquitaine as a mortar gunner (819101) m/424. Participated in the Bulge from 'the onset and was evacuated with frozen feet on January 15th, 1945 near Wanne, Belgium.
    I re-enlisted in the Army in 1948, served mostly with the 206th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in Germany. Left the Army in 1956. Have been employed as a free lance cartoonist. My work has been published by Wall Street Journal, King Features,

    McCall's, American Legion, Leatherneck, Ladies Home Jot Digest, American Medical News and many others. In Europe I have been published by Frau (Gernumy), London Free Press (England), Sunday Express (England), Trading(Australia), My Weekly, Site, Weekend, Annabel (all England) and WeltWoche(Switzerland). Gill, Thanks.* contacting me, send me a copy of THE CUB

itd. Note--George Levine and I have had several nice
conversationssince I received his application from Gilt

I an going to feature ho cartoons in each quarterly

    publication of THE CUB. Look in this one for the first one, George sent me a little more history which you will sue Bong with his first cartoon as published in this issue-- Thanks George, I know your talent shall drew up THE CUB and givethe members a chuckle of two.)
Brooks, Douglas

805 Creekside Dr. Memphis, TN 38117

81st ENG/A Karns, Russell J.

116 W. Siddoriburg Rd.
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Press time application, from Sherod Collins, more later.

81st Eng/B Carpenter, Edgar R.
1360 Chapel Pike
Marion, IN 46952

Solicited by Gilbert Helvvig

    After discharge attended Rose Huinum Institute Tech. Graduated December 1946 and joined the paper industry. After 22 years as Chief Engineer for Bell Fibre Products Corporation I am retiring June 30, 1988.
Martha and I love to travel and will certainly try to make it to Roanoke this next September

    (Ed. Note Edgar, your mention of Rose Poly tech in• saute brings back many memories of my childhood. I went to Glen High School, just a few miles east of Rose Poly. In my teens I used to sneak into Tony Holman's estate across the road and fish and swim in the large lake. After the war I played many rounds of golf at the country club or West of Rose Tech, I think it was called the Phoenix Club. I was not a member, but it was open to the public as I remember. (hose were the days when my drives used to slice into the rough I was impetuous enough to throw my driver halfway acrossthe course !now that I think of it, that could have been"post trauma stress.)I will be in Roanoke, get together. John Kline, Editor.)
81st ENG/C
Thompson, James L
Rte 2 Box 476
Galesville, WI 54630

%licked by Gilbert Helwig
    Gill, I am married to "Marian," have three children. Worked as a welder, truck driver and a musician. Retired two years ago. My wife works in a Division of Babson Brothers factory in Galesville, Wisconsin.
820 TD BN/C
Weaver, Donald E.
6455 Lance Ave S.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49508

    Solicited by Gilbert Helwig (Donald, nice to hear from one of the 820 TO men. Hope you know a few more who can join_ !blanks for joining. Give m a little background for the CUB. John Kline, Ldkor)
Miedema, Eldon L

Rte 2 W6658 C1H-D Holmes, WI 54636

Solicited by Gilbert Hehvig
    Gill, I am now retired. received a letter today from John Gatens (an Association member). He and I were in the same section, when we were wiped out at Baroque de Fraiture(Parker's Crossroads), Belgium or December 23rd, 1944, by elements of the 2nd SS Panzer Division.
We were at Gerolstein and Stalag 12A. Did not know until today that he stir-

vived. How exciting it was to hear from hint. Thanks for writing me, I am happy to joitt.
Davenport, Wendell D.
4516 South Albany
Chicago, IL 60632

Solicited by Gilbert 1-101wig

Thanks for joining us Wendell, let us hear a few words from you for the next CUB. DIV/ARTY
Camfield, Galen L
2732 Vermont St.
Joplin, MO 64814

Solicited by Gilbert I lelwig

    Gill, I retired in Oct 1984 from the Empire District Electric Co, Joplin, MO.with 44 years service. I was a line foreman for the company. My wife was retired from office work and had open heart surgery in Sept of 1984.

I an commander of the American &- Prisoners of War, the Southwest Mis-
souri Chapter Ax-POW. Captured by IN the Germans an December 16, 1944, Marched to three different prison camps.

    1)ditors Note--Gake, we marked you down as being in Division Headquarters Artillery, is that coned, or were you with one of the other units, likethe 589, 590, 591 or the 552nd !Ail
White, Mrs Wolfred K.

1639 ldylwild Dr. Richmond, KY 40175
Parquette, Mrs Roland

410 Super Street Mosinee, WI 54455
Marshall, Sandy (Milky)
PO box 1586
Lexington Pk, MD 20653

Adjutant Resigning, volunteer wanted

After years of dedicated service Sam asks for relief


    During the final Board Meeting in 1984 at Savannah, Georgia, I volunteered to be Adjutant of our Association to replace Robert W. Pierce, Sr., who repeatedly asked to be relieved and to also aid in keeping the late Richard DeHeer, Sr., on as our CUB Editor. I informed him that I would take on the Adjutant's job if he would remain as our CUB Editor. Our residences being near one another would facilitate the handling of any tasks and problems more readily.

    During the past two years I have found it difficult to keep up on my home work at both residences, here and in Florida. A lot more work has to be done on our new villa even though we have had it nearly a year. Also, just moving back and forth twice a year creates extra time and is time consuming in getting settled each time.

    Our membership has grown from 500 to over 1,000 in the four years that I have been Adjutant. Administering this number of people takes more time than I can devote to it. This workload along with bad health and eyesight makes it nearly impossible for me to keep up with my own housework which has been neglected during the past few years, as I was trying to do a good job as Adjutant.

    Therefore, in view of the above reasons, I do not wish to be appointed Association Adjutant at the next annual meeting, or thereafter.

You may wish to publish a notice in THE CUB asking for volunteers. Sincerely,


Samuel P. Cariano



Sherod Collins John Kline
The 42nd Annual Reunion
of the
106th Infantry Division
Roanoke, VA
Sept 14-18, 1988
If you haven't registered!
Contact Fred Farris, 104 Pinehurst St.
Salem, VA -- Tele: 703-389-2674
Special event

A real
Virgiania Hoe-Down
an Old Southern Pig Roast
Music and Dancing
Food, Fun and Fellowship
Thursday evening, 15 September, 7:30-11:00pm

$20.00 per person
38.00 per couple

cheeks payable to 100111 Infantry Division Association

a publication of the
106th Infantry Division
Association, Inc
1987 -1988

President Roger Rutland

1st Vice- Pres. Dr. John G. Robb

2nd Vice-Pres Orfeo E. Agostini

Treasurer Sherod Collins

Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano

Historian Sherod Collins

CUB Editor John Kline

Memorials Chairman .... Douglas Coffey
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
     Send editonal matter to: John P. Kline-Editor 5401 Upper 147111 Street West P'61-124.8"3r" Send business matters, inquiries, death reports, address changes to: Col. Samuel P. Cariano-Adjutant ilaaa~0-11aa 1i "'glOtCaJOU'''' ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE BY JULY 1 EACH YEAR.
Send membership dues and contributions to the Memorial Fund to: Sherod Collins-Treasurer 14=Vr:0744 404.928-.37
Make checks payable to -106th Infantry Division Association."
    Membership Dues $10.00 per year Associate Dues $10.00 per year Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year Sinn P. Cariano - Adjutant Board of Directors 1987 - 1988
Orleo E. Agostini A/81st ENG 202 Ellzebel=e, OA 31313
Benjamin B. Britton E/424 36 Warren 12nluburri, MA 01501
Col. Samuel P. Cariano DIV/HO 905 Par..P1,71-717.ig ech., FL 32937
Douglas S. Coffey C/590 .36 NM. Amel pogherloge, FL 33948
John R. Fritz H0/424 170 Shore tei::/zrrgr.r, OH 44049
Charles S. Gam H/424 153/11119110ridge P.MtAge Fall, 01144.3
Robert A. Gilder HQ 1BN/424 36303 Bohm Oe. 1114q19.11e. 01144039
John 0. Gilliland SV/592 605 lionhsidegv.;411;ssAse. AL 36330
John A. Gregory E/424 4824 Ashton OMS,Acgaznlo, CA 95564
Glen 0. Hartlieb SV/592 1.5 01NebslHig=7, IL 62249
William Lucsay 8/423 12612 South blooty,pe.,= IleigNs, IL 60463
Col. Joseph Matthews, Jr. HQ/422 Thomas J. Maw N592 43615leeel=c1117:. MA 02370
John F. McDevitt A/81st ENG 168 Queen Lene=each, DE 19971
Paul McMillan SV/422 254 Albernarl=e4Zoon, GP 01204
Dr. John G. Robb D/422 238 0e Vote ;kr, MeadvIlle, PA 1.35
Roger M. Rutland B/424 6832 Arcadia WoosrloVos1/1, Columbia,.25208
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIGNAL 6508 Welt Fligri=teg, IL 60856
    N. Duke Ward CO HO/81st ENG Van S. Wyatt G/424 "' 'mat5r1T813" 420" Edward Zoll HO/424 1016 A.4111 2161.14644313don, OH 4014

Index for: Vol. 44, No. 1, Nov., 1987

Index for This Document

106th Div., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 24, 42
106th Div. HQ, 42
106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, 33, 41, 44, 50, 55, 56, 57
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 26
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 17, 22, 24, 25, 44, 50, 57
106th Memorial, 40
106th Sig. Co., 1, 57
112th Regt., 6
14th Cav., 6
14th Cav. Gp., 6
168th Engr. BN, 6
168th Engr. BNs, 6
1st Div., 23
1st Inf. Div., 23, 52
28th Inf. Div., 39
29th Inf. Div., 17
2nd Div., 8, 23
2nd SS Panzer Div., 54
33rd Div., 52
422/K, 33
422/M, 46
422nd Inf., 29, 46
422nd Inf. Regt., 21, 25
422nd Regt., 21, 25
423rd Regt., 6, 19, 25, 41
423rd Svc. Co., 41
424/A, 39, 50, 51
424/C, 25, 29
424/D, 51
424/E, 51
424/G, 20
424/I, 52
424th Inf. Regt., 19, 39
424th Regt., 6, 17, 40
589th FA, 32
589th FA BN, 32
7th Armd. Div., 22
81st Cbt. Engr., 2, 7
81st Cbt. Engr. BN, 7
81st Engr., 8, 15, 30
Adams, John, 32
Adams, John, Jr., 32
Agostini, Orfeo E., 56
Amel, 57
Antwerp, 23
Aquitania, 1, 17
Ardennes, 7, 19, 40
Ardennes Offensive, 19
Australia, 24, 52
Azzi, Alighierd, 25
Bad Kreuznach, 25
Bad Orb, 47, 49
Baroque De Fraiture, 54
Bastogne, 7, 8
Battle of the Bulge, 24, 32, 39
Bavaria, 25
Belgium, 5, 7, 19, 23, 40, 52, 54
Berkery, Timothy, 52
Berlin, 9, 11, 13
Bickford, Tom, 42
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 37
Birmingham, 19, 38
Black, Ewell C., 36
Bloch, Jacques, 33
Bloch, Jacques W., 33
Borbely, Frank, 17, 20
Bordelon, Pvt. Sam, 19
Born, 45
Boyer, Rocky, 26
Bradford, Harvey, 17, 20
Brandenburg, 50
Braque De Fraiture, 32
Bremen, 34
Bremerhaven, 23
Breslau, 5
Britton, Benjamin B., 57
Brooks, Douglas, 53
Brown, Arthur, 32
Brown, Joe E., 31
Brown, Mrs. Leon, 6
Brummer, Harold, 42
Btry B, 589th, 32
Calais, 23
Calhoun, 1
Camp Atterbury, 17, 52
Camp Lucky Strike, 41, 50
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 21, 23
Cariano, Col. Samuel P., 56, 57
Cariano, Sam, 33, 34
Cariano, Samuel, 1
Cariano, Samuel P., 55, 56
Carpenter, Edgar R., 53
Carter, Tiller, 40
Cashman, John, 47
Cavender, Col., 41
Cheltenham, 38
Chipping Norton, 23
Co. D, 422nd Regt., 25
Coffey, Doug, 1, 26, 38
Coffey, Douglas, 27, 56
Coffey, Douglas S., 57
Collins, Sherod, 1, 20, 25, 37, 45, 52, 53, 55, 56
Dark December, 22
Davenport, Wendell, 54
Davenport, Wendell D., 54
Davis, Sam E., 41
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 41
DeHeer, Dick, 41
DeHeer, Majorie, 2
DeHeer, Richard, 55
Denmark, 23
Denny Landrum Ax-Pow Chapter, 25
Descheneaux, Col., 46
Div. HQ, 42, 54
Dresden, 11, 46
Edwards, Howard S., 34, 42
Egypt, 15
Eisenhower, Gen., 7
Elbe, 11
Elbe River, 11
Farris, Fred, 56
Foster, Bruce, 29
Foster, Cedric, 5
Foster, E. Bruce, 29
France, 8, 15, 33, 40
Freed, Charles, 29
Fritz, John R., 57
Ft. George G. Meade, MD, 17
Ft. Jackson, MS, 5
Ft. Jackson, SC, 5, 38, 40, 44
Gallagher, John, 36
Gardner, James, 45
Gatens, John, 36, 54
Germany, 2, 5, 11, 23, 24, 25, 40, 41, 45, 52
Gerolstein, 54
Gilder, Robert A., 57
Gorlitz, 25, 32
Gorlitz, Germany, 25
Great Malvern, England, 23
Gregory, John, 1
Gregory, John A., 57
Haas, Milton G., 31
Hammelburg, 47
Hanlon, John, 7
Hanover, 51
Harris, Rev., 19
Hay, Reuben, 32
Helmstedt, 25
Helmstedt, Germany, 25
Helwig, Gilbert, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Hendrickson, John, 30
Herndon, Don, 52
Herndon, Donald, 52
Herndon, Donald F., 52
Hitler, Adolph, 21
Hoinash, William, 42
Holder, Harry, 37
Holder, Mildred, 37
Holland, 39
Honan, John J., 50
Horan, Joseph, 44
Hursey, John B., 29
Inf. School, 17, 19
Israel, 4
Italy, 15
Johnson, Bill, 39
Jones, Alan W., 5
Jones, Gen., 42
Kapsalis, Thomas H., 45
Karlsruhe, 40
Karns, Russell J., 53
Kaufman, George, 29
Kaufman, George H., 29
Kelly, George, 29
Kline, John, 1, 22, 25, 33, 38, 42, 46, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56
Kline, John P., 56
Koblenz, 40, 46
Kreuznach, 25
Kwaczek, Carl S., 35
Langenlonsheim, 25, 26
Langlois, Leon, 51
Langlois, Leon J., 51
Lee, Frances, 34
Lee, Futrell H., 34
Leipzig, 38
Leisse, Leo, 31, 46
Lemmo, Louis J., 29
Levine, George, 1, 22, 23, 24, 52
Lewis, Charles, 18
Lewis, Charles R., 18
Limberg, 46, 50
Limburg, 9, 49
Linden, 34
Lion In the Way, 40
London, 1, 20, 21, 22, 24, 52
Long, Ivan, 1
Long, Ivan H., 19
Long, Lt., 19
Lorient, 40
Lorient, France, 40
Lothrop, Oliver, 22
Lucero, Isaac, 38
Lucky Strike, 41, 50
Lucsay, William, 57
Luxembourg, 5
Malmedy, 6
Manhay, 6
Marseilles, 15, 23
Marseilles, France, 15
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 57
Mauritania, 15
Maw, Thomas J., 57
Mayen, 40
Mays, Joseph A., 46
McDevitt, John F., 57
McGranaghan, David E., 43
McKay, Lt., 39
McMahon, Gen., 31
McMillan, Paul, 57
Meminger, George, 21, 22
Memorials, 56
Metz, 40
Miedema, Eldon, 54
Montgomery, Gen. Bernard, 9
Mosley, R. A., 35
Mosley, Ron, 35
Moyer, Rocky, 25
Muhlberg, 24
Muhlberg, Germany, 24
Myles Standish, 21, 23
Namur, 40
Nantes, 18
Naples, 15
Naples, Italy, 15
New Zealand, 38
Ninth Armd., 6
Ninth Armd. Div., 6
Nunnally, Calvin, 25
Oder, 5
Odessa, 15
Paris, 15
Patton, Gen., 22
Patton, Gen. Oliver, 22
Photos, 27
Pierce, Robert W., 55
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 55
Pip, Mayor, 26
Pip, Mayor Wilhelm, 26
Pitt, Thomas, 25
Pitts, Esther, 24, 25
Pitts, Mrs., 24
Pitts, Mrs. Esther, 25
Pitts, Thomas, 25
Pitts, Thomas W., 25
Pitts, Thomas Willis, 24
Poland, 1, 11
Polish Underground, 13
Port Said, 15
Poznan, 11, 13
Prewett, Ed, 35
Prewett, Reddie, 1
Prisoner of War, 9, 38
Puett, Joseph, 42
Raila, Frank, 42
Rarick, Clay, 36
Ream, 43
Ream, Granville C., 43
Rennes, 40
Rhine, 5, 40
Riggs, Col., 2, 8
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 7
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., Jr., 7
Riggs, Lt. Col., 1
Riggs, Lt. Col. Thomas, 6, 9
Riggs, Lt. Col. Thomas J., 7
Riggs, Lt. Col. Tom, 7
Riggs, Tom, 2, 7, 8, 9, 15
Robb, Dr. John G., 56, 57
Robb, John, 55
Robbins, Jim, 21, 22
Roster, 31
Ruhr, 5, 16
Ruhr Valley, 16
Runstedt, 5
Russell, Ray, 38
Rutland, Roger, 1, 55, 56
Rutland, Roger M., 57
Saarbrucken, 40
Saturday Evening Post, 9
Schnee Eifel, 5
Schoenberg, 46
Schoenk, Theodore, 30
Schuetz, Ken, 42
Schuetz, Kenneth, 42
Schuetz, Kenneth N., 42
Sharrow, Robert, 51
Sharrow, Robert L., 51
Sheehan, John, 51
Sheehan, John P., 51
Sheehan, John R., 19
Silesia, 5
Silvia, Manuel, 29, 35
Smith, Bill, 39
Spayd, Norman S., 36
St. Nazaire, 8, 15, 40
St. Nazaire, France, 8
St. Vith, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 26, 27, 38, 40
St. Vith Memorial, 26, 38
St. Vith, Belgium, 19
Stalag 12-A, 9, 50, 54
Stalag 4-B, 11, 46
Stalag 8-A, 37, 46
Stalag II-A, 50
Stalag VIII, 25
Stalag VIII-A, 25
Stargard, 50
Stars and Stripes, 23
Stavelot, 6
Stephens, Guy, 33
Strasbourg, 33
Strasbourg, France, 33
Switzerland, 24, 52
Teel, James Erwin, 29
The 106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 26
The Battle of the Bulge, 24
The Silent Snow, 22
Totura, Stanley, 46
V-2 Rocket, 21
Villwock, Russ, 31
Villwock, Russell, 39
Villwock, Russell H., 1, 57
Von Runstedt, 5
Wanless, Bill, 44
Wanne, 23, 52
Wanne, Belgium, 23, 52
Ward, Duke, 1, 57
Warsaw, 11, 13, 15
Wartenburg, 47
Weaver, Donald E., 53
Weisbaden, 34
Westort, Raymond F., 47
White, Rishel, 43
Widdicombe, Robert, 49
Widdicombe, Robert W., 49
Williams, Everitt M., 52
Wilson, William, 43
Wilson, William L., 43
Winterspelt, 50
Wojahn, Edward, 30
Wyatt, Van S., 1, 57
Yensel, Harvey, 49
Young, Ted, 25
Young, Theodore William, 24
Zematis, Joe, 21, 22
Zoll, Edward, 1, 57