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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 18, No. 1, Aug., 1961

President Ben Hagman
Vice President. Henry Broth
Adjutant and Treasurer. Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor Mayne Black The CUB is printed by --
The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the ad-Mane.
     With sincere gratitude, I have accepted the honor of being President of this Association for the coming year. I am grateful to have the good fortune of being able to work with the slate of officers shown above. As each of the officers has demonstrated in the past his ability and willingness to work, I can assure you I will do my best to properly fulfill the duties of this high office.
     Now for the benefit of those who were not present, I would like to make a report on the Reunion at Western Hills Hotel, at Fort Worth, Texas. First, financially, we cleared $4.95 over and above expenses, which of course, has been forwarded over to the Association.
     I want to thank General Motors for their furnishing three 1961 air conditioned Oldsmobile's, which were available to the members of the Association from Tuesday through Sunday. Also, wish to thank Joe Sherburn & Sons, Inc., publishers, who at their own expense printed the programs, name badges and registration receipts. Also, wish to thank Achilles Corccanges, manager of Fair Ridglea, for the favors furnished the Association and Woody Reid, Vice President of the Merchants and Farmers State Bank for the ball point pens supplied as favors.
     We wish to thank the Sheriff's Posse of Parker County for their fine hospitality and arrangements for reserved seats, splendid recognition of all the members of our organization while we attended their Rodeo here in Weatherford.
     A style show was presented by Nellie Jo Diamond on Friday afternoon at the ladies Sherry and Coffee, and wish to thank Mrs. Diamond and the six beautiful young ladies who modeled for us.
     As the result of the Channel 8, Dallas television -coverage, we had several come by Sunday that paid their dues in the Association and who would have attended the Reunion had they known about it in time.
     Juanita, Gary and I thoroughly enjoyed everyone at the Reunion, and want to express our thanks to all of those who attended for making the effort and sacrifice to come from the distances that many of you traveled. We are looking forward to the Reunion in Annapolis in 1962.
Ben Hagman
    Why not write and tell that Buddy how much you have enjoyed reading this CUB? A little urging may be all it takes to make him a member. . lo


Lou Rossi (H 424)
Eddie Collier (H 424)
Dick and Marge DeHeer and Ricky (K 424)
Ben and Juanita Hagman and Gary (Div Arty)
Tom and Flo Bickford (Div Hg)
Bob Pierce (81 Engr)
John and Kay Loveless, Kay, and Althea (R Hq 422)
Austin and Myrt Byrd (A 589)
John and Carol Beals (A 422)
Chester Smith (423)
G. W. and Joyce Stephens (H 424)
Henry and Eunice Broth, Ralph and Rita Kay (I 422)
T. Wayne Black (R Hq 422)
Louis and Marie James (A 422)
Joe and Anna Matthews and Bruce (R Hq 422)
Rev. John B. Day (Div Hq)
Bob and Barbara Lamb (Hq 590)
Jim and Maydean Wells (81 Engr)
Jim and Shirley Clark and six little Clarks (590, 592)
Alan W. Jones (Div Hq)
Alan W. Jones, Jr. (3 Bn Hq 423) E. M. Gore (589)
H. R. Shaw (423)
Doug and Carlene Morgan (424)
Jack Gillespie (C 422)

Year 1960-1961 (Volume 17)
Number issued 5
Total number of pages ..................72
Total cost
Cost per member 3.20
    The above cost includes 1,200 extra copies of the post-convention CUB mailed to all persons on our mailing list, whether renewed members or not. It also includes non-recurring expense in connection with production of plates for four-color cover.

    Send in that bit of NEWS today. The Editor will be glad to publish it in the next issue of the CUB. Include a picture of the family.

Lou Rossi, Henry Broth, Alan Jones, and John Beals pictured after the Board of Directors meeting.

    At the business meeting attended by all members of the Association who were present in Fort Worth, the following were unanimously elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association for the coming year.
Henry Broth
Jack Bryant.
Wayne Black
Dick DeHeer
John Gallagher
Jim Hatch
Ben Hagman
Tom Bickford
Doug Coffey
Leo McMahon
Jim Wells
Jim Clark
John Beals
Alan Jones
Bob Kelly
Bob Pierce

    Father Day and Ed Collier at their ease at poolside while Myrt Byrd and (background) the Beals and the James watch the swimmers.


Jack Middleton
John Shalhoub
Lou Rossi
Joe Matthews
Ed Collier

     At a subsequent organizational meeting, the new Board of Directors elected Ben Hagman as president and Henry Broth as vice president. President Hagman then announced the following appointments:
Adjutant and Treasurer...Dick DeHeer
CUB Editor ..............................Wayne Black
Chaplain ....................................John Loveless
Memorials Chairman............Doug Coffey
Membership Chairman...Joe Matthews

A merry group in the Penthouse.

     27 July 1961 2:45 p. m. 9 members present: Henry Broth, Wayne Black, Dick DeHeer, Ben Hagman, John Beals, Bob Pierce, Lou Rossi, Joe Matthews, Ed Collier.
    In the absence of a true copy of the minutes, a reasonable facsimile was made up from the September 1960 CUB. Accepted as read.
The treasurer's report was accepted as read. (A copy appears elsewhere in this issue of the CUB).
     The adjutant's report was accepted as read. It consisted primarily of the following items: 1960-61 membership ended up at 205 paid, 13 complimentary, and 43 auxiliary. Membership thus far for the 1961-62 year stands at 87 paid, 6 complimentary, and 24 auxiliary. This is about ten members behind the same date in 1960, but does not include approximately ten memberships paid at the Fort Worth convention.

OLD BUSINESS: The Baltimore chapter is ready with next year's convention.
Colonel Joe Matthews was selected as Toastmaster for the Saturday Brunch.
     Bob Kelly asked to be relieved of treasurer's job because of pressure of personal business. Members present were reluctant to let him resign as he has done such an outstanding job. Directors were made aware of the fact that whoever was selected as president would have to make an appointment for this job.
     Wayne Black gave a breakdown on CUB costs which were unusually low. Added to this was the fact that the CUB was very well done. Many thanks go to him and the printer.
     It was decided to make back issues of the CUB $1.00 per copy to any one not a paid member of the Association. A nominating committee was selected to consist of Wayne Black, Joe Matthews, and Ed Collier.
     The Board- of Directors approved the adjutant's suggestion that he be allowed to buy a hand addressing machine to help make his job a little easier. The adjutant will consult with others before spending any money foolishly.
Meeting adjourned 3:50 p. m.

Ed Collier, Austin Byrd, and Maydean Wells recall other times and other faces.


     July 28, 1961, 1 :00 p.m. Meeting opened by adjutant as Vice-President Ben Hagman had lost his voice. 25 members present.
Minutes were read and accepted. Adjutant's report was accepted as read. (Highlights in preceding article).
Treasurer's report was accepted as read. (Copy elsewhere in this issue of the CUB).
The membership and memorials chairmen were absent, so no report was made by them.
A report and discussion on the 1962 convention by Henry Broth was quite enlightening.
     As no one was prepared to take over the 1963 convention, it was decided to have reports next year on Memphis, Tennessee, Cleveland, Ohio, and Columbia, South Carolina. Columbia was suggested as 1963 will be the 20th anniversary of the activation of the 106th. Jim Wells will look into this. Ed Collier will check on Memphis as we were also once stationed in Tennessee. Bob Pierce will check on the Cleveland area since by 1963 it will have been four years since a convention has been held in the Upper Midwest area.

The Lovelesses ready to leave for home after the convention.
     Wayne Black gave a concise report on the CUB. Gen. McMahon suggested a rising vote of thanks to Wayne, which was done. The CUB printer was also commended.
     After some discussion on the book, "Lion in the Way," a motion was made by Austin Byrd, seconded by John Beals, and unanimously passed to buy any remaining copies available at a reasonable cost. John Loveless was appointed to contact the publisher.
     The nominating committee gave their suggestions on the new Board of Directors. At the request of John Loveless, his name was removed from the list and another name substituted in his place. The list of new directors were then elected unanimously. (List appears elsewhere in this issue of the CUB).
     Henry Broth suggested that publicity should be better organized. After some discussion, it was decided that all members should try to get some coverage on any 106th functions in their local papers and that publicity materials suitable for such publication should be included from time to time in the CUB.
A discussion was held concerning


the Memorial dedication, but in the absence of Doug Coffey, nothing concrete was decided.
     A suggestion by Tom Bickford that Christmas greetings be printed in the CUB was warmly received. A great majority of those present indicated by a show of hands that they would be interested in being included in this plan. (Complete details appear elsewhere in this issue of the CUB). The adjutant was directed to check on the price of 106th insignia decals for car windows.
John Loveless was appointed to serve as a resolutions committee. Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p. m.

28 July 1961, 2:30 p. m. 14 members present.
Minutes of the preceding meeting were accepted as read.
The Board elected Ben Hagman as President and Henry Broth as Vice-President.
President Hagman appointed the following:
CUB Editor ..............................Wayne Black
Adjutant Dick DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Membership Chairman...Joe Matthews
Memorials Chairman.........Doug Coffey
Historian ..............................Sherrod Collins

It was voted that the treasurer's job be combined with that of adjutant.
     In the course of the discussion, it was brought up that the adjutant and treasurer have not been bonded. President Hagman and General Jones each agreed that either of them would be willing to be personally responsible for any funds entrusted to the adjutant-treasurer.
A general discussion was held on means of attracting former members to become active once more in the organization.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p. m.

As Your Editor Saw It
     What makes up a convention? People, of course. The activities are enjoyable, to be sure ; the food may be good (this time it was better than that) ; the accommodations may be satisfactory (This time they couldn't have been improved upon). It's the people, though, that make or break a convention, especially one of the annual reunion type such as ours. This year it was the people surely that made it. What people? Every one would have his own answer, of course. These are just a few of the ones your Editor would mention, and we'll bet several of them would be on everyone's list. A poolful of little people, all named Clark. Alongside the pool posing prettily for the photographers John Loveless' two lovely daughters (they're going to have to change their last name; everybody loves them). At a poolside table, a birthday breakfast for Carol Beals -- her thirty. second, we'll swear. At an evening in the Penthouse John Loveless telling one and all what's in store next July in Annapolis, his charming wife mingling with everyone. There, too, the Jones boys -- two this time instead of the usual one (missed by everyone

This is the Texas welcome we received.


    though was the Jones girl who was our last December cover girl). In the midst of everything, one or another of those can't-do-enough-for-you Hagmans -- Ben, Juanita, or Gary, and let's not forget Ben's little brother --the old South and the new South at their best, all in one person. The Texas folk who hadn't been able to attend before (or didn't know of the Association's existence), among others the Lambs, the Conners, the Stephens. Who could ever forget Cesar Romero? At luncheon, genial Leo McMahon, responding to the welcoming speech of the Mayor of Fort Worth, forty-five minutes after the Mayor had to leave to get back to the City Hall to argue about streets and highways. The Bickfords, there as always, in the thick of things making their self-effacing contributions of gaiety and good sense, whatever the occasion called for. Those transplanted Marylanders, the Byrds, (he our former adjutant) with a promise to be back home next year. The Broths --four of them this time with the addition of Ralph and Rita Kay -- likewise selling Annapolis and telling everyone our slogan for the coming year. (It appears on our back page this time). Jack Gillespie making his usual appearance and eating hors d'oeuvres as though he was just out of the Stalag. How does cantaloupe taste with caviar, Jack? Dick DeHeer -- who could forget him -- working for the Association every minute and enjoying it every second; his ambulatory filing system, Marge, and his good will ambassador, Ricky. The jovial Matthews, Joe and Anna, and the newly appointed (and newly shod) deputy sheriff of Parker County, Bruce Matthews. We can't name them all -- we wish we could. Every one of them contributed to our good time. Next year we hope to have three times as many people, but three times as good a time will lay us flat. It just couldn't be.

     1. Be it resolved that this Association in convention assembled at Fort Worth, Texas, 27 to 30 July, 1961, extend its sincere condolences to Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin, a member and friend, upon the death of his wife;
     And Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this convention and that copies thereof be sent to General Perrin and published in the "CUB".
     2. Be it resolved that this Association extend to Ben and Juanita Hagman, co-chairmen of the 15th convention, its deep appreciation and thanks for their excellent work in planning, directing, and executing the convention program.
     3. Be it resolved that this Association in convention assembled at Fort Worth, Texas 27 to 30 July 1961, express its deep appreciation to Robert E. Sackett, formerly Co G, 422d Inf, for the excellent results he has achieved in publishing the "CUB" to the benefit and profit of this Association;
    And be it further resolved that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this convention and that copies thereof be sent to Mr. Sackett and published in the "CUB".
     4. Be it resolved that this Association express its thanks to the management and staff of the Western Hills Hotel for their cooperation and efforts in helping to make the 15th convention a success.
     5. Be it resolved that this Association extend to the outgoing officers and directors its thanks and appreciation for their work during the year 1960-61.

Don't forget your contribution to the Memorial Fund.




All Photos on these two pages -- Courtesy of Fort Worth Star-Telegram


     On a national broadcast, I recently heard as part of the program a form of musical quiz. The object was to identify well-known songs of a few years ago after the orchestra had played the music of the verses. With me, as with many of the contestants, the percentage of correct answers was small until the choruses were played. Then immediate identifications were made.
Is that illustrative, perhaps, of some aspects of our everyday existence?
     If we have known the whole facts or truth of a certain situation and have forgotten some of the underlying principles or details, we will be ill-prepared to accept full responsibility when circumstances require it of us.
     If we have known only a part of the facts or only a half-truth, we will be in no better position to act than if we were entirely ignorant.
    The essential thing, then, for each of us, if we would fulfill properly our part in the theatre of life, is to be prepared to perform the role assigned to us, whether it be that of the star or a stagehand.
"Speak the truth to one another, render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace."
Zechariah 8:16.
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Infantry Div. Ass'n

Plan now to make Maryland "Your Maryland" in July, 1962.

by AWJ
     At the successful Savannah convention last year, our next convention, which was to be held at Fort Worth in Texas, was described as a break with tradition and a test of the future of our Association. Fort Worth is a far piece from the large population centers and is off the usual routes to summer resorts, so it was feared that our meeting might end in disappointment. Not so. It resulted in one of our better reunions. The reasons are not difficult to discover: primarily, it was because of those who attended. When a number of our special type of people get together, a successful convention is assured. No elaboration or explanation is necessary when we say that the second reason was the Hagman family. And lastly, we all agree that we were in a grand hostelry in the great State of Texas. Our only regret of the week was that more of our members, young and old, did not see the Parker County Sheriff's Posse'. Rodeo. Not an amateur show was this one, but big league from start to finish. The type and quantity of publicity we received, resulted in a number of former members of the Division, and now important Texans, joining us. Altogether, a complete alphabet of an OK party.
     After leaving Fort Worth, we arrived at the airport with the blessing of Ben and Son. It was too early in the morning for all concerned, but we find that airline schedules are made by IBM machines and not by people. We asked the young lady at the desk for a hijack protection insurance policy, but she brushed it off with an extremely prophetic statement "You won't need that in Texas." And so into an Electra (a reinforced one) and home in four hours, where we found the temperature was the same as at out departure point but the humidity was exactly three times as high. And now, we turn from pleasure to


    duty. We feel that it would be nice of this column to set the feet of the readers of the CUB in the path of financial success. This would be of great benefit to them but also will assist our various governments by increasing income tax collections. So here is our tip on how to place one on the nose -- we mean our commentary on the current economic environment and the manner in which we shall hypothesize general economic trends for the immediate and intermediate future. This column has no secret methods. The system which it plays -- rather, the employment of statistical applications to political trends, as used by all investment counselors, is too complex to pass on to the average native. Our purpose is to make sense of these obscure evaluations and demonstrate their employment in a fashion which will assure you a quick fortune. Our economy is headed for certain and considerable inflation; and this statement is not for humor. Call it higher wages, larger dividends, or higher prices, it is still only a depreciated dollar. Watch this column, follow our advice and another reunion will see you arriving in your own yacht.

     The following requests and reminders are provided by Joe Matthews, who will lead efforts of the Membership Committee during the coming year.
First of all, forward your own 19611962 dues promptly, if you haven't already done so.
    Next, contact some of your old friends from the 106th and remind them of advantages and pleasures to be had from active participation in our Association.
     Finally, please be prepared to help distribute some publicity material and to follow up some suggestions for increasing membership and activity. These will be provided shortly by the membership committee.

    What a show! What a time! What a family of convention chairmen! Fort Worth was fabulous. The people who missed the 15th Annual Convention just will never know quite what they missed. Those of us who were there will never get through saying "Thanks" to the Hagmans. The accommodations were out of this world ; the meetings were on time and to the point; the food was good; the rodeo was a never-to-be-forgotten thrill ; the local publicity was the best ever; the memorial service was most impressive ; anything we have neglected to mention was just as good as the things we have listed.
     Now that Fort Worth and the 1961 convention are things of the past, we can start looking forward to 1962 and Annapolis. John Loveless and Henry Broth, in the manner of all good advertising men, have told us just enough to whet our appetites. Carvel Hall and Annapolis are places we won't want to miss. Plan right now to be there, come next July 26. Why not allow fo ra few extra days to include our nation's capitol and some of the area Civil War Centennial events in your 1962 vacation?
You haven't paid your 1961-62 dues yet? ? !! Pay them at once, or this is the last CUB you will receive.


Fifteen years ago -
     The first civilian issue of the CUB says: "The 106th Infantry Division Association will not attempt to adopt the "what's in it for me" attitude of some of the large Veterans' organizations. It will not attempt to lobby in Washington, to take a political stand right, left, or center. The 106th Association believes that the veteran is not a person apart, but an ordinary American citizen.
     "The Association desires as members those veterans of the 106th Infantry Division in whom exists a love of country and an esprit de corps found only among fighting men whose mutual respect and admiration has been cemented and established by their blood and suffering. It will exist ... to maintain, continue, and extend those friendships created as no other friendships can be, among those who faced death together on a foreign shore."

Ten years ago -
     Membership for the year ending 30 June 1951 dropped to about 675. Income for the year was $2,683.08. Memorial fund contributions were $522. CUB expenses were $2,076.54. The Pittsburgh convention had a registered attendance of 112. Glen Schnizlein was elected president; Maydean Wells was elected president of the ladies' auxiliary. Plans were announced for the 1952 convention to be held in Baltimore.

Five years ago -
     Membership for the year ending 300 June 1956 was 257, an increase of 45 over the preceding year. Income for the year was $1,661.71. Memorial fund contributions were $166.50. At the Atlantic City convention Larry Gubow was elected President; Austin Byrd was continued as adjutant; John Gallagher was named CUB editor. Ten new members were signed up for the Association at the Convention.

    We are pleased to be able to report that a note has arrived from Ben Hagman which states that after all expenses are in, the 1961 Convention shows a net profit of $4.95. In view of the small attendance, and the magnificent arrangements that prevailed throughout the affair, we believe this to be a splendid achievement.
Our youngest conventioneer, Ricky Clark, surveys the poolside scene.

     At the Fort Worth business meeting, it was decided in line with a suggestion by Tom Bickford, to make space available for Christmas greetings in the December issue of the CUB, to be timed to reach members about 10 December.
     Space rates will be $2.00 per column inch plus $3.50 for cut (any size) if desired. Desired copy plus a glossy print photo or snapshot (for cut if desired) must be in the Editor's hands by 31 October along with a check for the desired amount of space and cut if included. Make checks payable to 106th Infantry Division Association. If a snapshot is to be used, allow one inch plus vertical measurement of snapshot in calculating space required.


    410 (Editor's Note Again this year we are grateful to the convention chairman for turning over to us some of the correspondence received during the period when the planning for the convention was going on. Many of these letters are of such general interest that we are publishing them here).

Dear Ben:
I would like to contact or receive addresses of men who served with me in Item Company, 423d Infantry Regiment.
Some men's names were ? Burke from Kentucky, ? Bonetemple from Boston, Mass., and some from San Antonio, Texas.
     These addresses are necessary to establish a claim for a head injury. It certainly would be a pleasure to meet the buddies who served with me and talk over our experiences in general.
Sincerely yours,
Bruno Dubaich
15919 Harvest Street,
Granada Hills, California.
    (We hope that anyone who reads this and can help our fellow member of the 106th establish a claim for service-connected disability will contact him at once at the above address. Editor).

    I am using this impersonal way to contact the corresponding officials of a large number of Infantry and Airborne Division Associations.
     I am attempting to reconstruct the history of the Fort Benning Light Railway, the 60 centimeter gauge operation which carried students and supplies from 1919 until 1946, on the axis from the Main Post to Harmony Church. The end object is -- probably years from now -- book publication. I would appreciate it greatly if, either through your newsletter or at your convention, you would let your membership know that I would like to have their anecdotes, photos, or technical data, particularly in the early World War II years. If requested, material will be carefully returned.
Rolfe L. Hillman, Jr.,
Major, U.S.A.,
404-B Lumpkin Road,
Fort Benning, Georgia.

Contrary to rumor, that is not Tom Bickford standing directly behind

     Word has just been received of the death 21 August 1960 of Raymond H. Cook, formerly Tech 5th Gr in the 106th (unit not known). He died of wounds received during robbery of his grocery store at Rossville, Georgia. Our sympathies go to his widow, Juanita, and his daughter, Regina.

Dear Ben:
     As much as my wife and I would like to go west and be at the '61 convention, we will have to forego it this year. Although I have flown over Texas and spent one night while on government business, I haven't driven in your fair state since 1941. I know that we are going to miss a wonderful time and hope to see everyone in 1962. Maybe at this time we can get a gang from Jacksonville.
     We wish you much success with the convention and know from experience that you will be plenty tired after it is over. As a former member of Div


that it will be a great show.
Pete House.

Dear Dick:
Due to a heavy schedule that won't budge, I won't be able to be with you this year.
    By the same token, I don't really have the time to devote to the Treasurer's work and request to be relieved of my duties.
Hope every one has a good time. Sincerely,
Robert E. Kelly.
Green Park Hotel,
London, England.

16 July 1961
Dear friends:
     In the long history of our Association, I have missed only two conventions; but look at the one I chose to miss as the third. Probably every member of long standing has had a secret desire to be elected to office -certainly, that has been my desire -so when my wish is fulfilled, I'm among the absent.
     This is written in London where we have just returned from a four day stay in Wales where our 34 young people just won first place in a choral contest among 37 choirs from 17 countries. A California group was the other American entry.
     From here we fly to Amsterdam and then by bus to Bonn, Munich, Salzburg, Venice, Rome, Monaco, Geneva, and Paris. We fly home from Paris on 6 August.
     Each member pays about 1/3 of the trip cost with the remainder earned through singing appearances during the past three years. Helen and I are the only non-singing members. I as their business manager, handle all arrangements. They are a wonderful group and act as if I were doing them a favor. Crazy kids.
     There was considerable doubt last summer that we could get away for this trip ; otherwise I wouldn't have considered accepting an office. I hope you will forgive me.
     We will be thinking of you on the 27, 28, 29, and 30 and wishing the best for each of you. To those who have become our once a year habit, we offer our warmest greetings and to those we haven't met, let's hope we can meet next year.
Jim Hatch
P.S. After two years of absent presidents, I hope that you will be fortunate enough to pick a "live one" this time.

Hotel Concordia, Venice, Italy 26 July 1961
Dear Wayne:
     This is a fantastic trip. Arrived at our hotel yesterday by gondola. Except for the excitement and novelty of the transportation here, my first impression of Venice was one of disappointment. The buildings are very old and the parts that face the canals are not maintained. But, after dinner, when we walked around the corner into St. Mark's Square which is a huge paved area surrounded by a beautiful three story building on three sides and St. Mark's Cathedral at the end, with a hundred piece band playing in the center of the square and hundreds - maybe thousands - of people strolling about, I fell in love with Venice.
     Such a combination of beauty and squalor. Last night, after the concert, I walked back into the residential section where the buildings are 4 and 5 stories high and the street is only six feet wide. People live in cubicles that are old, dark, and very small. With no vehicles on the island, the streets are used only for pedestrians and, except for push carts, everything is carried.
This trip began at London, will cone


July 31, 1960 to July 15, 1961
Balance on hand, July 31, 1960 $3,21L83
Dues . $1,025.00
Auxiliary Dues 88.00
Memorial Fund Contributions 244.50
Supplementary Memorial Fund Contributions 115.00
Miscellaneous including profit on '60 Reunion 13.25
Corporation Trust Co., 1959-1960 $ 50.00
St. Vith Memorial for plaque and shrubs 200.25
Flowers for Co-Chairman, Savannah Convention 7.50
Cross Printing Co., April-June Cub, 1980 140.00
T. Wayne Black, July-August-September Cub 182.87
T. Wayne Black, October-November-December Cub 122.39
Douglas S. Coffey, Belgium trip 500.00
Richard DeHeer, Mailings 27.81
T. Wayne Black January-February-March Cob . 117.03
John T. Loveless Filing fees in Maryland 36.00
Richard DeHeer, Revise Addressograph plates 7.25
T. Wayne Black, April-May Cub 138.29
T. Wayne Black, June-July Cub 97.18
Total expense, 1980 to 1961 81,624.55
Net Loss for year 138.80
Balance on hand, General Fund $3,073.03
Memorial Fund in National Savings Bank of Albany MAO
Special Notes on Memorial Fund:
Ladies donated their Treasury in 1980 to Fund $ 343.82
Ladies 1960-1961 dues to be donated to Fund 88.00
Held in General Account July 31, 1960 for Fund 25.15
Contributions, 1960-1961 244.50
Held in General Account during year 816.27
Paid out for Memorial Fund purposes, 1960-1961
To Mr. Coffey for Trip $ 500.00
For Plaque and Shrubs - 200.25
$ 116.07
The above $116.07 is included in the General Fund Balance on Hand.
Respectfully submitted, ROBERT E. KELLY, 'Frew--,


    tinue to Rome, and will end after 30 days in a flight from Paris to home. Best wishes to you. I hope that you are continuing with the CUB and that my successor will be more punctual.
Jim Hatch.

    The following former members of the 106th responded to the notice concerning this year's convention which was inserted in the Legion magazine and some others. This might indicate that with a little persuasion, they might become members. How about writing them a note right now if you knew them during their service period? If there happens to be one of them living in your home town, pick up the phone and give him a call. A little urging might be all it will take. Wherever they give a unit designation, it is included in this list.
James P. Ford, 1829 S. Alden St., Philadelphia 43, Pennsylvania.
Richard E. Bartz,.216 Rustic Ave., Pittsburgh 10, Pa. (DHQ-AG).
Sebastian C. DeFranco, 4545 W. 88th Place, Hometown, Illinois.
Alfons P. Lerno, Star Rte. Box 23-B, Santa Margarita, Calif. (A 189).
Philip R. Leswing, 309 Red Barn ltd., Willow Grove, Pa. (B 592).
John F. Race, Genoa, Ohio.
Cletus G. Foster, R. R. No. 2, Pekin, Indiana.
M. O. Weatherly, Justice of Peace,* Hedley, Texas. (G 424).
Henry E. Freedman, 2241 A Lindmonl Circle N. E., Atlanta 5, Georgia (R Hq 422).
Raymond G. Hoversten, 609 Fourth St., S., Buffalo, Minnesota. (A 423)
Richard L. Emanuel, 8334 Temple Ra., Philadelphia 50, Pennsylvania. (2 Bn Hq 423).
Arnold E. Higgins, 1147 Bourland St., Waterloo, Iowa.
Captain Neil K. Farrell, Hq and Hq Co., U. S. Army Garrison, Fort. George G. Meade, Maryland. (3 Bn Hq 422).
William E. Po, 91 Summer St., Kingston, Massachusetts. (B 592).
Steve J. Osak, 2341 Geimer Street, Hamtramck 12, Mich. (C 591).

A birthday party Carol Beals won't forget.

JULY 26 to 29, 1962


Index for: Vol. 18, No. 1, Aug., 1961

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 16, 21
106th Infantry Division Association, 16, 21
423rd Inf., 17
423rd Inf. Regt., 17
Amsterdam, 19
Bartz, Richard E., 22
Beals, Carol, 8, 22
Beals, John, 3, 4, 5, 7
Beals, John & Carol, 3
Belgium, 21
Bickford, Tom, 4, 8, 16, 17
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 3
Bickfords, The, 10
Black, T. Wayne, 3, 21
Black, Wayne, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
Bonn, 19
Broth, Henry, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 15
Broth, Henry & Eunice, 3
Bryant, Jack, 3
Byrd, Austin, 5, 7, 16
Byrd, Austin & Myrt, 3
Clark, Jim, 4
Clark, Jim & Shirley, 3
Clark, Ricky, 16
Coffey, Doug, 4, 5, 8
Coffey, Douglas S., 21
Coffey, Mr., 21
Collier, Ed, 4, 5, 7
Collier, Eddie, 3
Collins, Sherrod, 8
Cook, Raymond H., 17
Day, Father, 4
Day, John B., 3
DeFranco, Sebastian C., 22
DeHeer, Dick, 4, 5, 8, 10
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 3
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 21
Diamond, Nellie Jo, 1
Div. Arty, 3
Dubaich, Bruno, 17
Emanuel, Richard L., 22
Farrell, Capt. Neil K., 22
Ford, James P., 22
Foster, Cletus G., 22
Freedman, Henry E., 22
Gallagher, John, 4, 16
Gillespie, Jack, 3, 10
Gore, E. M., 3
Gubow, Larry, 16
Hagman, Ben, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16
Hagman, Ben & Juanita, 3, 10
Hatch, Jim, 4, 19, 22
Higgins, Arnold E., 22
Hillman, Rolfe L., 17
House, Pete, 19
Hoversten, Raymond G., 22
Italy, 19
James, Louis & Marie, 3
Jones, Alan, 3, 4
Jones, Alan W., 3
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 3
Jones, Gen., 8
Kay, Ralph & Rita, 3, 10
Kelly, Bob, 4, 5
Kelly, Robert E., 19, 21
Lamb, Bob & Barbara, 3
Lerno, Alfons P., 22
Leswing, Philip R., 22
Lion In The Way, 7
Loveless, John, 1, 5, 7, 8, 15
Loveless, John & Kay, 3
Loveless, John T., 13, 21
Loveless, John T., Jr, 13
Loveless, John T., Jr., 13
Matthews, Bruce, 10
Matthews, Col. Joe, 5
Matthews, Joe, 5, 8, 10, 15
Matthews, Joe & Anna, 3, 10
McMahon, Gen., 7
McMahon, Leo, 4, 10
Memorials, 5, 8
Middleton, Jack, 5
Monaco, 19
Morgan, Doug & Carlene, 3
Munich, 19
Osak, Steve J., 22
Paris, 19, 22
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 10
Perrin, Gen., 10
Photos, 12
Pierce, Bob, 3, 4, 5, 7
Po, William E., 22
Race, John F., 22
Rossi, Lou, 3, 5
Sackett, Robert E., 10
Salzburg, 19
Schnizlein, Glen, 16
Shalhoub, John, 5
Shaw, H. R., 3
Smith, Chester, 3
St. Vith, 21
Stephens, G. W. & Joyce, 3
Weatherly, M. O., 22
Wells, Jim, 4, 7
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 3
Wells, Maydean, 5, 16