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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 23-Nov-2022
Vol. 16, No. 2, Feb, 1960

     The days have fast approached the end of another year -- Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, our own bleak Bulge Days and the Holidays. Let us not forget those of our friends who are not among the living. Let us be thankful for our many blessings. We had an early December 16th Reunion at our home with Abbe Harris, the Larry Walden's, The John Scalissi's and Enid and Les Crossman. It's always a pleasure having frequent reunions. Recently, I was in Lansing, our state capitol, on business, and as I was going into the Olds Hotel, I noticed someone familiar -- Larry Gubow. Had a few refreshments at the local pub and discussed much about our association. Always enjoy talking to Larry G. I would like to hear from members of the association -- their ideas on what is best to further promote our membership. We were sorry Larry Walden had such bad luck on the delivery of our last issue. I personally know how hard he worked, as all our editors, and tried to save expenses. Doug Coffey, our Memorial Chairman, will probably have word for you elsewhere in this issue, so I won't elaborate further on this subject except to remind you to send a contribution if you haven't done so. May I, in closing; wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 106 -- Blandon, Pa.

President Clifford Perras
Vice President Ben Hagman
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Larry Walden
Photographer Dave Brumaghin

Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.

     In getting further acquainted with DON W. KERSTEINER (2nd Bn Hq - 424) we found he was T/4 radio operator. Inducted 4 Feb 43 at Ft. Thomas, Ky., joining the 106th 31 Mar 44 at Atterbury. Don holds 4 battle stars. He sailed for Europe on the Aquitania in Oct. 44 and returned 8 Aug 45. He says there are no decorations known for Goldbricking. His discharge after his trip home on the Mormac port came 18 Nov 45 at Atterbury. He is married to the former Carol Haywood of Lewistown, Pa. As nearly as they can figure it, their first child was due to arrive Dec. 10, 1959. (Well?) He is employed by the Ohio Casualty Ins. Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Don received his B.S. (huh!) at Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio. His hobby, he says, is reading all the books he can on WW II. Steak and salad comprise his favorite dish. Red his favorite color, bowling and golf are favored sports with Marlene Dietrich. No, son, she's a favorite movie star! He enjoys Playhouse 90 on TV. Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe are favorite authors, the "Lion in the Way" and "Battle" by Toland are favorite books. Huck Finn is his favorite character in fiction. Cincinnati and New York are the "greatest" cities and Ben Franklin, he feels, was our greatest American. Don enjoyed Industrial Mgt. most in school. Mr. "K's" pet peeve is too much TV-ing and too little conversation
     His most lasting army experience, he recalls, was riding atop 7th Army half-track on retreat out of "Goose-egg" from Maldange to way past Vielsalm with 88's popping all around . . . his frozen feet and 4 patrols he went on carrying an SR 300 radio that never worked. Don lives at 645 Emerson Avenue, Hamilton, O. Says he will chew the fat via the mails with any old 106ers. In his words, he is a real `NUT' on the fond memories bit. (Editor's note: I wonder if he remembers me on our sojourn on the Riviera? I have pictures, and have often wondered what became of this guy?)
     From ALLEN L. LOWITH (Cn Co423) -- a Cpl was inducted initially 25 May 43 in Los Angeles and joined the 106th in May 44. He folds 4 stars, sailed with the


    Queen Elizabeth in Oct 44. Allen became a PW 16 Dec 44 and was interned at In May of 45 he was free -- they just took off by themselves in absence of guards! He returned stateside in June 45 and received his discharge at Camp Cooke, Calif 5 Dec 45. He holds the Purple Heart. Allen is married to a former Chicago girl, Jeri LOWITH. Self-employed, he is a manufacturer of aluminum windows and louvres. He enjoys Yami Yogurt, track, his camera and racing bicycles the most! His pet peeve? Americans getting too soft from easy living and fear of talking about any controversial subjects. (Such as?) A most harrowing army experience, he remembers, was when he and a Ray Reed (Cn Co) confused the German guards in P.O.W. Camp and brought in more food to keep alive, how they were shot at trying to go from various compounds to arrange deals on food from other nationalities . . .
     GIL MARCUS was somewhat brief, but told us this about himself. Personnel Officer in the 423rd, he joined the army 3 Nov. 43. He holds 4 battle stars and sailed on the Queen Liz 17 Oct 44. Holding a Bronze Star and Infantry Badge he returned to the states 27 Nov. 45 and was discharged 2 April 46 at Camp Grant. He, his wife, Muriel MARCUS, a Chicago girl, have two sons, Stephen MARCUS 16, and Stuart MARCUS 12. A University of Illinois graduate, Gil is employed at the United Felt Co. Steak is his favorite dish. Most preferred color is gray. Football is a favorite sport and reading his foremost hobby. He extends his good wishes to all members of personnel -- 423 and commends them for their outstanding work during The Battle Of The Bulge. He welcomes one and all to visit should they ever come to Chicago plus Greetings, to Sherod!
     BOB KELLY, our Association Treasurer, a 1st Lt and a member of Sv Co -423 Inf was inducted 1 June 42 in Detroit. He joined the 106th 10 Apr 43. He sailed on the Elizabeth, too, in 44. Holding the 4 stars, he became a PW on 21 Dec 44 and was released from Stalag VII-A (Moosburg) on 1 May 45 by the American 3rd Army. Returned to the states 9 June 45 on the USS Montecello, he was discharged 30 Mar 46 at Ft. Chaffe, Ark. Married to a Cincinnati girl, he and "Libby KELLY " have three daughters and one son. Bob was educated in law at the U. of Detroit and is now with the firm, Davidson, Kaess, Gotshall and KELLY! While he eats everything (let's ask Libby!) his favorite color is red; Hockey a favorite sport, golf a hobby. (Oh, that back nine!) Rebecca, he feels was a best movie and Huckleberry Hound is his most enjoyable TV fare. Abraham Lincoln is our greatest American in Bob's eyes and favored subjects in school were American Government and History. His pet peeve is his secretary when she doesn't speak to him. A most lasting army recollection was when a major told the 423rd A.T. Co Commander he was in the training area too early, but it was too late to go back to start over again. A mutual friend, by the way, "arranged" Bob's meeting his wife. .

Chaplain's Message
     A fire, blazing merrily in the fireplace, the unaccustomed silence with radio and television turned off, and a big comfortable chair provides the setting for some reflections on this windy, winter evening.
     As so many times since those 106th days, I see dancing in the flames scenes and events at Atterbury and Myles Standish, on the Aquitania, in England, France, Belgium and Germany, and especially in the Stalag. Pervading each scene is the intense feeling that at least some of those there present were possessed of a never-dying fellowship one for another.
     Our Division Association is one of the fruits of that fellowship; another is our Memorial Fund. In a most tangible way, the Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium will show that our comrades in the arms in the 106th Division, though asleep in death, remain with us in that fellowship.
     The continued interest of each of us in the Association and in the Memorial Fund, plus an effort on our part to reach those "Golden Lions" who are outside our Association, will insure that this fellowship will remain for all time.
"A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." -- Proverbs 16:9


by AWJ
     The city of Washington bears as little resemblance to the town of St. Vith as does the broad Potomac to the little River Our. The peoples who live on the banks of the two rivers are unlike politically, economically and in background. Even their holidays are different -- except for one day held holy in both countries. On the eve of that day fifteen years past, these two found themselves, very suddenly, on common ground not only in celebration but in surprise, apprehension and anger. The one, because of the fear of destruction by a people with whom they had the closest of blood ties, the other because their armies in Europe seemed abruptly imperiled. The fears of the inhabitants of the Our valley were realized, but the forebodings of those of the Potomac were allayed within a few weeks, and the end of the war could now be foreseen.
     Now, after half a generation, we are again treading common ground. Our Memorial is erected and stands complete on the college campus at St. Vith. Thanks to the vision and work of the Belgium Memorial Committee headed by Doug Coffey, our flag will fly side by side with the Belgium flag in remembrance of those who remained there. It will be permanently cared for by college personnel. It seems to us that it was the perfect way to use the funds remaining in our Memorial Fund.
     In our initial column in the last issue of the CUB we offered to answer questions asked the column. Since that issue was not distributed before the deadline of this one, it could hardly be expected that any letters would have been received. However, a letter did arrive with a question. It was not in response to our offer, the writer was not a member of the Division, so we shall leave him nameless. The question: "Was the Fifth Panzer Army a good one, or was it made up of old, worn out and ill-equipped second rate troops?" First of all it seems to us that if these adjectives described them, they were second rate all right. This is an easy one because it has already been answered for me. Many of you were in Philadelphia summer before last and heard our main speaker, General Norman (Dutch) Cota. Among other things he said "As time goes on and the military history department of the Army continues to research and prepare historical documents on the Ardennes Campaign, more and more students of military history are realizing the job done by the VIII Corps in the Battle of the Bulge. They are finding out:
     1. The German Army (Fifth Panzer Army) making the main effort of the battle of the Bulge (Head against the VIII Corps) was commanded by a general who had made a mark as an armored specialist and had achieved a big reputation for energetic leadership and personal bravery. His subordinate Corps Commanders were especially selected, and his staff was probably the best German staff on the western front. His troops were especially selected and equipped."
     That seems to dispose of that question. And now is the time to tell you to save your Christmas money and come to the convention next July. It will be at the beautiful General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, Georgia. This too far ahead to tell you? Look at everybody running for President already. Everything there will be arranged for your pleasure and you will have Jim Wells of Hepzibah, Georgia, too.

Oops, Sorry! Dept.
     Our apologies to the Frank Ringa's (H Co - 424) for failing to mention their presence at the 1959 Convention. They put in several appearances, matter of fact. We also put a lot of 422 men in the 423rd-- mass transfer, until noted by the good General McMahon. There are more . . . maybe?


Our Adjutant's Communique...
Dick DeHeer Calls A Spade A Spade.
     The 106th Division Association is made up of US! Unless each of US does a job in promoting this Association, it is bound to fall by the way. This association is a good one, but we cannot depend on any one person to carry it along. Each of us, with no exceptions, must do all he can to get our former buddies to join. We had so much in common at one time, there must be some little string that ties us together. The men in H-Co or K-Co 424 can vouch for this. I don't mean to pick out any one company or battery, but we all have our own idea of what makes up the 106th Div.
     We now have about 225 paid up members out of an "X" number of members who have passed through the Division ranks. That irks me no end. Who cares? I care! And I am sure many others care. So we must do something about it. There has been and still are many men who want our Division to carry on.
     Please let as hear from you. If each of you could have a copy of all the letters that pass between 106ers, you would be astounded at the interest in your Association. The rough part is that with the small amount of money we have to work with we can't send these things out. If you pay your dues and see that others do, we can print your news in the CUB's, and all of us will be able to air our views. There has been and always will be a difference of opinion. "Ooh, you should hear or read those letters!" This is good, only we don't get enough. Send in your ideas, and we will print them.
     Our latest CUB editor (no pay) has run into almost insurmountable difficulties. As a true 106er he got over them. How tough would it be for you to get those few $5's and keep us in the pink! (And in the black financially). As you know, we have a Memorial to the 106th in Belgium. Doug Coffey has done his usual good job in getting this done. Hope he has as much success in building his own home!
     After all this money, money talk, it seems wrong to mention anything else. However, Marge, Ricky and I wish all of you the best you have ever had for the NEW YEAR! -- DICK DeHEER

Search And Traverse
Can anyone be of help to a former Lion? He writes us as follows:
     "I was in the 106th Div., 423 Id, C-Co. I was in the Death March. We marched from St. Vith, Belgium to Mulberg, Germany. A German doctor told us that 150 men had to have their feet amputated. Did you hear of any statement to that affect? I have some pretty bad trench-foot, but must have proof of one man. Could you give me any information on this, or do you know of a fellow who was on that same march? I hope you can help me get the hospitalization I need to fix up my feet. Yours to a cinder." (signed) Vernon "Oxydol" Oftedah, 457 N. Glendale, Tomah, Wisconsin.
    . . . if anyone recalls this particular march, please contact Vern or this column. Perhaps someone you know of made the march???
* *
    . . . Whatever became of some familiar names, some not-so-familiar that have disappeared from our roster of members and known addresses. Does anyone know?
MELVIN A. MOSS (Flint, Michigan)
HERB EIDELMAN (Detroit, Mich)
ARLOS AWALT (Doole, Texas)
MARVIN BENOIT (Detroit, Mich.)
GLEN E. BERGE (South Gate, Calif.)
    . . . Our last mission turned up the addresses of Arvo Paananen. Gen. Mc Mahon has it and has promised to send it to us for publication.


     The response to the first and finally finished CUB was extremely gratifying. My sincere thanks to those so willing to contribute time and effort to answering many, perhaps moot questions, as well as congenially and quickly agreeing to submit material whenever asked. It was a warming, decidedly encouraging experience. There were horses of a different color, but those we dismiss. There's too much to be grateful for . . . . Mucho Gracias for the many Christmas greetings! May all of you and the collective membership enjoy a prosperous, enlightening and Happy New Year! Start the New Year off by getting some new member or a former member to renew his membership? Get after that Christmas card list Get 'em to join! Savannah is just a few short months away! Know an easier way to read about all your buddies? Let this be your PX. You'll save $5.00 in postage, so send it to us for your memberships . . . Anybody with snapshots they treasure and enjoy? Want to share them with the membership by sending them to us (with identifications) and well inaugurate a "Latrine Gallery." As my old 1st Sgt. used to say, `For this, I will make you Ballerina of the Latrine!" We can print them up, and then gladly return same ., . Get us a member! Get us lots of members and have your registration fee paid as a prize. Ben Hagman has already agreed that the member recruiting the most new or former members. attends the 1961 Ft. Worth, Texas Convention functions FREE. You pay rent! Jim Wells will agree unless he comes up with a bigger and better idea for SAVANNAH in l960!! So Move Out! On the Double! Viva La 106thl

Conversation Overheard In A Store:
"Do you have any four-volt, two-watt bulbs?" asked the customer.
"For what?" asked the clerk.
"No, two."
"Two what?"

     On a peaceful Sunday morning 18 years ago, when a balding, 51-year old brigadier general crawled into bed in his quarters - - at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He left orders not to be disturbed "under any circumstances."
     It was to be his first good sleep after several weeks of grueling maneuvers. His eyes closed as his head touched the pillow. He dreamed, he recalled later, of a promised leave and a trip with his wife to visit their plebe son at West Point. But the-dream was shattered by a hand on his shoulder and an aide's voice: "Sorry to disturb you, Sir. The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor. We are at war." Today President Dwight D. Eisenhower, like most Americans, remembers every detail of that moment as vividly as if it were yesterday. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called December 7, 1941 "A day that will live in infamy," and certainly few who lived through it have forgotten how war came to the U.S. You! Reader, where were you?

Savannah Bound, YO'ALL?
     All of us who served in the 106th made a lot of really fine friends during our service. It is only natural to want to continue these friendships . . . A very good way to enjoy them all again would be to make a concentrated effort to attend this summer's Reunion in the company of Jim and Maydean Wells down in Savannah, Georgia. Golfing, Swimming, delightful Southern cooking, activities galore. Jim'll tell you all about it next time out. In the meantime, take careful and lasting note of these dates. . .July 28 through July 31st!


So that we may better know the Lion, his lioness and his cubs, we must 'know . . . THE LION IN HIS DEN

Bob Lyons (Regt. 424), 1906 Glasridge, Houston 24, Texas
     This five I'm sending is not your Christmas present. Sorry I'm so late with the dues but' didn't handle it promptly so it ended up like everything else I do . . . late! I've just finished two weeks of jury duty. We will try to make Fort Worth in '61 and expect to see you in Houston also either before or after. (I think you do a fine job as 'editor even if your typing is lousy!)

Glenn Schnizlein (Co F-423), 1460 N. Webster St., Naperville, Illinois
    Congrats on the success of the 1959 convention and on the first issue of the Cub . . . Regretted our inability to come to the convention. Will look forward to ...hearing about all the old friends through ''the. CUB. I'd also like to Congratulate Doug on the progress of the Memorial.
Delighted to see the whole organization behind it.

Curt Lindsey (Co H-424), 14-No. 1, Box 208, Waco, Texas
    I noticed the 106th convention is invited to Fort Worth in 1961, so maybe I can make it. That is about 90 miles from where I live. I am still milking cows, 56 at the present and farming too. So that keeps me pretty busy. We will be looking forward to seeing you in '61!

Dick Bredemus (Med Det-424) 2541 Monroe N.E., Minneapolis 18, Minn
    Our eldest joined the army, isn't through basic, but is costing home for Christmas. Hope you have a real nice New Year. Our baby was four on the 13th, hope that's the last! .(The last of HOW many, Mrs. Tim? Is it six or seven???)

Bob Hunt (Div Med Sup Off 331) 5224 New York Avenue
La Crescenta, Calif., Built our new home here, six miles from Pasadena. When ya gonna come see us!!!

Dr. and Mrs. John B. Toussaint (Per. 424) 4133 Green Avenue, Madison 4, Wisc.
    "The printers were late and we were later in writing our Season's Greetings. Detroit in October I had a fine phone conversation with Curt Crowell, Personnel 424. Sorry I couldn't get to Chicago for the Division Convention. We're expecting No. 2 child next May, and currently are highly entertained by a boxer pup (40 lbs worth) being tormented by our kindergartener Greg."

R. A. Grosjean (Hq 3 Bn-422), Rt. "Hursh Road, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
    I'm in the construction business with my father. Business is good. I finally got married (Nov. 15, 1959) to the sweetest little girl you ever saw. We hope to come to the convention next summer. Sorry I'm late with sty dues but we were honeymooning!

Harrison C. Tissot (Co C - 422), 6727 Merwin Ave., Cincinnati 27, Ohio
    I hear from several of the fellows at Christmas. Melvin Crank, Personnel officer and Regt. Adj. of 422 is in Germany with his family. His latest address is Maj. M. N. Crank, USA Int MP & SP WPNS School, Europe, APO No. 172, New York, N.Y. Another buddy looked me up while passing through Cincinnati. Lowery B. Andrews, Co C - 422, his address is 11 Hazel St., Norwalk, Connecticut. I suggest any members who would like addresses of former buddies to write to the CUB ., .

G. W. Jones, Jr. (Svc Co - 423), Care of Post Office, Loris, S.C.
    Still carrying mail on Rt. No. 3, Loris, South Carolina. Have two fine boys one 10 and one 6. Anyone going to Florida, . on U.S. No. 17, stop by and see us.


From Our Auxiliary President
There is little news from this end . . . Had a note from Jean Pearce, said they were all fine.
    We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year, also to bear in mind July comes mighty soon, so keep the Savannah date marked on the calendar. Be seeing you all, I hope Sincerely,

     If your gravy should get greasy, the extra fat can be removed by stirring a few ice cubes into it for a minute. Remove cubes and hardened fat.
A tablespoon of butter added to a batch of jam will prevent foaming and eliminates skimming.
Adding meat tenderizer while parboiling beans for baking shortens cooking time.
Milk can be soured quickly by putting 2 tablespoons vinegar in measuring cup. Fill with milk and warm slightly.
Square biscuits taste as good as round ones and are easier to cut. There are no leftover' scraps either.
If your turkey or pie shell is browning too rapidly, put a piece of aluminum foil over the brown section.

     Between the dark and the daylight. When most of us feel pretty sour. Comes a lull for a lively liberation. That is known as the cocktail hour. It is then that the orange-tree blossoms--and lemons appear by the score. The Figidaire's merry with music--and cracker crumbs cover the floor . . . The Bacardi flows like Niagara--the gin bottle gurgles its tune. The grenadine's red as a rose-bud--rare as a day in June. The ice has now frosted the shaker. The glasses go clinkety-clink. And when that first cocktail goes in you -- you know you've guzzled a drink . . . A feeling of joy sneaks upon you. Your black flag of trouble is furled . . . In other words, baby, you're cockeyed. And everything's right with the world!

     Kris, five, had cut her finger in the morning and her injury had served as her main topic of conversation for the rest of the day. Now, at bedtime, she rose from her cross-legged position in front of the television and thoughtfully remarked. "This has been a funny-feeling day. First I felt my heart in my finger, and now I feel ginger ale in my foot."
     Hey gals, on your shopping tours, have you noticed a new brand of tuna on the shelves? It's called "Geisha" . . . an import product from Japan! We find it most tasty, as well as easy on the budget besides that it will help with the diet too . . . it's packed in water 'stead of oil. Look for it!
     Ladies, Ladies, Ladies. . please help me! I'm up to my neck in correspondence. All from the fellas and not one teeny tiny little note do I find here from you to hang- on to, nothing to save me from being swallowed up in this sea of Lion's Tales ., . Besides not being able to save face! I practically got down on my knees for this page, so we could keep a, finger in the pie too . . . Take a minute out while you are smoking that cigarette or having that extra cup of coffee and drop a line or two . . . Tell me to drop dead, anything just so we get something to put in print . . .
JEANNE (House Maid's Knees) WALDEN

Good For Your Cub Scout Or Brownie Den Too . . . .
     Any small, discarded lamp shades around? Remove the covering and enamel the wire parts. Line it to match or contrast with your curtains or bedspread and you have a letter basket . . . For a hanging basket: after enameling the wire parts, insert a plastic container or an enanielell, coffee can to hold water and a plant. Hang it by a chain or cord fastened to each side of the transformed shade. .


Awaits Finishing Touches
    DOUG COFFEY forwarded us a copy of the letter sent to him by the architect in St. Vith. It reads as follows: "Herein enclosed, you will find photos of the finished Memorial. It will look more complete when the plaque will have been fixed. Now about the cost of making a plaque here at St. Vith: 1 Slate 25 x 30 -inches equals 250 Fr. 2. Letters a) made of bronze (up to 2") equals 20 Fr. b) cut into the slate (2") equals 10 Fr. c) Standing out equals 15 Fr. fixing of plaque equals 200 Fr. (1 Dollar equals 50 Fr.)
    As soon as we have your text (for the plaque) we shall have the plaque ordered. May I hope you will send the amount we need for the purpose? We would be glad to see waving over the Monument the flag which has been waving over Washington. The construction has been paid now. If you could find a small sum for a little park around the Monument, this "American Corner" would be one of the finest at St. Vith. If I may 'trouble you for that, too, I am most grateful. Sincerely yours."
    The membership is hereby invited and urged to compose some wording for the plaque or let your ideas on the matter be known regarding both the plaque and the park. What say you? Sound Off!!


We Heard From A Captain . . .
December 8, 1959
Dear Mr. Walden:
I was more than happy to receive your letter of the 16th and appreciated you writing me as you did.
    I read through "The Cub" which you enclosed and feel that you are certainly on the right track. I hope you will be most successful in this endeavor.
Mr. Larry Walden
"Cub" Editor
6930 So. Clyde Avenue Chicago 49, Illinois


Index for: Vol. 16, No. 2, Feb, 1960

Index for This Document

3rd Army, 3
7th Army, 2
Andrews, Lowery B., 11
Aquitania, 1, 3
Ardennes Campaign, 5
Awalt, Arlos, 7
Battle Of The Bulge, 5
Belgium, 3, 7
Belgium Memorial Committee, 5
Benoit, Marvin, 7
Berge, Glen E., 7
Bredemus, Dick, 11
Brumaghin, Dave, 1
Coffey, Doug, 1, 5, 7, 14
Cota, Gen. Norman (Dutch), 5
Crank, Maj. M. N., 11
Crank, Melvin, 11
Crossman, Enid & Les, 1
Crowell, Curt, 11
DeHeer, Dick, 7
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Eidelman, Herb, 7
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 9
Fifth Panzer Army, 5
Fort Sam Houston, 9
Germany, 3, 11
Grosjean, R. A., 11
Gubow, Larry, 1
Hagman, Ben, 1, 9
Harris, Abbe, 1
Haywood, Carol, 1
Hunt, Bob, 11
Jones, G. W., 12
Kelly, Bob, 3
Kelly, Libby, 3
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kersteiner, Don W., 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 3
Lindsey, Curt, 11
Lion In The Way, 2
Loveless, John, 1
Lowith, Allen L., 2
Lowith, Jeri, 3
Lyons, Bob, 11
Maldange, 2
Marcus, Gil, 3
Marcus, Muriel, 3
Marcus, Stephen, 3
Marcus, Stuart, 3
Matthews, Anna, 12
McCollum, Vollie, 7
McMahon, Gen., 5
Moss, Melvin A., 7
Mulberg, Germany, 7
Myles Standish, 3
Paananen, Arvo, 8
Pearce, Jean, 12
Pearl Harbor, 9
Perras, Cliff, 1
Perras, Clifford, 1
Queen Elizabeth, 3
Reed, Ray, 3
Ringa, Frank, 5
River Our, 5
Riviera, 2
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9
Scalissi, John, 1
Schnizlein, Glenn, 11
St. Vith, 5, 14
St. Vith, Belgium, 3, 7
Stalag VII-A, 3
The Battle Of The Bulge, 3
Tissot, Harrison C., 11
Toussaint, Dr. & Mrs. John B., 11
USS Montecello, 3
Vielsalm, 2
VIII Corps, 5
Walden, Jeanne (House Maid's Knees), 13
Walden, Larry, 1, 15
Wells, Jim, 5, 9
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 9
West Point, 9